No, basically it was the governments responsibility to govern. To have a plan in place for all possible outcomes of the referendum.
This is what is required of government.
Is the correct answer. Unless Remain were something like 80-20 ahead in the polls throughout the campaign then to not give due consideration to the possibility of Leave coming out on top is laughable in the extreme.
As for Farage, I don't think it's occurred to some Remainers that he's not even a friggin' MP so how on earth they thought he would be involved in any post-Brexit planning/negotiating is completely and utterly beyond a thick twat of a Leave voter such as myself

Anyway, speaking of lies and scaremongering when is Osborne calling his emergency budget? Will we indeed see 2p slapped on income tax? Is the UK truly at the back of the imaginary line that Obama made reference to? Have holidays to Spain tripled in price yet? Are UK citizens barred from living and working in 27 EU countries after all? When is WW3 breaking out?
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