Argentina players singing racist chant targeting French players after Copa America final

I consider myself highly empathetic, particularly towards those with similar backgrounds. However, given all your comments, I find it troubling that it does not.
I think sometimes as a black person, you try not to be too sensitive to every comment or action that can be interpreted as racism. You may rationalise the behaviour and try to figure out another plausible justification for it. The thing is though, sometimes hate is just hate. The Argentinian fans and players are just to doing what people do when they want to hit you where it hurts, but they can't think of anything clever. They usually refer to race.
And there are people who support these knobheads because of messi
I presume the Premier League will be banning Fernandez? Cavani got done for racism that wasn't even a fraction as egregious or offensive as this.

And I don't buy that it isn't under their jurisdiction or whatever. Cavani's was a social media post. Fernandez' was a social media post.
I presume the Premier League will be banning Fernandez? Cavani got done for racism that wasn't even a fraction as egregious or offensive as this.

And I don't buy that it isn't under their jurisdiction or whatever. Cavani's was a social media post. Fernandez' was a social media post.

For something like this, where a busload of players were signing it, FIFA will be handing out all the bans.
The Trevor Noah's bit has been criticized to hell and back by French players themselves in 2018. It's not a good point to make in this situation.

Mandatory reading
Nah, Camavinga was born in a refugee camp in Angola to parents who fled DR Congo during the civil war, before moving to France aged two.

I'm sure the reference was discussing the geopolitical complexities of the Congolese diaspora.
good catch, racists are, if nothing else, very subtle with their political messages, highly educated folk
Wishing injury on a player
Ban the cnut. Or at least break his leg on matchday 1.
I presume the Premier League will be banning Fernandez? Cavani got done for racism that wasn't even a fraction as egregious or offensive as this.

And I don't buy that it isn't under their jurisdiction or whatever. Cavani's was a social media post. Fernandez' was a social media post.
They must. Otherwise you have to ask the question whether it is different rule only for utd players.
I'm sure it's a sign of affection in Argentina or something.

But more seriously, racism in South America is very rife, and in some places such as Argentina, it is a lot more pronounced given their post WW2 context, among other underlying factors.

However, if they are pointing at the fact that these French players aren't "French" and French football is stealing talent from other nations, then many of these Argentine players have roots outside of Argentina, which would make the entire thing hypocritical.
The following is the translation of the song (it seems):

"Listen, spread the word;
They play in France, but they are all from Angola;
How nice it is! They are going to run;
They are 'cometravas'*, like fecking Mbappé;
Their mom is Nigerian;
Their dad, Cameroonian.
But in the document ..Nationality: French".

*cometravas is a slang term that loosely translates to someone who likes fecking transgender people.

The above is transphobic for sure which makes it quite distasteful. The heat that this video gets should be about this.

But, Racist? Are we sure?
  • Could this be more of a mocking of how France poaches players and talents from all over Africa and yet "we" beat them?
  • Is the premise of the chant any different from the one used by Trevor Noah for this segment? Did Africa Just Win The World Cup? | The Daily Show With Trevor Noah (
  • When USA beat Pakistan in the T20 cricket world cup. Many were joking about how India's H1B team (and not USA) beat Pakistan. Is the Argentina song about the nationality of the player's parents any different?
These players have exposure, have colleagues and friends who have roots in Africa and play for Franch/Netherlands/Germany etc. Can we not assume the best in them and think that all this is not coming from a bad place. Is it possible this is healthy banter?
@Gandalf Greyhame has broken it down for you well to understand but in case you're still not sure, here's some more.

Healthy banter?

In the fan clip circulating you see a reporter put a microphone in front of a group of Argentinian fans who then proceed to sing the song. The reporter clearly becomes quite uncomfortable with the chant.

Enzo Fernandez himself tried to stop the recording of the chant during his stream, clearly because he either a) knew it wasnt appropriate or b) someone told him to stop recording.

These things don't happen if the chant is innocent banter.

France poaches players and talents from Africa?

No, no they dont. Most of those players (if not all) grew up in France. Born in France, lived in France, learnt how to play football in France.

These players have exposure, have colleagues and friends who have roots in Africa and play for Franch/Netherlands/Germany etc. Can we not assume the best in them and think that all this is not coming from a bad place.

Don't worry, its coming from a bad place. That place is called Argentina, one of the most historically racist countries in the world. If it smells like a fart, if it tastes like a fart, its a fart.

And finally, perhaps most crucially, Enzo has already been unfollowed by a dozen Chelsea players, all of whom are the 'victims' of this chant.

And if you know anything about colonisation, racism, national identity you'd understand why those Chelsea players would take issue with one of their own team mates taking part in such a chant.

As i've said these players were all born, grew up in, learnt to play football, in France. To them France is their nationality, to them France is their country. Just because they happen to have descendants from outside of France doesnt make them any less French. And you can pretty much guarantee that at some point in many of their lives growing up, their Frenchness would have been questioned and it absolutely would have offended them. It falls along the lines of "Where are you from?" "No, where are you really from?"
Notice how Giroud (having Italian decent) or Greizmann (German decent) werent referenced in that song and that's because they're white. But I'm sure to Argentines they're "proper French" because god forbid Black people claim nationality from anywhere outside of Africa.....

So yeah, throw all that in and if you still come to the conclusion its not racist then well, that's evolution for you...

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Enzo Fernandez apology
The twitter account is probably not his but the screenshot is from his ig story.

Trying to take seriously the claim that it's not racist, that the song is mocking France and not the black French players. Why, then, are they in the same breath hurling homophobic and transphobic slurs at the very same players they're supposedly not mocking?

Seems a bit strange.
Quality control
Yes, it's really that racist. First of all France doesn't "poach players from all over Africa". What a weird remark. You don't seem to understand French society. These players are all born and/or raised Frenchmen.

Second: saying a citizen born and raised in France isn't a true Frenchman because they have dark skin, is discriminatory and about as racist as it gets. It's also something the French far-right extremists used to say and are still saying.

It does not have to be factually correct for people to want to mock. You are not understanding my message. I am not saying this, I am saying if this is what they are making fun of, is it that bad? They could be born or raised frenchmen, they could be naturalized citizens, does it really matter?

Dark skin? There is no reference to that.

I am trying to see if there is a case of benefit of doubt here.
The apology is step one. Bit of a meh apology but there needed to be some kind of remorseful statement from Enzo at some point. I’m guessing a Chelsea statement will follow soon.
Trying to take seriously the claim that it's not racist, that the song is mocking France and not the black French players. Why, then, are they in the same breath hurling homophobic and transphobic slurs at the very same players they're supposedly not mocking?

Seems a bit strange.

Yeah the homophobic and transphobic elements of this seems to have been lost in all the noise.
It does not have to be factually correct for people to want to mock. You are not understanding my message. I am not saying this, I am saying if this is what they are making fun of, is it that bad? They could be born or raised frenchmen, they could be naturalized citizens, does it really matter?

Dark skin? There is no reference to that.

I am trying to see if there is a case of benefit of doubt here.
The element of benefit of doubt here is that they might just be really thick idiots that got carried away, not fully convinced racists singing their manifesto.
Trying to take seriously the claim that it's not racist, that the song is mocking France and not the black French players. Why, then, are they in the same breath hurling homophobic and transphobic slurs at the very same players they're supposedly not mocking?

Seems a bit strange.
A little eh. The whole thing is obvioualy meant to sting and hurt, and that only works if what they're singing is meant as an insult.
FIFA is going to hit them with some bans to show that they mean business with their "no room for racism" message. This is an easy tap-in for them.
Yeah the homophobic and transphobic elements of this seems to have been lost in all the noise.

A little eh. The whole thing is obvioualy meant to sting and hurt, and that only works if what they're singing is meant as an insult.

It's an interesting interpretation, though. "Hey, Angolan, we are just pointing out that you have ancestors not born in France. We are simply pointing out a fact, or possibly referencing France's colonial history, but it's not about you personally. By the way, you're a f*ggot and a tr*nnyfecker."

Doesn't quite roll off the tounge.
It's an interesting interpretation, though. "Hey, Angolan, we are just pointing out that you have ancestors not born in France. We are simply pointing out a fact, or possibly referencing France's colonial history, but it's not about you personally. By the way, you're a f*gott and a tr*nnyfecker."

Doesn't quite roll off the tounge.
You have to see it as a footnote: they're often non-sequiturs with tidbits of vaguely interesting information. (At least in the book I'm reading now.) I'm just not sure what's the core message and what's the footnote here.
It does not have to be factually correct for people to want to mock. You are not understanding my message. I am not saying this, I am saying if this is what they are making fun of, is it that bad? They could be born or raised frenchmen, they could be naturalized citizens, does it really matter?

Dark skin? There is no reference to that.

I am trying to see if there is a case of benefit of doubt here.
Yes, it's that bad. I explained why. They have been dealing with this kind of racism all their lives. Do you know how many times they have been told they're not really French or to go back to Africa?

There's no reference to the colour of their skin explicitly, but it's obviously implied. Like another poster said, they're not singing this about Griezmann's or Giroud's roots. They don't say this kind of stuff when you have roots in another white country.
It does not have to be factually correct for people to want to mock. You are not understanding my message. I am not saying this, I am saying if this is what they are making fun of, is it that bad? They could be born or raised frenchmen, they could be naturalized citizens, does it really matter?

Dark skin? There is no reference to that.

I am trying to see if there is a case of benefit of doubt here.
Ignoring the context that words are said in is extremely stupid. Racism goes beyond "HEY THAT GUY HAS MORE MELANIN AND THAT MAKES ME MAD".

Given the current political climate where immigration is being hugely scrutinized and is one of the main talking points of racist right-wing political parties, you cannot possibly argue in good faith that this is some sort of misunderstanding. There is no benefit of the doubt, this is unacceptable and needs to be eradicated from society.
Trying to take seriously the claim that it's not racist, that the song is mocking France and not the black French players. Why, then, are they in the same breath hurling homophobic and transphobic slurs at the very same players they're supposedly not mocking?

Seems a bit strange.

It's hilarious seeing bozos twisting and turning to defend this. In the same video you hear "corta el vivo/cut the live" because they know how abhorrent they were being, but somehow there's a defence force here.
Do you know how many times they have been told they're not really French or to go back to Africa?

European descendants should be required to get out of Latin America, USA, CANZUK by their own racist logic.
Man, how fecking stupid do you have to be to post that publically. I don't ever let anyone post even pictures or videos of my drunk on a night out.

Also, absolute anecdote that probably isn't representative, but every single Argentinian and Uruguayan I've ever known has been a huge, unsubtle racist. One guy I knew used to refer to KFC as "Negro fast food," unironically, and not even as a 'joke'.

Bentancur saying the stuff about Son a few weeks ago aswell.

Going to be some very awkward pre season meet ups in a few weeks.
The complexity of the chant indicates to me it just wasn't made up on the spot either. Think Duffer has it right that they probably sing it in the changing rooms but not on film compared to this so as captain Messi and also Scaloni will be complicit in this aswell.
No red cards unless someone smashes an opponent to the brink of a seizure.

I don’t think Enzo would be happy taking it for everyone involved, there’s at least a couple who were also singing it, people talk, a lot.
The first part just sounds like the regular Copa. I’m sure the French prefer the Euros.

ANYONE who has ever been on a bus after winning a title knows that team chants are team chants… you don’t get just 4 or 5 people doing them. They have probably been doing this chant since the last World Cup.

Why target France and Mbappe with a chant at all?(I have been told certain lines in the song are in reference to rumors about Mbappe)Why wouldn’t it be chants mocking Brazil or another South American rival?

Someone or some group of Argentina players seems to have a personal competitive grudge against Mbappe and France. There really wouldn’t be an explanation for why they would bother singing this after the Copa if that wasn’t the case.