5. Where the Union adopts a new act that falls within the scope of this Protocol, but neither
amends nor replaces a Union act listed in the Annexes to this Protocol, the Union shall inform the
United Kingdom of this adoption in the Joint Committee. Upon request of the Union or the United
Kingdom, the Joint Committee shall hold an exchange of views on the implications of the newly
adopted act for the proper functioning of this Protocol within 6 weeks after the request.
As soon as reasonably practical after the Union has informed the United Kingdom in the Joint
Committee, the Joint Committee shall either:
(a) adopt a decision adding the newly adopted act to the relevant Annex of this Protocol; or
(b) where an agreement on adding the newly adopted act to the relevant Annex to this Protocol
cannot be reached, examine all further possibilities to maintain the good functioning of this
Protocol and take any decision necessary to this effect.
If the Joint Committee has not taken a decision within a reasonable time, the Union shall be
entitled, after giving notice to the United Kingdom, to take appropriate remedial measures. Such
measures shall take effect at the earliest 6 months after the Union informed the United Kingdom in
accordance with the first subparagraph, but in no event earlier than the date on which the newly
adopted act is implemented in the Union