Correctly predicted France to win World Cup 2018
Look, I am embarrassed by some of the things some Leave people have said in recent days. They stopped one woman on the street who when asked 'What about all the money the EU have given to local projects?' grabbed her England shirt and said 'I don't care'. Obviously a total moron.Let's be honest, you can have all the rational discussions in the world about leave or remain; but the fact remains that a significant portion of the people who voted leave, didn't understand any of the relevant complexities to this move.
These people voted on emotion, followed the crowd, or had more nefarious motivations. This was always going to be a disaster from the start, and it is obvious that the argument from Leave was always paper thin at best. There is absolutely no strategy whatsoever on what to do now, and the leaders of the leave campaign are already going back on half the things they campaigned on.
I'm embarrassed and ashamed at how our country has acted these past few months. I hope to God that sense can prevail and we an salvage something from this debacle. Whatever positive outcome is achieved, it will despite Leave rather than because of them.
However, if you have read my posts then I hope you'd acknowledge I voted Leave for rational reasons. What would you suggest I do in my position? It's a binary question and I felt (after a LOT of contemplation) that one was better than the other. All I personally can do is make the rational argument, notwithstanding some of the twats that happened to do the same.