Argentina players singing racist chant targeting French players after Copa America final

@Gandalf Greyhame has broken it down for you well to understand but in case you're still not sure, here's some more.

Healthy banter?

In the fan clip circulating you see a reporter put a microphone in front of a group of Argentinian fans who then proceed to sing the song. The reporter clearly becomes quite uncomfortable with the chant.

Enzo Fernandez himself tried to stop the recording of the chant during his stream, clearly because he either a) knew it wasnt appropriate or b) someone told him to stop recording.

These things don't happen if the chant is innocent banter.

France poaches players and talents from Africa?

No, no they dont. Most of those players (if not all) grew up in France. Born in France, lived in France, learnt how to play football in France.

These players have exposure, have colleagues and friends who have roots in Africa and play for Franch/Netherlands/Germany etc. Can we not assume the best in them and think that all this is not coming from a bad place.

Don't worry, its coming from a bad place. That place is called Argentina, one of the most historically racist countries in the world. If it smells like a fart, if it tastes like a fart, its a fart.

And finally, perhaps most crucially, Enzo has already been unfollowed by a dozen Chelsea players, all of whom are the 'victims' of this chant.

And if you know anything about colonisation, racism, national identity you'd understand why those Chelsea players would take issue with one of their own team mates taking part in such a chant.

As i've said these players were all born, grew up in, learnt to play football, in France. To them France is their nationality, to them France is their country. Just because they happen to have descendants from outside of France doesnt make them any less French. And you can pretty much guarantee that at some point in many of their lives growing up, their Frenchness would have been questioned and it absolutely would have offended them. It falls along the lines of "Where are you from?" "No, where are you really from?"
Notice how Giroud (having Italian decent) or Greizmann (German decent) werent referenced in that song and that's because they're white. But I'm sure to Argentines they're "proper French" because god forbid Black people claim nationality from anywhere outside of Africa.....

So yeah, throw all that in and if you still come to the conclusion its not racist then well, that's evolution for you...

I’ve often thought that when people mention the highlighted & underlined part in such debates or public discussions, it can have the opposite effect of what’s intended.
The complexity of the chant indicates to me it just wasn't made up on the spot either. Think Duffer has it right that they probably sing it in the changing rooms but not on film compared to this so as captain Messi and also Scaloni will be complicit in this aswell.

It’s not a new chant. Their fans were singing this after the WC back in 2022.
I presume the Premier League will be banning Fernandez? Cavani got done for racism that wasn't even a fraction as egregious or offensive as this.

And I don't buy that it isn't under their jurisdiction or whatever. Cavani's was a social media post. Fernandez' was a social media post.

6 match ban for Casemiro.
It’s not a new chant. Their fans were singing this after the WC back in 2022.
yes, but you still don’t get one person saying “do any of you remember that fan chant from 2 years ago? Let’s try that since … we beat Colombia…” That seems unlikely.

Celebrating teams tend to sing chants they are familiar with as a group.

Argentina sings this, as a team group. It’s probably something they sing as they keep track of their talismans’ international trophy count compared to the person they are primarily making fun of (I understand that some of the references relate to rumors about Mbappe)
I read somewhere the reason Mbappe is a particular focus in the song, is for comments he made before the World Cup about European football being stronger than South American.

Seems an odd thing to get salty about, considering where so many of the Argentina squad ply their trade.
As someone who’s lived and worked in Latin America, this doesn’t surprise me at all. While there’s racism and colorism all over the continent, nowhere is it so open and brazen as in Argentina.
The irony of the chant is that in South America Argentinians are viewed as being predominantly descendants of Europeans. Maybe the chant stems from their own insecurity about how they are perceived.
Comics sans makes the apology look like hes taking the piss :lol:

The irony of the chant is that in South America Argentinians are viewed as being predominantly descendants of Europeans. Maybe the chant stems from their own insecurity about how they are perceived.
Not really, we are terrible to each other as well. We are just awful people if you judge us solely on football chants honestly.
I read somewhere the reason Mbappe is a particular focus in the song, is for comments he made before the World Cup about European football being stronger than South American.

Seems an odd thing to get salty about, considering where so many of the Argentina squad ply their trade.

next up they will sing about taking the Malvinas back from the English, before boarding their plane in time for the Premier League season
Why do we always get someone saying “Is it really racist” or trying to give the people involved the benefit of the doubt or something like that?

Benefit of the doubt is for situations like the Garnacho/Onana emoji situation or Cavani’s post with his friend.

Singing an apparently years old chant like this is not something you try to find a way to justify. There is no misinterpreting this
It does look like Martinez is singing in that clip which is disgusting if he is. We cannot defend or excuse stuff like this
People still naive enough to think a player wouldn’t participate in such chants because he represents Manchester United :lol:
Garnacho is really unlikely. He wasn't in the 2022 WC, and I bet he still doesn't understand what they say when they speak fast.

Martinez maybe, who knows.

But you have to know that in the bus there's not only players but the staff too. So all voices are not necessarily football players.
Garnacho is really unlikely. He wasn't in the 2022 WC, and I bet he still doesn't understand what they say when they speak fast.

Martinez maybe, who knows.

But you have to know that in the bus there's not only players but the staff too. So all voices are not necessarily football players.

With regards to Garnacho. Peer rules applies. I’d be disappointed but not surprised if he joined in, but I genuinely won’t think anything if he was there and didn’t say anything to try and stop it.

Just have to realise he’s a 20 y/o surrounded by people that are older, more influential, and have more social power than him.
The athletes who compete in a sport I love being literal fecking morons with no common sense gets so boring.

I want to shake them and tell them they are interesting for 90 minutes a week otherwise just shut the feck up.
With regards to Garnacho. Peer rules applies. I’d be disappointed but not surprised if he joined in, but I genuinely won’t think anything if he was there and didn’t say anything to try and stop it.

Just have to realise he’s a 20 y/o surrounded by people that are older, more influential, and have more social power than him.
Well, Enzo is only 23. They are still adults. But yes, the stories make it seem like Enzo was leading the singing rather than just one of the singers who happened to video it.

To your point, that does beg the question of the Di Marias, Otomendi’s, and Messi’s of the team. If they have been singing this since the World Cup, who are the more experienced and wise voices on the team that decided “yup, that’s ok”?

Ive watched that video a number of times now though. That bus was totally in sync. Everyone trying to pick out 4 or 5 people, or trying to figure out if peoples lips were moving, or “maybe it was mostly staff” …. come off it. Thats just unwarranted copium.
He was streaming the celebrations, as soon as they started with the racism he ended it sharpish. He's a dummy but even he knew to end the stream.
Did he not end the stream because you can see and hear a player telling him to do so but he continues for a bit before turning it off?
Ive watched that video a number of times now though. That bus was totally in sync. Everyone trying to pick out 4 or 5 people, or trying to figure out if peoples lips were moving, or “maybe it was mostly staff” …. come off it. Thats just unwarranted copium.
Well, you are the trying to involve a whole squad into a racist chant without any real evidence.
He apologized and that's that. What more? Obviously, the FA is going to impose a huge sanction because they are all old men who have no idea about the context of the celebration and the euphoria of the moment. Is it wrong? Yes. No one says otherwise, but believing that a massive sanction will solve the underlying issue is just being stupid.
He apologized and that's that. What more? Obviously, the FA is going to impose a huge sanction because they are all old men who have no idea about the context of the celebration and the euphoria of the moment. Is it wrong? Yes. No one says otherwise, but believing that a massive sanction will solve the underlying issue is just being stupid.

What more? Maybe don't do shit like this in the first place? Could be a start

Feck this fake apology and feck him. That video was horrible, and it was not "caught in euphoria" it was extremely racist and homophobic.

I don't know if Licha and Garnacho participated, it is horrible if they did and I hope everybody gets punished by FA and clubs, regardless of which club they play for. And by the way, even if they didn't join in, they are not in clear - I would expect any decent person to step in and stop something like this if it happens in their presence, not just raise an eyebrow. Sounds like they definitely did not do THAT, so it is very disappointing
He apologized and that's that. What more? Obviously, the FA is going to impose a huge sanction because they are all old men who have no idea about the context of the celebration and the euphoria of the moment. Is it wrong? Yes. No one says otherwise, but believing that a massive sanction will solve the underlying issue is just being stupid.

It's always interesting with these stream of consciousness forms of excuses, where we jump from point to point with no regard for internal consistency.

- He apologized and that's that. Implies that the apology should be the end of it, which either means that it's not that serious or that the apology has achieved something. No further explanation.
- Any sanction will be because of old men ignoring context. Implies that it looks worse than it is, something that could be explained by factoring in the context, but with no attempt to actually do so.
- It's wrong, but punishment won't solve the underlying issues. Hang on, underlying issues? If there are underlying issues with what happened, why just apologize and forget about it? What happened to the context that the old men are ignoring?

It's wrong, but not anything an Instagram note written in comic sans can't fix. It looks bad, but there's missing context. No big deal, no punishment needed. This small issue that has already been laid dead by an apology represents deep underlying issues, so big that punishment won't achieve anything. Punishment a waste of time.
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Martinez will get a ban for the start of the season won't he. Better buy Branthwaite after all.
You can't accuse people without knowing if they are or aren't singing it, but at the same time, I'd be surprised if they weren't singing it. The whole bus is partying and chanting. I'd guess a fair chunk of them don't even realize in the moment that they're being racist while singing that and just join in when that one starts being sung. By no means excusing it either, moreso saying I'd prefer not to pretend like ours are definitely innocent because there's no conclusive evidence they did, when in that situation it's just highly likely they joined in like the whole bus seemed to be.
You can't accuse people without knowing if they are or aren't singing it, but at the same time, I'd be surprised if they weren't singing it. The whole bus is partying and chanting. I'd guess a fair chunk of them don't even realize in the moment that they're being racist while singing that and just join in when that one starts being sung. By no means excusing it either, moreso saying I'd prefer not to pretend like ours are definitely innocent because there's no conclusive evidence they did, when in that situation it's just highly likely they joined in like the whole bus seemed to be.
They are idiots who did it not out of malice but because they thought it wouldn't be a big deal. Suspension + fine and move on. They will probably only do it to Enzo since he was the one who streamed it, but pretty much everyone in that bus was singing that song. Griezzmann did a blackface back in 2017 and there are videos of french players mocking asian hotel staff. Footballers are not known for their brights minds, save a few exceptions.
While this is true, I personally think that they should be punished as a squad. There needs to be a strong message that this is not acceptable.
Agreed they should all face punishment, they could’ve tried to stop the song, instead they tried to stop the video as they knew it was wrong.

Strip them of the title would be one option, they can’t represent the competition in a positive manner and have brought it into disrepute. It’s a harsh punishment but one that would send a message that racism is not acceptable.
Well, Enzo is only 23. They are still adults. But yes, the stories make it seem like Enzo was leading the singing rather than just one of the singers who happened to video it.

To your point, that does beg the question of the Di Marias, Otomendi’s, and Messi’s of the team. If they have been singing this since the World Cup, who are the more experienced and wise voices on the team that decided “yup, that’s ok”?

Ive watched that video a number of times now though. That bus was totally in sync. Everyone trying to pick out 4 or 5 people, or trying to figure out if peoples lips were moving, or “maybe it was mostly staff” …. come off it. Thats just unwarranted copium.

3 years is huge in that age group, also Enzo has been there several years more, and seems like a more boisterous/dominant personality. I agree. I don’t think anyone objected and most probably sang. But I don’t know if it was racism from their perspective.

To us yes it’s racism, but in their society I think it was more just offensive /mocking. Depends if we want to judge people by British norms or by the norms of their society.
Agreed they should all face punishment, they could’ve tried to stop the song, instead they tried to stop the video as they knew it was wrong.

Strip them of the title would be one option, they can’t represent the competition in a positive manner and have brought it into disrepute. It’s a harsh punishment but one that would send a message that racism is not acceptable.
:lol: Come on now
You can't accuse people without knowing if they are or aren't singing it, but at the same time, I'd be surprised if they weren't singing it. The whole bus is partying and chanting. I'd guess a fair chunk of them don't even realize in the moment that they're being racist while singing that and just join in when that one starts being sung. By no means excusing it either, moreso saying I'd prefer not to pretend like ours are definitely innocent because there's no conclusive evidence they did, when in that situation it's just highly likely they joined in like the whole bus seemed to be.
Yup. Most likely it was all / most signing it. If a good amount realised that it was offensive then it wouldn’t have become one of the team’s chants. But you can’t blanket punish without evidence. So a 3/5 match suspension for the proven offenders is fine.
They are idiots who did it not out of malice but because they thought it wouldn't be a big deal. Suspension + fine and move on. They will probably only do it to Enzo since he was the one who streamed it, but pretty much everyone in that bus was singing that song. Griezzmann did a blackface back in 2017 and there are videos of french players mocking asian hotel staff. Footballers are not known for their brights minds, save a few exceptions.
Yep. They should know better. But it's hardly different to all of Old Trafford in the not too distant past singing about Park Ji Sung eating rats, Lukaku having a big dick, "Chelsea rent boys", and so on. It's shit that has to stop bit people far too often resort to these chants when poking fun at others unfortunately.
I am not surprised. Argentina is very racist. Unfortunately, their players represent them very well.

Guess I will root against them no matter who they play against from now on.

And Enzo, you are the biggest clown of all. Horrible cnut, send him to Saudi Arabia Chelsea.
Well, you are the trying to involve a whole squad into a racist chant without any real evidence.
What do you mean without evidence? The video pans around the bus and everyone appears to be singing and dancing, there are lots of voices, and you can only hear the one chant. It isn’t like you can hear the people 4 seats up singing something different.The chant is loud, it’s lots of people.

Do I have FBI level equipment to isolate voice signatures? No. Do I think the singing, celebrating Argentinian players aside from Enzo were only pretending to sing, while humming Taylor Swift lyrics, and hoping it would be over soon? Also a big no.

If you really think this is the first time the Argentine team has sung this song .. and that they didn’t probably sing it …a lot…after the World Cup… idk what to tell you. That seems naive to me.