No...Germany exports billions-worth every week.
What I'm saying is that despite a shit FXRate and potential tariffs, your everyday household bill won't increase because of stuff you HAVE to buy from Germany, even though the UK is Germany's second largest export market and annual UK trade with Germany is about €15 billion negative in favour of Germany.
So on two counts ( German goods will perhaps become too expensive and none are really everday necessities anyway ) lack of free trade between the UK and Germany will hurt Germany for sure. I don't know what the UK exports to Germany, I was hoping you'd tell us so that we could make a judgement whether the sales will dip without a trade deal....That's all.
From the UK in our house ? Off the top of my head, some gin, some English wine, some HiFi equipment, probably some fish landed in the UK, and that's about it, really. The diesel in the cars might be from the North Sea, certainly not from Germany or France.
Since yesterday I have a problem accessing the data but will let you know as soon as I can.
But we're not talking about just Germany, we're talking the whole of the EU which as a whole is the most important trading partner of the UK.
Off the top of head I can remember some of the data. (Very good memory)
In 2014 the biggest single export (worldwide) of Germany was cars representing 12% of all exports value $153bn.
UK's second biggest export is also cars representing around 9.4% of all exports value $40bn.
Notice the vast difference in the values
Now the Uk is a big market for German cars - 15% of cars produced in Germany go to the UK - ie 15% of 12% of all their exports, 1.8% of all German exports are cars to the UK . If the Uk suddenly stopped buying Germany cars it wouldn't be good for Germany but it wouldn't be catastrophic either.
As Germany produce cars towards the more luxury end of the market, if the British person had to pay 10% more they would not be so worried but it's not the people who can afford these items that are going to be hit the most.
The second biggest German export is vehicle parts - that's even more serious for the UK for their car industry.
Gold is Uk's biggest export, very slightly ahead of cars.
Like Germany the UK's biggest trading partner is the USA. The biggest market for cars produced by the UK is.... China.
Thus it's not as if they are not already selling to markets they are supposedly desperately seeking deals for. The problem is tariffs and how much it all costs.
Being a net importer, which Germany isn't, tariffs pose less of a problem whereas the Uk being a net importer means many more problems.
I could write a 1000 page essay on this and we haven't even got into logistic problems, organisational problems, financial services etc
Being facetious, the Uk want to sell chocolate cake to France, gold to the Gold Coast, lamb (95% of exports go to the EU) to NZ and Oz and no doubt refrigerators to Eskimos.
Saw an interview with a welsh sheep farmer on TV , said he voted to Leave because the EU is supposedly undemocratic and wanted his country back, he also realised his business would go bust without the EU subsidies and a tariff of 50% being slapped on his exports - but hey ho!