Argentina players singing racist chant targeting French players after Copa America final

Is there any push back in Argentina, such as these idiots are at it again?
Someone brought up the incidents in Libertadores and in a similar line of questioning I wonder if there's similar chants directed at Brazilian players.
One thing has come to mind and it's rather trivial, but this probably means we can't ever do the Argentina chant right? Well, not for a good while anyway
Dont engage him, I cant be arssed to engage someone that is being emotional about facts available everywhere
Never ask a man his salary, a woman her weight, or Pocho about Argentina's racial history
This thread has descended into utter madness.
It's ridiculous. There is only one possible evaluation here, all the other stuff is absurd...but I guess the absurd has a bigger and bigger voice nowadays.

This is actually a very simple matter...racist players sang something racist, transphobic and whatever else. It is caught on video ... We should just be talking punishment. That simple
The Europeans that came here in the first place decided it was better to exterminate the natives, although most descendants have native blood, in less amount than those of Bolivia or Peru, or Mexico who doesn’t have black people among their population.
Who said we don't?

They are rarely talked about because most Mexicans of African ancestry (I'm not talking about the ones with a foreign parent or grandparent like the Dos Santos brothers) won't look that much different from any other mixed Mexican aside from a darker shade, maybe the hair or their nose, Mexico also abolished slavery in the 1800s and we had no major influx of African people after the New Spain days ended, and after we got our independence Mexican politicians made up a Mexican identity based on the Spanish + Amerindia mix, denying and/or ignoring the African side.
It's ridiculous. There is only one possible evaluation here, all the other stuff is absurd...but I guess the absurd has a bigger and bigger voice nowadays.

This is actually a very simple matter...racist players sang something racist, transphobic and whatever else. It is caught on video ... We should just be talking punishment. That simple


Just looked at the last two pages of this thread. What the suffering fck is all this bilge about.

Just looked at the last two pages of this thread. What the suffering fck is all this bilge about.
Depressing isn’t it. Something as straightforward as this and somehow people still try to twist it into something else.
I’m just relieved Garnacho and Licha weren’t on that video.
Bringing in the history of the Viceroyalty to justify the whole country being racist seems a bit of a stretch. Enzo doesn't seem like the smartest guy in the class, but the song obviously makes fun of the state of European football.
I think the loudest one this Euro was a Romanian account making fun of the Netherlands and their blacks.
In Spain they joked that we had more French people than France.
People who think that European football is distorted, regardless of where the players were born or raised. Are they all racists? Does it make a difference if they are all lumped together?
The song talks about blacks because it is precisely a criticism of the number of Africans. Would there be a song if there were 8 "Hernández" in the team? Maybe not, but in any case the reaction would not be the same.
These threads always descend into madness becoming a war of cultures and nationalities. Just speak on the facts and move on. It’s fine to appreciate and acknowledge the fact that different countries are at different stages of development and moral standards but we should always promote the right principals regardless - that’s how people and communities grow and improve.

The governing bodies should punish the culpable individuals for that shitty chant, simples.
Quality control
Trevor Noah said Africa won the world cup when the French team won in 2018, and he's sort of right.

I've seen posters from the Euros and none of the players featured were actually European.

When many of players in international teams feature people whose history in a country can be traced back only 20-60 years, it makes international football feel little different to club football.
Trevor Noah said Africa won the world cup when the French team won in 2018, and he's sort of right.

I've seen posters from the Euros and none of the players featured were actually European.

When many of players in international teams feature people whose history in a country can be traced back only 20-60 years, it makes international football feel little different to club football.
How many years in a country will make a African origin player European? 100? 200?
Trevor Noah said Africa won the world cup when the French team won in 2018, and he's sort of right.

I've seen posters from the Euros and none of the players featured were actually European.

When many of players in international teams feature people whose history in a country can be traced back only 20-60 years, it makes international football feel little different to club football.

What does actually European mean to you?

And what were these posters?
Trevor Noah said Africa won the world cup when the French team won in 2018, and he's sort of right.

I've seen posters from the Euros and none of the players featured were actually European.

When many of players in international teams feature people whose history in a country can be traced back only 20-60 years, it makes international football feel little different to club football.

Many folks from Africa seem to see no problem in saying the same sort of tripe as Argentinians e.g. "Africans won the World Cup in 2018" because Africans see it as a source of racial pride. As a continent, Africa don't have a lot of global successes to celebrate hence they will celebrate Afro-French players' success because to them, "If African countries weren't poor and exploited we could achieve the same". However South Africans like Trevor Noah lack the empathy to get that Afro-French players don't want to be told that they're less French than a white fellow citizen due to their skin color or ethnicity when they were born in the same cities, attended the same schools, and pay more tax than most to France. Nobody can control where they are born. Also, nobody ever had an issue with Zidane or Benzema being Algerian, or Platini being Italian so it's racism because they're targeting Afro-French only.

Just because Trevor Noah or some crass African politician said the same as Argentinians doesn't mean it justifies their point. Europe doesn't claim the sporting successes of USA just because their sportspeople are of European descent; Germans don't see Trump as if he's one of them nor do the Irish claim Biden. It wouldn't surprise me if the education system in African countries and Argentina is rife with casual racism due to how homogenous they are, breeding a lack of empathy toward other races and nationalities.
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You mean racist like the president of Kenya?

As a kenyan, let me tell you that our president is one the worst example you could have used here to make a point. The whole country is on the streets trying to depose him because he is basically auctioning the country to Nato and the IMF. Let me just say this. If he were around during the slavery era, he would be selling his own people as slaves. If he were around during the fight for indepence he would have collaborated with the colonizers. I would advise you to look for another person as an example.
Argentinians are in full siege mentality mode because this is the first time their casual racism has been called out on the international stage. Let's hope this is the start of their society actually asking questions about the way it conducts itself but I have my doubts.
Bringing in the history of the Viceroyalty to justify the whole country being racist seems a bit of a stretch. Enzo doesn't seem like the smartest guy in the class, but the song obviously makes fun of the state of European football.
It criticizes the state of European football by saying footballers have sex with transgender people?
It’s easy to stand in your position and judge people ignoring their culture. All these people need is education because there’s no hatred inside these things. These are just stupid things they do without understanding how bad it can be. That’s how you can build a better society. Of course there will be real racial hatred as it happens all over the world sadly. But as people who live here in Argentina has posted, the vast majority of people just need education and have no hatred at all. I’m sure Enzo Fernandez is not a bad person, he’s basically an ignorant kid who thought it was nice to sing a football chant and doesn’t understand how bad this can be. Of course it’s a racism case and he must be banned for a time, fined, but I’m sure that with education this will be erradicated since it’s not a hated based problem.

There may not be hatred in the Nazi/Klan sense, but there sure isn't any love either.
It criticizes the state of European football by saying footballers have sex with transgender people?
Yes iker, the origin of the song is a joke about the fact that France plays with so many Africans. It is an offensive song made by fans that should not have been used by players. If you want to play demagogy and point to transphobia, go ahead.
I don’t understand what planet these players are from? What possessed them to sing that and then think, I know, I’ll pop it on social media. That will impress people!

Absolutely fecking stupid. How did no one call it out while it was happening? Madness.
Yep, that's a similar sentiment and also stupid. What's your point though? I know this was referenced before, but there are lots of idiots around on the internet, let's not go quote them all.
Zero. They are French.
I get what you're correctly pushing back against here but a lot of them will be both right? They're absolutely French and the attempt to deny them that identity is vile but I think it's fair to assume many of them will also consider themselves African. I feel at times in this thread we're acting like they're mutually exclusive when the reality is surely that loads of people are proudly both French and African.

This is just some far-right X account, chief.

Its homepage has 'Romanian Youth standing up to LGBTQ' and claims England and France are the only 'Muslim teams remaining in the competition'.

Not sure if you thought this was a 'Gotcha'.
Zero. They are French.
So Haaland is English because he was born in England to Norwegian parents? They are French, but they are also Africans. You think they are ashamed or something?
I get what you're correctly pushing back against here but a lot of them will be both right? They're absolutely French and the attempt to deny them that identity is vile but I think it's fair to assume many of them will also consider themselves African. I feel at times in this thread we're acting like they're mutually exclusive when the reality is surely that loads of people are proudly both French and African.

This is 100% true and I think most people do understand this.

I think a lot of these kinds of statements are borne from the very real attacks that some people put forward suggesting that these players (and the populations as a whole) are not French/ British whatever and never will be.

In a way that, let's be honest, the likes of Grieszmann, Laporte etc would never face. Their whiteness allows them to blend in and not be othered, in a way that Mbappe or Benzema never could.
Bit random to criticize the French after winning Copa America.

Btw, was mac allister also singing this or not? His ancestory isnt argentinian.
Some people on here seriously acting like these European players with African roots have no personal and cultural ties with their countries, the countries they were born and raised in. Like they're all just interchangeable because they happen to be black.

Funny thing, there was actually one player at the Euro's who played for a country in which he has never lived, never even set foot before he became an international and doesn't speak the language. But he's white, so no one mentions him.
Yes iker, the origin of the song is a joke about the fact that France plays with so many Africans.

African descent*

But if that's the reason behind the joke, then why is there no jokes like that for every other nation on earth, because every country has descent from other nations.
Yep, that's a similar sentiment and also stupid. What's your point though? I know this was referenced before, but there are lots of idiots around on the internet, let's not go quote them all.

it was mentioned here today and I posted it because I thought It's pretty much the same thing. it somehow evaded me when it first came up so I'm surprised to hear so many of you saw it already.
So Haaland is English because he was born in England to Norwegian parents? They are French, but they are also Africans. You think they are ashamed or something?
Slow down. You are reading things into my answer that are not there. No matter what a person's ethnic background is, if he has a country's passport, he is its citizen. Nobody is asked to argue/deny their roots. Of course some of the French players have African roots (as does everyone on this planet to varying degrees...) but what unites them all is that they are French.