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Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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Got elected less than 2 months ago with 3/4 of the votes and has seen a significant increase in the party's membership since. She has also strengthened the party's position in the HoC and became an active player in blocking BoJo at every turn.

She's literally under 0 threat at the moment and there's no one to challenge her.
Thought so. It was a very strange proposition.
Come on, it's GERRONWIVIT

Now seriously. I am embarrassed to ask this question but I think is time to do it.

I do not have any idea what Gerronwivit means. I tried to get it through context, googled it, wait patiently if someone would ask before me

Please, where it comes from at what it means?
Now seriously. I am embarrassed to ask this question but I think is time to do it.

I do not have any idea what Gerronwivit means. I tried to get it through context, googled it, wait patiently if someone would ask before me

Please, where it comes from at what it means?

It's how your average xenophobic British racist says "get on with it".
Now seriously. I am embarrassed to ask this question but I think is time to do it.

I do not have any idea what Gerronwivit means. I tried to get it through context, googled it, wait patiently if someone would ask before me

Please, where it comes from at what it means?
It's a way for posh gits to show their disdain for people with an accent.
Now seriously. I am embarrassed to ask this question but I think is time to do it.

I do not have any idea what Gerronwivit means. I tried to get it through context, googled it, wait patiently if someone would ask before me

Please, where it comes from at what it means?

Everyone outside the UK is saying WOTRUW8ING4
Now seriously. I am embarrassed to ask this question but I think is time to do it.

I do not have any idea what Gerronwivit means. I tried to get it through context, googled it, wait patiently if someone would ask before me

Please, where it comes from at what it means?

It is a colloquial way of saying - 'Get on with it'. :)
Has there been any indication from the EU that they will grant the extension?. I guess they will mostly accept it, but I mean what's going to change between Oct and Jan. Even if a new gov forms, I don't think they are going to get a majority of them to agree on any sort of deal?.

Today, President-elect Ursula von der Leyen presented her team and the new structure of the next European Commission.

Next steps
As a next step, the European Parliament has to give its consent to the entire College of Commissioners, including the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission.
This is preceded by hearings of the Commissioners-designate in the relevant Parliamentary committees, in line with Parliament's Rules of Procedure.
Once the European Parliament has given its consent, the European Council formally appoints the European Commission, in line with Article 17(7) TEU.

Phil Hogan (Ireland), the incumbent Commissioner for Agriculture, will bring his experience to the new Commission in the ‘Trade' portfolio.

Presumably the British shouldn't p!ss off the Irish too much when negotiating their new FTA.
Has there been any indication from the EU that they will grant the extension?. I guess they will mostly accept it, but I mean what's going to change between Oct and Jan. Even if a new gov forms, I don't think they are going to get a majority of them to agree on any sort of deal?.
some have made noises about not accepting it (notibly france) but the concensus seems to be if there is an extension for a reason then that will probably be approved (eg a general election that could lead to a different deal / 2nd referendum) - i wouldnt be surprised if they didnt try to change the extension date though - perhaps make it 6 months instead of 3 to give some time after a ge or time to run a referendum without the need for another extension
- i also wouldnt be surprised if they wrote words to the effect of this is the last extension due to the next eu budget periods
Surely the EU are doing what they can to frustrate a no-deal exit and help push us towards a second referendum. Making Boris look stupid along the way.
Has there been any indication from the EU that they will grant the extension?. I guess they will mostly accept it, but I mean what's going to change between Oct and Jan. Even if a new gov forms, I don't think they are going to get a majority of them to agree on any sort of deal?.

Firstly a 2nd ref could bring a different result (deal or remain) than the current likelihood of no deal. If no deal Brexit does happen there'll be financial repercussions in both the UK and the EU. Then the blame game will begin. It's important for the EU and for the EU leaders' domestic agendas to have been seen doing everything they can to prevent it, while obviously respecting UK sovereignty and protecting EU interests along the way.

The UK has opened the exit door and is currently standing at the exit, dithering. But they don't want to be seen as basically shoving the UK out and bolting the door. That won't play well with their electorate and won't do the EU reputation any good. They'll appear as vindictive, as opposed to the mature, responsible adults. The longer this plays out, the more harmonious they appear in the media in contrast to the chaos of UK politics, the more it serves as a warning for other members of the very high self-inflicted cost of exiting the Union.
Firstly a 2nd ref could bring a different result (deal or remain) than the current likelihood of no deal. If no deal Brexit does happen there'll be financial repercussions in both the UK and the EU. Then the blame game will begin. It's important for the EU and for the EU leaders' domestic agendas to have been seen doing everything they can to prevent it, while obviously respecting UK sovereignty and protecting EU interests along the way.

The UK has opened the exit door and is currently standing at the exit, dithering. But they don't want to be seen as basically shoving the UK out and bolting the door. That won't play well with their electorate and won't do the EU reputation any good. They'll appear as vindictive, as opposed to the mature, responsible adults. The longer this plays out, the more harmonious they appear in the media in contrast to the chaos of UK politics, the more it serves as a warning for other members of the very high self-inflicted cost of exiting the Union.
Don’t need to work too hard for that image do they, I mean, we’re not exactly setting the bar high in parliament at the moment
Surely the EU are doing what they can to frustrate a no-deal exit and help push us towards a second referendum. Making Boris look stupid along the way.
EU doesn’t really hope for second referendum. I guess preferred outcome at this point is UK’s departure with a deal.
Von der Leyen though announces the new Commission without a British representative, yet she mentioned that should UK stay in the EU you’ll get one.
Firstly a 2nd ref could bring a different result (deal or remain) than the current likelihood of no deal. If no deal Brexit does happen there'll be financial repercussions in both the UK and the EU. Then the blame game will begin. It's important for the EU and for the EU leaders' domestic agendas to have been seen doing everything they can to prevent it, while obviously respecting UK sovereignty and protecting EU interests along the way.

The UK has opened the exit door and is currently standing at the exit, dithering. But they don't want to be seen as basically shoving the UK out and bolting the door. That won't play well with their electorate and won't do the EU reputation any good. They'll appear as vindictive, as opposed to the mature, responsible adults. The longer this plays out, the more harmonious they appear in the media in contrast to the chaos of UK politics, the more it serves as a warning for other members of the very high self-inflicted cost of exiting the Union.

They'll appear vindictive to whom though? - just Brexiters?
I don't think many care that much, the UK decided to leave, "goodbye" or rather "why haven't they left yet?".

A position only held by imbeciles which be very easily reversed if/when recession bites to "you should have done more". The moderates don't hold such a position.
A position only held by imbeciles which be very easily reversed if/when recession bites to "you should have done more". The moderates don't hold such a position.

Who are you talking about, UK citizens or non-UK citizens? If you're talking about non-UK citizens most of Europe are not going to be affected by the UK leaving to any great degree. If you're talking about UK citizens they won't be the electorate.
I'm not sure what he's saying. That Christian teaching is outdated? That it's cool to be counter-cultural?
That Christian teaching will be proved right in the long term. Apart from the arrogance, offensiveness and delusion of this prediction, he doesn't understand the true essence of Christian teaching.
I'm not sure what he's saying. That Christian teaching is outdated? That it's cool to be counter-cultural?
That Christians go against the grain of society if it's right. So they were against slavery and proven right and will be about sexuality. In short, gay people are wrong and he graciously understands that society hasn't quite caught up yet.
Who are you talking about, UK citizens or non-UK citizens? If you're talking about non-UK citizens most of Europe are not going to be affected by the UK leaving to any great degree. If you're talking about UK citizens they won't be the electorate.

Non-UK of course. I explained that the EU leaders are also playing to their own domestic audience.

And yes a fair part of southern and eastern Europe is not majorly affected. But the more industrialised nations will be. German projections are that 100k jobs are at risk, with the economy teetering on the verge of recession already. They are the most affected, but they aren't the only ones. If this goes tits up as expected domestic rivals will use it against them.
That Christian teaching will be proved right in the long term. Apart from the arrogance, offensiveness and delusion of this prediction, he doesn't understand the true essence of Christian teaching.

How is he saying that. They were literally proven wrong on their racism stance.
How is he saying that. They were literally proven wrong on their racism stance.
In his world-view, facts are only facts when they happen to coincide with his personal opinions & beliefs.
That Christians go against the grain of society if it's right. So they were against slavery and proven right and will be about sexuality. In short, gay people are wrong and he graciously understands that society hasn't quite caught up yet.

I think that's a projection, to be honest. I'd like to see more text and context to this before saying that's his position.
Non-UK of course. I explained that the EU leaders are also playing to their own domestic audience.

And yes a fair part of southern and eastern Europe is not majorly affected. But the more industrialised nations will be. German projections are that 100k jobs are at risk, with the economy teetering on the verge of recession already. They are the most affected, but they aren't the only ones. If this goes tits up as expected domestic rivals will use it against them.

But the recession threat is because of the idiot Trump and China having a trade war. If Germany has 100k jobs at risk , how many does the UK have at risk, millions? tens of millions?

What are the EU supposed to do? The Uk can stay, leave with the WA or leave with no deal - there's no other choice - but it's the UK that won't make the choice. Of course the populist Farage types will blame the EU, but they'll blame the EU anyway. Reasonable people understand the reality.
This sounds a bit like the German car manufacturers will go bust because the UK won't buy their cars anymore. There are plenty of other customers and in any case the UK will still buy the cars but they'll be a bit more expensive.

What about trucks, all the 7 main truck manufacturers are European - only DAF assembles RH drive models in the UK. Does that mean all large UK deliveries will be by horse and cart?
But the recession threat is because of the idiot Trump and China having a trade war. If Germany has 100k jobs at risk , how many does the UK have at risk, millions? tens of millions?

What are the EU supposed to do? The Uk can stay, leave with the WA or leave with no deal - there's no other choice - but it's the UK that won't make the choice. Of course the populist Farage types will blame the EU, but they'll blame the EU anyway. Reasonable people understand the reality.
This sounds a bit like the German car manufacturers will go bust because the UK won't buy their cars anymore. There are plenty of other customers and in any case the UK will still buy the cars but they'll be a bit more expensive.

What about trucks, all the 7 main truck manufacturers are European - only DAF assembles RH drive models in the UK. Does that mean all large UK deliveries will be by horse and cart?

You have no argument here, just a rant. Find the context in the message you quoted. I responded to a question of “why would the EU even accept the request for extension”.

On the bolded, all the EU have to do is to wait for the soap opera to play out on this side while holding fast on their positions. That means not shoving the UK out of the no deal door by refusing an extension. There’s a lot to lose and nothing to gain by doing so. And so they will grumble, but offer an extension nonetheless. Simples.
You have no argument here, just a rant. Find the context in the message you quoted. I responded to a question of “why would the EU even accept the request for extension”.

On the bolded, all the EU have to do is to wait for the soap opera to play out on this side while holding fast on their positions. That means not shoving the UK out of the no deal door by refusing an extension. There’s a lot to lose and nothing to gain by doing so. And so they will grumble, but offer an extension nonetheless. Simples.

You said the EU electorate will see the EU as vindictive, they won't.
The reason they may refuse an extension is because they want to move on and extending it by another 3 months will change nothing?
By the way I never rant.
To everyone, including their own electorate.
A position only held by imbeciles which be very easily reversed if/when recession bites to "you should have done more". The moderates don't hold such a position.

I think you are seriously misreading the mood on the continent. Marcron, Merkel, hell even Savini, are all made to look good by brexiteers. By now nearly everyone is aware brexiteers just talking out of their arse without a plan or ideas. It would take a lot to change that perception IMO.
But revoking doesn't(Other than meaning a certain section of society can stop thinking about politics and is hassle free when traveling to France). Ok we would remain in the EU but doesn't solve the crisis of British politics which is what Brexit is actually about.

Referendum are fine, the issue was how the simplistic the one in 2016 was. As for precedent, its the precedent is to hold referendums on being members of the EU(And I say this as someone who would like to get rid of both referendum and parliamentary democracy)

Also its hard enough to keep the coalition of left/liberal together, this lib dem policy doesn't do to help this cause(Radicalised Remain people aren't a help to anyone).

Not in a representative democracy.

As for precedent, the best one we have is from the Greeks. They voted 61% to effectively leave, but the politicians decided it was a bad idea and stayed anyway.

ps. I think you're right about any possible left/liberal coalition. Surprisingly the stumbling block seems to be Swinson not Corbyn though. Not sure what she's playing at, as their main policy is to remain, and playing nice with Labour is the only way to do that. Nothing to do with the policy though; that's inconsequential.
You said the EU electorate will see the EU as vindictive, they won't.
The reason they may refuse an extension is because they want to move on and extending it by another 3 months will change nothing?
By the way I never rant.

Many will. From those, some will cheer it and some will shrug. But if recession bites their opposition will weaponise it.
I think you are seriously misreading the mood on the continent. Marcron, Merkel, hell even Savini, are all made to look good by brexiteers. By now nearly everyone is aware brexiteers just talking out of their arse without a plan or ideas. It would take a lot to change that perception IMO.

And they’ll want to continue looking good, instead of looking irresponsible.

A lot like a Brexit-related recession and exploitation of the refusal to extend by their domestic opposition?
Many will. From those, some will cheer it and some will shrug. But if recession bites their opposition will weaponise it.

Why do you keep talking about a recession, the UK leaving the EU is not going to cause a recession. There may be a recession for other reasons but will not because of that to any great degree.
Which people are going to blame the EU for not pandering to the whims of the UK. You're way off the mark.