The biggest lie of all the Brexit lies that have been told, was that Leavers want Remainers to "make a success of Brexit".
Leavers don't give a feck about making "a success of Brexit".
Immigration is the reason they voted out
Indeed, but I really don't think they care.No, they were being exactly and completely honest there. They want remainers to make a success out of Brexit, because they themselves have absolutely no fecking idea how to do it. This way, when it all goes to shit they can just blame everyone else.
"Come pick our Cherries for minimum wage"As the years go by and no-one wants to emigrate to a xenophobic and racist country you'll see adverts from the UK begging workers to come, the advert saying, "we don't want you here, but we need you here"
Indeed, but I really don't think they care.
The most common thing I've found with leavers is that, a) their reasons for voting leave are actually quite understandable (worrying about housing pressures, urban sprawl, jobs and wages), and b) leavers tend to express their opinions very poorly.
I had one leaver tell me straight to my face that there were "too many Indian doctors in this country". I was rather shocked and a bit pissed by that statement so started really digging into why he was saying it... and what he really meant was "we don't train enough British Doctors". Now if he'd said "we don't train enough British Doctors" I doubt many would disagree, but because he'd said "there are too many Indian doctors", myself and everyone else around was pretty pissed off at him.
Of course I might just be trying to justify his right-wing nationalist views.
But yeah, try talking to a Leaver about how we are going to make a success of Brexit. They don't care (or at least, that's what I've found).
Indeed, but I really don't think they care.
The most common thing I've found with leavers is that, a) their reasons for voting leave are actually quite understandable (worrying about housing pressures, urban sprawl, jobs and wages), and b) leavers tend to express their opinions very poorly.
I had one leaver tell me straight to my face that there were "too many Indian doctors in this country". I was rather shocked and a bit pissed by that statement so started really digging into why he was saying it... and what he really meant was "we don't train enough British Doctors". Now if he'd said "we don't train enough British Doctors" I doubt many would disagree, but because he'd said "there are too many Indian doctors", myself and everyone else around was pretty pissed off at him.
Of course I might just be trying to justify his right-wing nationalist views.
But yeah, try talking to a Leaver about how we are going to make a success of Brexit. They don't care (or at least, that's what I've found).
Feels wrong to be on the same side as Osbourne but i enjoy his attack articles against May. Most telling was him revealing the tory cabinet under Cameron had all voted to unilaterally guarantee EU citizens rights to stay..everyone that is except May.
She is a genuine psychopath i dont think she cares about anything but her defined goal, not electability or human compassion.
Feels wrong to be on the same side as Osbourne but i enjoy his attack articles against May. Most telling was him revealing the tory cabinet under Cameron had all voted to unilaterally guarantee EU citizens rights to stay..everyone that is except May.
She is a genuine psychopath i dont think she cares about anything but her defined goal, not electability or human compassion.
Indeed, but I really don't think they care.
The most common thing I've found with leavers is that, a) their reasons for voting leave are actually quite understandable (worrying about housing pressures, urban sprawl, jobs and wages), and b) leavers tend to express their opinions very poorly.
I had one leaver tell me straight to my face that there were "too many Indian doctors in this country". I was rather shocked and a bit pissed by that statement so started really digging into why he was saying it... and what he really meant was "we don't train enough British Doctors". Now if he'd said "we don't train enough British Doctors" I doubt many would disagree, but because he'd said "there are too many Indian doctors", myself and everyone else around was pretty pissed off at him.
Of course I might just be trying to justify his right-wing nationalist views.
But yeah, try talking to a Leaver about how we are going to make a success of Brexit. They don't care (or at least, that's what I've found).
Its within the UK domain to increase training posts for doctors. Its also within the British doctors interest that, if they are paid badly or they cant get into senior roles, they move elsewhere so that they can get the experience they need. That's what doctors in many countries do.
We're going to see more and more of this I reckon. People realising what they've actually voted for.
Ah, the voice of experience.Labour won over young voters. But it is betraying them on Brexit
Vince Cable
Can a person die of irony?Labour won over young voters. But it is betraying them on Brexit
Vince Cable
This comes as no surprise. Having suffered her 'rules', I felt prosecuted and interrogated rather going through a normal process.
It's an absolute joke.One year of waiting for a convincing, tangible reason why we are better off out.
One year of dawning realisation that there really is no plan beyond bluster and BS.
It's an absolute joke.
I genuinely think I've come up with a better Brexit plan than the government has on multiple occasions.
Maybe I've missed something... but how have you suffered her rules?
Still a better Brexit plan than the ToriesProbably a better one even after several pints and scribbled on the back of a beer mat. In fact, I think that's how our delightful "Brexiteers" came up with theirs.
We're going to see more and more of this I reckon. People realising what they've actually voted for.
Would hope the world doesn't judge us on people who read and comment on the daily mail! We arn't all like that!Lol, top comment on the Daily Mail's EU citizens article:
'We don't want them here, immigration is the reason we voted out!!!!'
with 2.3k likes and 1.3 dislikes. And then people say EU citizens sometimes (and more and more often nowadays) feel unwelcome in this country...
I for one am overjoyed for the thousands of unemployed British fruit pickers..
Another article on the same issue. The trend of those who voted in highest numbers for Brexit getting hit the hardest continues.
Would hope the world doesn't judge us on people who read and comment on the daily mail! We arn't all like that!
I live in a area that was dependant on immigrant fruit pickers. Thing is they got paid less than minimum wage. Normally about 50% less.
And then people say EU citizens sometimes (and more and more often nowadays) feel unwelcome in this country...
You can be educated and intelligent yet utterly idiotic on one or more subjects. The few of my friends who voted to leave aren't racists in the sense of planting burning crosses on lawns or even disliking people of colour etc. It is often far more subtle and they may not even be aware of their bias. It often is expressed in the land of hope and glory mindset that thinks a monarchy is a good idea and even something to be proud of, that we are still a world power and being part of the EU somehow devalues our victory in WW2 and a general mistrust of foreigners having any role connected to the UK. Basically a very Daily Mail mindset.
Despite our politicians proving time and time again they can be incredibly incompetent, corrupt and downright immoral.
I'm sensitive to all biases.
And the whole "ruled by unelected Europeans" is simply a straw man argument. We have civil servants in the UK as well.
The bottom line is we need EU migrants, latest figures show the post Brexit 100k target is half what we need and the cost is negligible in the scheme of things. So what is left is zenophobia, mild or otherwise as you have to be seriously deluded if you think Brexit could be an economic plus.
We do indeed, although I would suggest there's a difference between the two groups.
Regardless, my intent was never to continue the debate on the value of membership to the EU or the debate surrounding the EU itself and how it functions.
I was compelled to post to address the treatment handed out to "leavers" since the vote.
For months a significant percent of those who are pro EU have been happy to arrogantly dehumanize the many millions who voted to leave by making blanket assumptions of them all and by treating them and their opinions and both their right and ability to form them with no respect or empathy.
I must admit I rather latched onto your comment to vent this point, for which I appologize.
Could it be that for some Brexit wasn't entirely about money?