Paul the Wolf
Former Score Predictions Comp Organiser (now out)
Which is why I said perhaps India....
And one option for a very quick set of new Trade Deals is simply for the UK to join EFTA, which currently has its own deals ( not the EU's deals ) with 27 different Trading Partners.
And yes, as far as BREXIT goes, I'm always optimistic....
I agree with you in part - just that my intuition tells me that it will be much easier and quicker for the UK to agree / sign Trade Deals with USA, Japan, China and Commonwealth countries than for the EU to agree / sign Trade Deals with these same countries.
Negotiations will be one-to-one and not one-to-twentyseven+wallonia+whoever-else-wants-something-for-themseleves-out-of-the-deal....
Or are you hinting that any of the EU's existing Trade Partners who try to do a deal with a non-EU member UK will be sent by the EU ' Au coin, face au mur' for daring to do seperate deals with the UK ?
They can apply to join EFTA, if accepted then presumably the EEA and back to a similar situation without a vote
You talk of one to one deals rather than 27 but the advantage there is you're talking to 27 countries at once whereas on a one to one basis you'd have 27 negotiating teams if you wished to talk to 27 other countries.
Other than the logistics and agreements side of matters, what I am even more intrigued to know is what the UK will sell to these "other" countries that they aren't selling already remembering that they do trade with other countries already, I'm not saying yourself, but there are certainly some who give the impression that the UK only currently deals with the EU and are prevented from dealing with other countries.
The USA is currently UK's top market and China is 4th - Cars Oil and Gold are the main exports of the UK as it is and the USA and China are the biggest importers of British cars