Copa America 2015 | Tournament over, Eboue misses the final, everyone lols

Nah, I'm sure @Marcosdeto appreciates that take. No issue with players getting called scum. We'd rather scum than sissies.

I don't think you guys understood the underlying issue with Marcos' frustration last night: non-South Americans have no business telling us how we should play football in South America. If you don't like it you can feck off as far as we are concerned. I don't see anyone having the honours that would suggest they know better.
You're a bit precious, aren't you? No one's telling you what to do or what not to do. We're just stating what we see which is a bunch of grown men acting like buffoons, play acting, falling to the floor with the slightest of contact, fingering each other, bordering on sexual assault. Nowhere did I nor the others last night say it was limited to South America but this thread is guess what... about South American football so excuse us for talking about it now.
Nah, I'm sure @Marcosdeto appreciates that take. No issue with players getting called scum. We'd rather scum than sissies.

I don't think you guys understood the underlying issue with Marcos' frustration last night: non-South Americans have no business telling us how we should play football in South America. If you don't like it you can feck off as far as we are concerned. I don't see anyone having the honours that would suggest they know better.
This is an international forum for a football club based in England though, so you should expect different views. If you don't like views from around the world, you should probably stick to South American websites.
I never liked it when United players did it or when Chelsea do it, but at the Copa it's after practically every nothing tackle, and right up in the refs face, he'd be well within his rights to send most of them off immediately, that's not passion IMO, it's immature and a lack of professionalism.

It's what they get every week. I don't see any refs complaining about it, just foreign fans who don't get it.

I watch plenty of football, I know play acting exists across all leagues now, but it's been again a whole other level here, the extent of it is non stop and even more sleazy and devious than in La Liga, it just tarnishes the game which is shame given the talent on display.

I think you guys are completely overdoing it. I'm not seeing any more playacting than in any regular European game. It may be more frequent given the higher frequency of strong challenges, that's all.

It's not a non-contact sport, it never was. The ones interested in making it so are the moneymen that have turned football into a huge industry. Injuries are a lot more costly today, so more is done to prevent them. It has nothing to do with footbaall or players, it's just an agenda that has been driven by economic interests.

I can't believe you are trying to find any justification for sticking a finger up a guys arse, Jarra should be banned from international football for a year, totally unacceptable period.

I'm not justifying it, I just think gamesmanship is part of the game. It's not all tekkers and dribbling, but mental strength, character, determination... Trying to wind up your opponent is part of all that. If the ref catches him he should be sent off. But once the game is over, we live by "what happens on the pitch stays on the pitch".
Let me guess @antohan, Suarez did nothing wrong in 'winding up' Evra by calling him a negro?
This isn't a South American forum. If you don't like reading non-South American views then you can feck off as far as the rest of us are concerned. Nothing wrong with what was said last night.

We don't have aa problem with non-South American views, obviously. What we tend to find completely lacking is empathy and awareness that there are all sorts of factors that have to be taken into account (culture, history, national identity...).

We keep trying to get people on here to look at the different perspectives, but we just get treated like neanderthals. There's no right and wrong in this, there's preferences, what I find bizarre is that Marcos, George, myself... we've all expressed similar preferences, it's just random outsiders telling us "we are wrong" and that football needs reforming to uphold "the right views".
We don't have aa problem with non-South American views, obviously. What we tend to find completely lacking is empathy and awareness that there are all sorts of factors that have to be taken into account (culture, history, national identity...).

We keep trying to get people on here to look at the different perspectives, but we just get treated like neanderthals. There's no right and wrong in this, there's preferences, what I find bizarre is that Marcos, George, myself... we've all expressed similar preferences, it's just random outsiders telling us "we are wrong" and that football needs reforming to uphold "the right views".

Who is treating you like a neanderthal? Easy on the dramatics.
Let me guess @antohan, Suarez did nothing wrong in 'winding up' Evra by calling him a negro?

It wouldn't be an issue here. That said, he was playing in a country and league where it is an issue, there's a campaign revolving around it. He should know better. I actually find he was more in the wrong in not acknowledging it, apologising, but instead going off on some intricate conspiracy theory. He is not particularly intelligent though, that much is clear to all.

What I find completely baffling about it all is how nobody at Liverpool Football Club knew any better. It was bizarre.
Who is treating you like a neanderthal? Easy on the dramatics.

It's the usual. I can't be arsed to look it up, but when @George Owen made a case for Jara's gamesmanship someone asked him where he had been born, as if it were surely some backward uncivilised place. When you persist, that is usually followed by "what do they put in the water down there?" or similar. And so on. It's funny people seem so big on anti-racist agendas but don't have a problem constantly making broad brush negative remarks about entire countries and continents.
It's the usual. I can't be arsed to look it up, but when @George Owen made a case for Jara's gamesmanship someone asked him where he had been born, as if it were surely some backward uncivilised place. When you persist, that is usually followed by "what do they put in the water down there?" or similar. And so on. It's funny people seem so big on anti-racist agendas but don't have a problem constantly making broad brush negative remarks about entire countries and continents.

I didn't see that exchange but nothing about last night's kerfuffle was in any way racist. And gamesmanship is a nice euphemism for sticking a finger in a another dude's butt.
It's what they get every week. I don't see any refs complaining about it, just foreign fans who don't get it.

I think you guys are completely overdoing it. I'm not seeing any more playacting than in any regular European game. It may be more frequent given the higher frequency of strong challenges, that's all.

It's not a non-contact sport, it never was. The ones interested in making it so are the moneymen that have turned football into a huge industry. Injuries are a lot more costly today, so more is done to prevent them. It has nothing to do with footbaall or players, it's just an agenda that has been driven by economic interests.

I'm not justifying it, I just think gamesmanship is part of the game. It's not all tekkers and dribbling, but mental strength, character, determination... Trying to wind up your opponent is part of all that. If the ref catches him he should be sent off. But once the game is over, we live by "what happens on the pitch stays on the pitch".

I get it just fine, the fact you think abusing refs constantly and gamesmanship are part of the game and acceptable is just unfathomable to me, but I'll let it be at that.

As for football not being a non contact sport, I never said it was, but what I saw in the Chile vs Uruguay and Argentina vs Colombia games was not sporting physicality, they were dirty and dangerous tackles with no purpose but to damage the opponent.
I didn't see that exchange but nothing about last night's kerfuffle was in any way racist. And gamesmanship is a nice euphemism for sticking a finger in a another dude's butt.

Yeah, it was quite OTT :lol: But that was my point to begin with: it is a long-standing thing, it emerges every time we have a Copa, or Suárez does something stupid, etc. Marcos has been pissed with people and their high horses on all things South American for some time now, so yesterday was probably the perfect storm for it all to pour out. I'd agree it was disproportionate (particularly the tallying up of idiots :lol:) but, in context, it didn't surprise me one bit.
I get it just fine, the fact you think abusing refs constantly and gamesmanship are part of the game and acceptable is just unfathomable to me, but I'll let it be at that.

As for football not being a non contact sport, I never said it was, but what I saw in the Chile vs Uruguay and Argentina vs Colombia games was not sporting physicality, they were dirty and dangerous tackles with no purpose but to damage the opponent.

And those should be dealt with, and carded, we agree on that. When the clear and sole intent is to take a player out of the game through injury you belong in the showers AFAIC.
Yeah, it was quite OTT :lol: But that was my point to begin with: it is a long-standing thing, it emerges every time we have a Copa, or Suárez does something stupid, etc. Marcos has been pissed with people and their high horses on all things South American for some time now, so yesterday was probably the perfect storm for it all to pour out. I'd agree it was disproportionate (particularly the tallying up of idiots :lol:) but, in context, it didn't surprise me one bit.

But again, we weren't the idiots because we didn't say anything racist. We simply commented on what was in front of us.
Well, that was quite a scrappy half, overall. Brazil have had quite a few good build-ups that get broken down by sloppiness in the final third. Paraguay started off well in opening up Brazil and taking advantage of the full backs and midfielders pressing too high up. However, this Brazil team combines quite well with the players in good chemistry with each other, particularly the left side. Paraguay struggle to stop Brazil from passing the ball around, but their aggressive approach is useful in stopping Brazil from gaining some momentum in their game. Also, whenever Brazil don't have the ball, they drop deep to add numbers at the back and keep things compact, which has pretty much made the Paraguayans lose ideas on how to open up Brazil.

Firmino hasn't been that good as the leading striker. He's been quite sloppy on the ball, and he just doesn't look suited to that role. The defence has done a good job against Paraguay, but they still look unsettled in set pieces. Paraguay have some decent organization off the ball, but Brazil's quick passing and movement has caused problems, which is why they seem to foul the players more often.
This isn't a South American forum. If you don't like reading non-South American views then you can feck off as far as the rest of us are concerned. Nothing wrong with what was said last night.
non south american views? i dont mind reading "non south american" views, i mind reading disdainfull views about south america

are you wih someone smart enough to understand the difference? maybe he will have enough patience to explain it to you

number 3
But again, we weren't the idiots because we didn't say anything racist. We simply commented on what was in front of us.

This is what started it, right after that Ospina save hitting the post and going across the face of goal, not the best time to wind him up.

These South Americans are experts at diving, play acting and general thuggery.

All negs, no room for any redeeming traits like passion, creativity, competitiveness... I think we saw that yesterday too, didn't we?

The rest was just pretty mental, I agree.
non south american views? i dont mind reading "non south american" views, i mind reading disdainfull views about south america

are you wih someone smart enough to understand the difference? maybe he will have enough patience to explain it to you

number 3

:lol: Why did I tag you?

We were getting somewhere :lol:
More of the same at the moment. Paraguay are targeting the full backs and taking advantage of them pushing up, whilst Brazil are just being quite sloppy on the ball right now and struggling to build up due to Paraguay's pressure.
This is what started it, right after that Ospina save hitting the post and going across the face of goal, not the best time to wind him up.

All negs, no room for any redeeming traits like passion, creativity, competitiveness... I think we saw that yesterday too, didn't we?

The rest was just pretty mental, I agree.

And? If we were watching the Gold Cup and similar play acting diving and general thuggery occured, you would see the same sentence.
Look, marcos. Grown ups are trying to have a discussion here. Why don't you go easy on the insults and practice your counting skills somewhere else. I'm sure there is a relevant Sesame Street episode.
Look 3. I'm staying, if you don't like it, dont let the door hit your fat arse. And really, ask someone old enough to explain you the difference between "non south american views" and "disdainfull views about south america", someone in your continent may understand it, because these europeans are thick as a brick
This drama is more interesting than the match
Look 3. I'm staying, if you don't like it, dont let the door hit your fat arse. And really, ask someone old enough to explain you the difference between "non south american views" and "disdainfull views about south america", someone in your continent may understand it, because these europeans are thick as a brick

I asked you several times to explain your position and all you did was insult me and others. Antohan, though I don't agree with him, is at least willing to discuss the subject like a grown up. Thus I have chosen to continue the discussion with him and not you. You may not like it but it would be polite for you to at least ease up on the insults and let us discuss in peace.