So do I, anyone with young kids and a job in manufacturing industry. Quite honestly it's less worrying now living in another country, even with all the practical problems.I pity those with families.
So do I, anyone with young kids and a job in manufacturing industry. Quite honestly it's less worrying now living in another country, even with all the practical problems.I pity those with families.
And what's more, it's still even less than what the Tories initially promised, and is still wholly inadequate. An absolute joke and just shows the contempt to which those in the corridors of power hold the North in.PM accused of 'bribing MPs' with £1.6bn post-Brexit fund
Only now after years of neglect from both parties do they find the money.
Years of neglect by both parties? Only one party has been in power since 2010 and halved City council budgets!PM accused of 'bribing MPs' with £1.6bn post-Brexit fund
Only now after years of neglect from both parties do they find the money.
Special permit... You mean an international driver's licence... They have been advising for months people should get one at least in the UK... Dunno about Irish government adviceIrish drivers - heard today that you won’t be able to drive over the border into the north without a special permit. Taxi driver today was telling me because they sometimes get fares going from Dublin airport up to Belfast
Taxi driver seemed to think that there was something on the news today about a ‘green card’ not an international driving licenseSpecial permit... You mean an international driver's licence... They have been advising for months people should get one at least in the UK... Dunno about Irish government advice
Also a lot of insurances and breakdown covers are on a Europe wide basis... Not sure if these will still be valid?... But knowing insurers is they can avoid paying they will
Taxi driver seemed to think that there was something on the news today about a ‘green card’ not an international driving license
Either would be a pain in the arse though
Ahhh I seeYou'd need both, the green card is the insurance, just like the old days.
Irish drivers - heard today that you won’t be able to drive over the border into the north without a special permit. Taxi driver today was telling me because they sometimes get fares going from Dublin airport up to Belfast
Thumbs up to AdmiralI got an email today from Admiral saying that since I live in NI I will be getting a Green Card in due course which I might need to use in the event in of a No Deal Brexit.
It’s an insurance green card that means that they will be insured in NI. Most of the people in boarder towns have been given them.Special permit... You mean an international driver's licence... They have been advising for months people should get one at least in the UK... Dunno about Irish government advice
Also a lot of insurances and breakdown covers are on a Europe wide basis... Not sure if these will still be valid?... But knowing insurers is they can avoid paying they will
Can we have the countdown in days? Or perhaps hours:mins:secs, like the TV series "24"? It will be more exciting! May reverses article 50 with only 2 seconds on the clock!
But beware! The clock terminates at 23:00 hours British Time on March 29th, not at 24:00 hours! That's because the countdown is in Brussels time! Another trap by the cunning EU!
Read the comments on this. Full of people saying they'll boycott BMW then and more 'will of the people' BS. Do people genuinely want the UK to leave the EU at any cost?
Who're they going to blame when the real difficulties of Brexit occur, after we've actually left?
French customs have worked to rule today to show what will happen after Brexit. Massive delays ensued.
After watching that Fyre Festival documentary on Netflix, I believe that Brexit is very similar but on a much bigger scale. They had many chances to pull the plug but just continued until it was too late and it turned into an absolute laughing stock of a shitshow. I wouldn't be surprised if May ordered one of her staff to perform certain "favours" in order to gain necessary concessions from Brussels.
I just watched this guy explaining the problems of a No Deal Brexit from a legal perspective. He left no sources for what he was saying so I have to take him at face value. However he claims that from Human Right perspective No Deal would be illegal due to the lack of food and medicine which would endanger life, the lack of existing laws to replace EU laws or laws not being in place in time for the end of March and insurance policies being null and void for many people which could lead to a backlog of cases.
If he is right about this and the UK government persists with a No Deal Brexit then surely it cannot be legal.
Read the comments on this. Full of people saying they'll boycott BMW then and more 'will of the people' BS. Do people genuinely want the UK to leave the EU at any cost?
Who're they going to blame when the real difficulties of Brexit occur, after we've actually left?
Anybody but themselves, just look at @Stanley Road posts in this thread.
The latest that I have heard is that Brexit is like the Millennium Bug a lot of panic but nothing will actually happen. If you come back with Honda and Nissan they say that they were going to leave anyway and has nothing to do with Brexit. People will never accept that they were made a fool of. It can never be their fault therefore what ever happens there has to be some other reason for it.
The millennium bug never actually brought down planes either, this probably will, as in, they won't be going anywhere.
That was sort of my point Colin.It won't bring down planes, they'll wont be allowed to go up in the first place.
That was sort of my point Colin.
Yeah I know. I understand the work that went into preparing for the Y2K bug. I know people who were drafted into it and the hours they had to work. They don't though. They have heard a buzz feed that someone has come out with regarding project fear and vaguely remember the headlines about planes falling out of the sky which didn't happen so they think it's cleaver to parrot the line and use it to say that people overreacted before and are doing so again.Except with theY2K bug there was a couple of years of hard work to prepare for it.
Fail to prepare, prepare to fail
Brexit: BMW could shift production from UK to Austria in event of no deal, board member reveals
Hopefully, folk like that will stay in the UK for their holidays from now on, and European resorts won't have to put up with their general boorishness.I live in an area where people are proud to have banners saying Leave Means Leave in the back window of there cars. Where people say to you, I bet you're a Remainer? Then when you say yeah they go I thought so you're the type. To which I reply, thank you. I'll take that as a compliment.
I don't argue with them as because as the saying goes, “Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.”