Copa America 2015 | Tournament over, Eboue misses the final, everyone lols

Curious how it would've been mentioned in the ref's report

First game of CA I've watched this year, managed to survive through first half only. The amount of antics, diving, kicking shit around is so pathetic I couldn't bother myself to watch the second half where it only gets worse.
First game of CA I've watched this year, managed to survive through first half only. The amount of antics, diving, kicking shit around is so pathetic I couldn't bother myself to watch the second half where it only gets worse.
I havent watched any CA so far either. Football purists always go on about the unending drama, hotly contested affairs, feiry actions and comedic antics that occur when South American teams go at it. Truth be told, if I wanted any of this, I'd go and watch latin soap opera.
Let´s be honest. That fits anywhere from actual bodily harm to sexual assault.
Wait, so Jarra fingered him, Cavani didnt do anything, Jarra fell to the ground and Cavani got the red card? :lol:
No Cavani touched his face. Barely touched him at all, but it was enough.

fecking idiot. This is the same Jara who squeezed Suarez's balls in 2011 prompting him to throw a punch at him. I can see a ballsqueeze requiring more desperate instinctive reactions, but a finger? Just stay put and take it, err, like a man.
Brazilian refs are always massive homers in knockout stages, they know it's Conmebol they have to please. They are otherwise very good though, must be said, but whenever the home team may need some help rest assured they'll be appointed and do the job.

The stadiums are completely empty bar Chile games. Join the dots.
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Let´s be honest. That fits anywhere from actual bodily harm to sexual assault.

Or within the definition of "things that happen on the pitch" which I'm said to condone when I argue against Suárez being the worst possible kind of human being.

I don't expect Conmebol to do anything about it (I would like consistency, but that's never going to happen). Jara did his bit to rile up Cavani and got away with it (including an actual proper slap which prompted the ref only giving him a talking to immediately before this). That, having homer refs... it's all part of football, always has been, and you just have to get on with it AFAIC.
I'm now in two minds: who will be more unbearable: Chilean fans if they win it, or Messi fanbois on here if he finally wins a tourno?

Chileans are the most insufferable fans ever (TM) even more so than the Mexicans who at least have won some Gold Cups. It was funny how they stopped their Oles when 1-0 up and facing nine men just because someone skied a ball way off target :lol: Deluded cnuts the lot of them.

I suppose I'll just have to avoid the caf or certain threads with the others. Sounds easier and a more compelling case.
Stop crying man. Uruguay has won shit-load of trophies, most of them with help, and playing some ugly as football. Where are your football leaders now? running from the FBI. So man, don't be so CARA DE RAJA, and take it like a man.

I think from now on, it will take more than just kicking opposition players down to win something for Uruguay. But can they play football? well see... but i have a good feeling about going to Centenario and getting the 3 points this next WC qualifications.
I just can't see when Cavani slaps him, is it in the video posted above? Am I blind? I couldn't see it yesterday live either but then my stream froze anyway when all that was happening.
I just can't see when Cavani slaps him, is it in the video posted above? Am I blind? I couldn't see it yesterday live either but then my stream froze anyway when all that was happening.

9/10 seconds. Clips him with the back of his hand
Can Cavani report this as a sexual crime? If that was a woman the Chilean was going to jail.
I just can't see when Cavani slaps him, is it in the video posted above? Am I blind? I couldn't see it yesterday live either but then my stream froze anyway when all that was happening.

He doesn't, he raises his hand towards his face in a "go away" motion. Enough, ridiculous, but enough if we go by the rules.
That's a very mild reaction if someone sticks a finger up your bum. He's lucky he didn't get a left hook. He should have knocked him out because it would have been the same Red Card.

I was hoping he would just deck him, big man like him, gets sent off anyway with nothing to show for it. Tit.
I have a 10 match accumulator that could earn me £3000ish, that has Bolivia to beat Peru in it :lol: No cash back available on this betting side unfortunately. There's another 2 or 3 games to go in it as well, including the Bolivia-Peru game but why for the life of me did I choose Bolivia :lol:
Stop crying man. Uruguay has won shit-load of trophies, most of them with help, and playing some ugly as football. Where are your football leaders now? running from the FBI. So man, don't be so CARA DE RAJA, and take it like a man.

Where am I crying? Which leader of ours is running from the FBI? Figueredo? A guy that got comfy in Conmebol and actually pushed for Suárez' public execution? He only ever represented his own self-interest.

It's funny I have a pop at Chilean fans and you jump, as does some knob from the newbies sending me PMs going on about me crying and you guys being Barca. Typical.

If we concede early we get twatted, if we survive the first half we win.

Godín to score. Hopefully.

This ref is going to screw us isn't he? cnut.

Uruguay-Chile is always open warfare. Always.

You sound like Cesc questioning Hughes for not having Blackburn play like Barca.
When someone questioned why Uruguay didn't play more expansive football. I equated us to Blackburn, so clearly not as deluded as you chaps thinking you are the best thing since sliced bread.

fecking hell Edinson, you walked straight into it.

Nah, only problem I have with that is the ref doing nothing after Jara's slap but being only too happy to card Cavani.

Better team winning, just a shame we had to get robbed.

First game of the qualifiers: no Suarez or Cavani :mad:

Chilean cnuts singing Ole now. Insufferable cnuts, hope the Argies twat them. Again.
You do love to sing when you are winning, we never Ole the opposition, even when we do rarely manage to string four passes together. Even when we played the Argies you sang their Oles, it wasn't them singing, you were.

He gets the ball first, catches him with his trailing leg. Never a yellow IMO.
I stand by this, Fucile shouldn't have been off.

Our left flank had jointly started 10 games all season.

Our pass completion was ~50%.

Chile only got 6 shots on goal and about half of them against a depleted side.

The gameplan was fine and which Chile getting nervous we could have nicked.

No idea why Tabarez persists with Hernandez and left J.Rodriguez/de Arrascaeta on the bench.
Answering to a Brazilian arguing we should be more adventurous. You know, like when they conceded 7 goals playing a World Cup semifinal at home. I'm realistic, he is not.

No Cavani touched his face. Barely touched him at all, but it was enough.

fecking idiot. This is the same Jara who squeezed Suarez's balls in 2011 prompting him to throw a punch at him. I can see a ballsqueeze requiring more desperate instinctive reactions, but a finger? Just stay put and take it, err, like a man.
I never went along with those jumping on Jara for the theatrics or fingering. It's part and parcel, some you win some you lose, and ultimately it is the player's temperament in play, which I think is part of the game myself.

Brazilian refs are always massive homers in knockout stages, they know it's Conmebol they have to please. They are otherwise very good though, must be said, but whenever the home team may need some help rest assured they'll be appointed and do the job.

The stadiums are completely empty bar Chile games. Join the dots.
This is true, no two ways about it.

Or within the definition of "things that happen on the pitch" which I'm said to condone when I argue against Suárez being the worst possible kind of human being.

I don't expect Conmebol to do anything about it (I would like consistency, but that's never going to happen). Jara did his bit to rile up Cavani and got away with it (including an actual proper slap which prompted the ref only giving him a talking to immediately before this). That, having homer refs... it's all part of football, always has been, and you just have to get on with it AFAIC.
Answering to someone saying Jara was guilty of a sexual offence or GBH.

So, where is the crying? Unless you mean crying wolf at the homer ref, which I stand by.

George Owen said:
I think from now on, it will take more than just kicking opposition players down to win something for Uruguay. But can they play football? well see... but i have a good feeling about going to Centenario and getting the 3 points this next WC qualifications.

Possibly, we are now Suárez-less for our first four games of the qualifiers, all at home to Bolivia, Chile, Venezuela and Perú. The sort of games you HAVE to be winning to qualify. No Suárez, and no Cavani for the first game. :(
I have a 10 match accumulator that could earn me £3000ish, that has Bolivia to beat Peru in it :lol: No cash back available on this betting side unfortunately. There's another 2 or 3 games to go in it as well, including the Bolivia-Peru game but why for the life of me did I choose Bolivia :lol:

Jesus talk about bricking it

You cry when you say you were robbed. You weren't.

ps. i agree Chileans might not be the best winners, because well, they have won feck all in their football history, while being robbed time after time. Frustration is accumulative over time i guess.

But you have to agree with me, Uruguayans are even worse losers.
Dont think it'll be tight. Peru are a much better team.

we'll see. The game vs Chile might not the best guideline to judge because Bolivia saved 3 or 4 starters for this game.

Peru has definitely better players, but the Bolivian tactics have been top notch. I expect as good game.
The ref wasn't even that bad : He was looking straight into Cavani when he slapped Jara. That clearly was a yellow.. The Fucile tackle is very rash, he hits the ball and Sanchez' at the same time. Maybe it wasn't a yellow, but the game was pretty much already over in that moment.

You can't blame him for not seeing the fingering action, you should be more angry at Cavani reacting. Maybe Edinson he should have waited for a corner kick to retaliate or something..

You cry when you say you were robbed. You weren't.

I think the result was fair, the goal was legit (I always say Muslera has a blunder in him, and you made the most of it). I would have far preferred playing the game out as it was laid out without the ref dicking us. It was a competitive game and he ruined it.

Christ, he sees Jara slap Cavani and gives him a talking to, then as he walks away he sees Cavani mildly raising his hand and yellows him? When he knew full well that meant a red? It's clear as daylight man.

ps. i agree Chileans might not be the best winners, because well, they have won feck all in their football history, while being robbed time after time. Frustration is accumulative over time i guess.

But you have to agree with me, Uruguayans are even worse losers.

Frustration accummulates in the face of injustice. I doubt anyone would have anything to complain about if we just lost it fair and square. I don't even think it's undeserved, you are clearly the better team and we just have a good defence and no one who can pass a ball to a teammate.

When were you robbed? I don't remember (obviously, I don't track your fortunes in such detail). As far as I know you got to two finals, one we beat you fair and square (in fact, Enzo being sent off was ludicrous), the other I would buy: Paraguay, with them home of Conmebol and a Brazilian ref... very likely. Paraguayan and Brazilian refs are notorious for doing Conmebol's bidding. The former as a result of the confeds location, the latter inherited from Havelange and Teixeira's long reigns playing GoT.
Have to say, it make for a great story for either Argentina or Chile winning it:

Argentina beating Uruguay, Colombia, Brazil and Chile at home.

Chile beating Uruguay, Peru and Argentina in the knockouts. A warning for the Pep generation: all three games will be absolute carnage.
The ref wasn't even that bad : He was looking straight into Cavani when he slapped Jara. That clearly was a yellow.. The Fucile tackle is very rash, he hits the ball and Sanchez' at the same time. Maybe it wasn't a yellow, but the game was pretty much already over in that moment.

You can't blame him for not seeing the fingering action, you should be more angry at Cavani reacting. Maybe Edinson he should have waited for a corner kick to retaliate or something..

I'm disappointed with Cavani. Not angry as he has every reason not to be in the right state of mind (father in jail after running over someone on Monday, while drunk).

I don't expect the ref to see the finger. I do expect him to be a bit more open minded when Cavani immediately gestures (before the yellow) that he was getting fingered. And I certainly do expect him to apply the same criteria to both. The whole incident starts with Jara slapping Cavani proper, the ref has a chat with Jara, then next you know he sends the other player off for flicking his hand upwards. Double standards.

A ref has to be consistent. If you show you will allow certain level of aggression, stick to it, don't flip flop, let alone flip flop always to one side's advantage.
we'll see. The game vs Chile might not the best guideline to judge because Bolivia saved 3 or 4 starters for this game.

Peru has definitely better players, but the Bolivian tactics have been top notch. I expect as good game.

It's the perfect guideline, the first two are the results that are skewed.
Bolivia are terrible, majority are from the national league, which is one of the lowest standards I watch.
Watch the vast majority of Bolivar and The Strongest games are their players are terrible asides from the altitude advantage.
Lucky to draw with a terrible Mexico team and beat ecuador with an incredible amount of luck.
The ref wasn't even that bad : He was looking straight into Cavani when he slapped Jara. That clearly was a yellow.. The Fucile tackle is very rash, he hits the ball and Sanchez' at the same time. Maybe it wasn't a yellow, but the game was pretty much already over in that moment.

You can't blame him for not seeing the fingering action, you should be more angry at Cavani reacting. Maybe Edinson he should have waited for a corner kick to retaliate or something..

How can you blame him to have a spontaneous self-defense reaction to what probably constitutes sexual assault in normal life? :confused:

What´s missing here is video replay. Afterwards the ref would have held Jara up, so Cavani can hit him with a proper right hook.
I don't expect the ref to see the finger. I do expect him to be a bit more open minded when Cavani immediately gestures (before the yellow) that he was getting fingered. And I certainly do expect him to apply the same criteria to both. The whole incident starts with Jara slapping Cavani proper, the ref has a chat with Jara, then next you know he sends the other player off for flicking his hand upwards. Double standards.

A ref has to be consistent. If you show you will allow certain level of aggression, stick to it, don't flip flop, let alone flip flop always to one side's advantage.

He probably saw the scuffle, talked to both and said "you both better stop, I'm watching"

right after that Cavani slaps him.. He gives him a yellow card, which is fair. Since he already had one, red card.

Oh, and btw, I think Ricci forgot Cavani already had a yellow, he took a long time to show the red one..

Jara should be dealt by the disciplinary comission. He should be suspended for a couple of matches if they are consistent.
He probably saw the scuffle, talked to both and said "you both better stop, I'm watching"

right after that Cavani slaps him.. He gives him a yellow card, which is fair. Since he already had one, red card.

Oh, and btw, I think Ricci forgot Cavani already had a yellow, he took a long time to show the red one..

Jara should be dealt by the disciplinary comission. He should be suspended for a couple of matches if they are consistent.
Apparently he's banned for the rest of the Copa America.
How can you blame him to have a spontaneous self-defense reaction to what probably constitutes sexual assault in normal life? :confused:

What´s missing here is video replay. Afterwards the ref would have held Jara up, so Cavani can hit him with a proper right hook.

Man, this is football. Provocations have existed since the beginning of the game. Provocation is part of the game.

say insults to the ear (a la Materazzi), small kicks to the heels, fingering, squeezing or hitting the nuts with a fast and swift back palm... that has always been acceptable provocation. Players just need to learn not to react to this. Players like Vidal or Medel for example, were always targeted when younger because they used to react in violent ways.

What can't be accepted is violence (whether be fouling or punching/hitting/elbowing, spitting, biting, etc) and cheating on the game.

a finger up your ass (with underwear and shorts) is just funny as feck, and repulsive, but in no way is some sort of violence among men in a football pitch.
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