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Ah the old anti irish stuff is making a come back it seems.
It's crazy how much more dignified the EU are in comparison to Britain.
How? What are those policies?Replying to this rather than your post in the other thread.
Goodwin’s views are not a hot take, he’s been predicting and charting the collapse of social democracy in the West for 15 years. Trump, Brexit and the general election 2019 are manifestations of the growing political undercurrents that he's been describing throughout that time. They are incidental and not defining. I get the feeling that you still think this is fundamentally an economic argument drawn along the traditional political lines in the UK. Goodwin and Kaufman both argue that this is missing the point completely. That it’s rather about cultural displacement of the majority, specifically in working class areas. They both argue that these concerns have to be appreciated legitimately and addressed, not mocked or shouted down with accusations of xenophobia or racism etc. Kaufman argued that the way to manage the issue would be to offer policies that reassure the culturally displaced factions that the rate of demographic change can be better controlled or slowed down so their place in the world will not be taken over by globalisation. Brexit and the Tory manifesto 2019 offered this so through Brexit they will be getting exactly what they voted for - ‘taking back control’ over immigration specifically.
I‘d recommend watching the videos I posted because I do believe that what they have to say is important for the left going forward, if they ever want to get into power that is.
How? What are those policies?
It's incredibly difficult to offer any sort of policy to address FEELINGS. Because, quite obviously, white British people have not been "culturally displaced". They just feel like they have. Now you can tell those nasty Polish people to go home - and then what?
Maybe temporarily some people will be happier. And then when they realise that the UK is still not a utopia, they'll blame the remaining immigrants, regardless of whether they're EU nationals or not. I mean, the whole "immigrants will destroy our culture" stuff works very well even in countries like Hungary, where no one in their right mind wants to go to - really, the problem is losing people at an alarming rate, as opposed to immigration - so actually sending the dirty people away will not help one bit. Because, once again, there are no effective policies for feelings.
Why do you think Labour when from pulling off the greatest defeat in history in 2017 to nearly being completely destroyed as a party in 2019, what changed?
Well the conservatives changed their leader from a technocratic malfunctioning maybot to a populist whose personal appeal allowed some who wouldn't usually vote conservative to do so.
Corbyn entered the election as the most unpopular leader of the opposition in recorded history with people having had several years to make up their mind about him as opposed to 2017 when he was relatively unknown
The conservatives didn't score any massive own goals such as the dementia tax
Labour did score own goals this time with uncosted pledges such as the waspi one and a manifesto in 2017 that polled well to a 2019 one which was seen as overload and unachievable
I mean it's not as is labours vote went up in pro immigration / remain constituiences... It was down pretty much everywhere because of Corbyn being seen as an unpopular antisemitic and incompetent leader backed by an unbelievable manifesto
My thinking is now that I'm going to vote for Nandy in the leadership election.
Well done Britain, you've royally fecked yourself.
My grandfather fought at the allies side during WW2. Malta being close to Italy he saw the rise and fall of fascism there and how most italians suddenly switched from huge fascist fans who thought that the country was at the cusp of building the second Roman empire into avid partigiani fans. Its amazing how no Italian I've met would state that his grandfather was a Mussolini sympathiser even though there was a time when most Italians were indeed fascists. Its strange how these children of 'partigiani' are so keen in putting Salvini in government. At least Mussolini loved all Italians although he loved himself more.
Anyway if Brexit goes tits up then rest assured that the same will happen. Most British will denounce ever supporting Brexit and will claim that they were pro EU all along.
a coherent argument for Brexit to give us all some hope
Unfortunately, a lot of people who voted Brexit share these exact views. It has legitimised the voice of the jingoistic racists. This sort of nonsense is about to become a lot more commonplace.
a coherent argument for Brexit to give us all some hope
He goes by the name Johnny vodka now.Isn't that Johnny the shoe-shining snitch from Police Squad?
Well the conservatives changed their leader from a technocratic malfunctioning maybot to a populist whose personal appeal allowed some who wouldn't usually vote conservative to do so.
Corbyn entered the election as the most unpopular leader of the opposition in recorded history with people having had several years to make up their mind about him as opposed to 2017 when he was relatively unknown
The conservatives didn't score any massive own goals such as the dementia tax
Labour did score own goals this time with uncosted pledges such as the waspi one and a manifesto in 2017 that polled well to a 2019 one which was seen as overload and unachievable
I mean it's not as is labours vote went up in pro immigration / remain constituiences... It was down pretty much everywhere because of Corbyn being seen as an unpopular antisemitic and incompetent leader backed by an unbelievable manifesto
We've been (un)reliably informed over the past four years that British people are not racist or xenophobic at all and it's only anecdotal. After 17 million anecdotal incidents will they finally admit it.
Other questions: if the person or persons they are targetting do not speak english they won't understand the above. Will tourists be allowed to visit the UK if they can't speak english?
Ought to tell the person who wrote it to have spelling and grammar lessons as well.
Let's not forget it was reported straight away and rightfully a big deal has been made of it.
I mean if this proves we have a huge racism problem, what does the fact it was dealt with by the first person who saw them say?
Yes but there are 64 million people in the UK not 17m.
Of course, if it wasn't the case, you would think by now that a large proportion of those 17 million could give a coherent reason for their actions. Not very forthcoming outside complete drivel.
Yes but there are 64 million people in the UK not 17m.
Of course, if it wasn't the case, you would think by now that a large proportion of those 17 million could give a coherent reason for their actions. Not very forthcoming outside complete drivel.
I'm sure you don't mean that there are 17 million racists in the UK, let alone 64 million racists.
Do you ??
Isn't that Johnny the shoe-shining snitch from Police Squad?