Paul the Wolf
Former Score Predictions Comp Organiser (now out)
Imagine being that clueless.![]()
The journalist is this bloke's brother:

Imagine being that clueless.![]()
But we like Dohertys meatFrom GB. There will be from Ireland or the rest of the EU.
They’ve been trying that shite for years![]()
Imagine being that clueless.![]()
Imagine being that clueless.![]()
The intransigence displayed by Brussels and Dublin on the issue helped destroy the political careers of two Conservative Prime Ministers, contributed to the comprehensive rout of pro-EU sentiment inside the Tory party and poisoned relations between Britain and Ireland.
Imagine being that clueless.![]()
Fixed that for youThe Telegraph really do live in their own little England don't they?
Surely this should say Irexit for starters.... nonsense artical.![]()
Imagine being that clueless.![]()
The article is amazing, the issues that Ireland apparently have are Brexit which was an unilateral decision from the UK, the G7 agreeing on a tax rate which instead the EU and includes the UK and finally a german opinion of foreign policy which presumably indicates that Germany doesn't have a right to have an opinion.
Also there is this gem, it's as if actions from tories shouldn't have consequences:
That last bit is incredible.
Initially I thought that british people were exaggerating when they described the Telegraph as Torygraph but the more I read it and the more ridiculous it is. To me they seem more dangerous than the Sun or Daily Mail because they have the appearance of a respectable paper, their writers seem wise and know how to write serious articles, the issue being that it's pretty much a branch of and they will distort reality in favor of Tories 100% of the time.
Initially I thought that british people were exaggerating when they described the Telegraph as Torygraph but the more I read it and the more ridiculous it is. To me they seem more dangerous than the Sun or Daily Mail because they have the appearance of a respectable paper, their writers seem wise and know how to write serious articles, the issue being that it's pretty much a branch of and they will distort reality in favor of Tories 100% of the time.
The Telegraph’s main demographic is white middle class old men and it basically tells them what they want to hear. It’s not influencing anyone’s opinions on anything.Initially I thought that british people were exaggerating when they described the Telegraph as Torygraph but the more I read it and the more ridiculous it is. To me they seem more dangerous than the Sun or Daily Mail because they have the appearance of a respectable paper, their writers seem wise and know how to write serious articles, the issue being that it's pretty much a branch of and they will distort reality in favor of Tories 100% of the time.
Hardly anyone reads it. It's far less influencial than The Sun or the Mail on national politics. For none political stuff it's a good paper.
The Telegraph’s main demographic is white middle class old men and it basically tells them what they want to hear. It’s not influencing anyone’s opinions on anything.
It's not always been like this though. Pre ~2013 it was a decent (if conservative) newspaper with an occasional good take on some things.Initially I thought that british people were exaggerating when they described the Telegraph as Torygraph but the more I read it and the more ridiculous it is. To me they seem more dangerous than the Sun or Daily Mail because they have the appearance of a respectable paper, their writers seem wise and know how to write serious articles, the issue being that it's pretty much a branch of and they will distort reality in favor of Tories 100% of the time.
Sun and Daily Mail are tabloids while the Telegraph isn't right? Do you think that people take The Sun and Mail as seriously as they do for other papers?
The Sun and The Mail have real political reach and their readership do believe what they read in it regarding politics to a worrying degree. New Labour had Murdoch and the Sun onside which was one of the reasons that they were able to get into power. In that era The Sun backed Labour.
The broadsheets are not influential at all really. Your average Joe doesn't read them. The Telegraph is behind a paywall and is still an old school physical broadsheet i.e. it fecking massive. It preaches to a parochial choir. The Times, which is Murdoch's broadsheet, backed remain in the 2016 whilst The Sun backed Brexit. I can only imagine that The Times had editorial freedom on the question from Murdoch because it had no real influence in the vote, like The Telegraph the readership is small.
We know that.
A price worth paying for what?
We know that.
A price worth paying for what?
We know that.
A price worth paying for what?
Fixed that.sovereignty and happy british fish.
That's what they want you to think.For none political stuff it's a good paper.
That's what they want you to think.
Hardly anyone reads it. It's far less influencial than The Sun or the Mail on national politics. For none political stuff it's a good paper.
More people read The Telegraph than The Times. Though I think the latter has a higher level of digital engagement. Both papers are entrenched Tories.
About 30% more in print circulation (I wonder if this includes the "free" copies you get forced on you in WH "just whack on 50% to the price" Smith's) but online readership is a huge factor now.I read The Times every day…
only because I get a subscription with my AMEX card.
Read mostly for the sport, but it’s set up pretty well that you can dive in and out.
Im surprised to hear more people read the telegraph that the times.
As newspapers go I prefer the Financial Times, even though I'm not rich or right-wing. So long as you take the editorials with a pinch of salt (lots) they try to be factual with the news.About 30% more in print circulation (I wonder if this includes the "free" copies you get forced on you in WH "just whack on 50% to the price" Smith's) but online readership is a huge factor now.
Interestingly, this brings the Guardian (which is about a third of the Time's circulation in print) heavily into play and above the Daily Mail, although I assume these are international figures.
As newspapers go I prefer the Financial Times, even though I'm not rich or right-wing. So long as you take the editorials with a pinch of salt (lots) they try to be factual with the news.
They're quite pro-Europe of course, Wolfie would wank himself to death if he was a regular reader.
So you don’t give a shit if the bombings start up again? Because that’s what they are gambling with here, not just that the North go short of a few itemsI can 100% appreciate and accept anyone in the North who feels British. At this stage the most important thing is peace. However anyone in the North who believes that the average British person cares about them as much as the average Irish person does is frankly delusional.