Struggling to explain his genius to the hoi polloi
I'm sure it does, for 100% of its inhabitants I'm sure it does
No it doesn´t, but you won´t find a single country, not even one with such an expensive and regulated social system as Germany´s, on the planet where people don´t fall through the cracks. It is tragic and saddening, mostly because at least in Germany it is avoidable in the vast majority of the cases.
I´m a firm believer that not a single German citizen or person who is allowed to be here, would need to live on the streets, starve or go untreated if sick. The German law guarantuees a certain minimum standart of living, a standart which is compared to many other countries actually pretty damn decent. God knows that the law is complicated and beaurocratic (I have a degree in administrative law so I know my way around forms), but then again there are many people (you find them in pretty much every at least medium sized town) who offer help without charge for the people who don´t understand it. I counciled dozens of people, filled out their forms and accompanied them to the social offices to see their rights being met.
So, yes, there are far worse places to be than a large "stagnating" economy.