Argentina players singing racist chant targeting French players after Copa America final

You mean racist like the president of Kenya?

Absolutely. I can tell you this because I have family members that are like that, they are racist, they dislike white people, they denigrate them at every opportunity and they also consider that any african decent born abroad has to consider himself african or he is a traitor.
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I doubt you will hear from him at all. If he takes the stance of coming out to publicly condemn other players, he runs a serious risk of double backlash if/when players come out “you were singing it to” or “wha? YOU made us learn it”

Paid news outlets don’t have to write a story every few days about two players “actually having admiration for each other” unless the two guys each want the other to fall off a cliff. Generally at least

We’ve already established that the Argentine players seemed to know this song well. If they sang it often as motivation, do people really think Messi, the captain, didn’t participate?

The kids don’t set the tone on the Argentina team.
Yes, that where I am on Messi as well. The fact he wasn't on the bus doesn't remove my suspicion in this case. He has been on that bus when they have been singing the same junk. Whether he was an active participant or sat idle, for sure he has done nothing to stop it in the past.

Messi is the father figure of that Argentine team, if he said knock it off and dont be a bunch of racist cnts, I am pretty sure that would happen.

Not the first time sadly with Messi. A few days earlier...where was his support statement for Bombito and where is his condemnation of his fans that racially abused Bombito?

Messi is I suspect just more clever about it than Fernandez.
I shared my opinion on whether the part that mentioned the country of origin of the parents was racism or not. They can both insult France and the players.

Ah, so the issue is that Argentinians football fans are even worse songwriters than regular football fans, not even able to stay on topic for a sentence or two, completely incapable of telling a coherent story. The song is actually saying "France is a poor footballing nation, having to import black players to win for them. This is in no meant to reflect badly on the black players mentioned, who by the way are tr*nnyfeckers and f*gs."

Compare that to other dodgy songs, like for instance the Park one:

"Park, you're South Korean, which means you eat dogs. That's pretty disgusting, but it's at least better than being from Liverpool, because then you'd be so poor that you'd eat rats to survive while living in government provided housing"

It's a trash, racist chant, and even here they manage to tell a coherent story.

These contortions make no sense, and it's pretty sad to see the attempts. The whole point of the chant is to be as offensive as possible, in the charming Argentinian football tradition of "everything is fair game in an attempt to get under your skin, no exceptions", but when people react to the provocation (the whole point in the first place!) the backtracking begins. It's so cowardly.
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He seems to be saying it as a matter of pride, whereas the Argie chant was done out of pure mockery based on racial grounds.
Enzo was wrong, but I understand the song as a mockery against France needing africans to win, not against black people.
He seems to be saying it as a matter of pride, whereas the Argie chant was done out of pure mockery based on racial grounds.
Exactly. It really is quite painful that it needs to be pointed out that celebrating the African heritage of various French players is not equivalent to ridiculing it.
An usurprising post from the same man that made excuse after excuse for Suarez's racism back in 2011. Thirteen years later and nothing has changed.

Classic picardía from a fellow latin american. Expected nothing less.
I never made any excuses for Suárez. In fact, before the 2010 World Cup when he had no widespread controversial track record whatsoever I said I didn't want him at United because he would be trouble. We had an embarrassment of riches as well, mind.

I've always been clear he resorted to racist language to wind up an opponent and was rightly punished for it.

Where I did defend him was on not agreeing he was racist per se or a despicable human being.

I did get stuck into the nuances of "negrito" in the same way many of us did re: Cavani, but never as a defence of what was said to Evra.

For the most part, I blamed Liverpool being completely useless and handling the matter in a way that was far more concerning and absurd than what could be expected of a kid with minimal education, from an impoverished background, who moved away from his parents home and into club digs in the city when he was 15 or so.

Read below as a sample, but go knock yourself out digging up my "excuses for Suárez". I never excused him, just laid out nuances to be considered by those readily drawing out the pitchforks or, characteristically, not being at all racist when extrapolating one guy's actions to an entire nation being racist.

He's not very intelligent, has always been a little shit and has had rubbish counselling. Personally, I blame the counselling above all, he is a fecking football player, what the hell do they have all the rest of the staff for if not to talk some sense into technically-gifted ignorants?

The first I heard from Suarez was actually to the Uruguayan media and he sort of tried to dress it in order not to look bad but ultimately it was very clear he had resorted to racist language to wind up an opponent. His whole body language showed he was both uncomfortable and surprised by it all.
But then the reporter himself did this little "comrade" thing, sort of "come on, I wasn't born yesterday, you were winding him up, weren't you?" and Suarez sort of shrugged and smirked. In a way, he looked relieved "finally, someone gets it, it's normal isn't it?" type reaction.

I do believe there is a cultural issue. Those terms are indeed used in friendly banter and are OK. They can also be used negatively, subject to context. Players here will resort to racist language as much as any other stuff to wind up an opponent. To us it is all the same: an on-pitch wind-up in the heat fo the game. You just brush it off and get on with it. In fact, we are more offended by son of a bitch or references to mum's sisters and where they were last night than skin colour. No one gives a flying feck about skin colour to be honest as it is mostly a mixed race country.

Suarez did look genuinely surprised at the dimensions it had all taken. Had someone had a quick word with him and explained he would have been out there apologising, putting it down to the heat of the moment, cultural differences and that would be that.

Instead, everyone around him has been insisting he is innocent, he is a victim of a witch-hunt and, quite frankly, I don't think it has actually sunk in his head that he fecked up and that it isn't the world against him, it's him doing something that in the country/continent he lives in today is out of order. Which goes a long way in explaining the non-handshake, if anyone with any sense had a word with him over the last few months he would know how to behave by now. Clearly, he doesn't. Either those around him have no sense (looks the right answer really) or he is thick as pigshit (probably true as well).
It's an anti black song so maybe you can figure it out yourself why Jackson would be offended. Seriously some of the comments here are beyond stupid.
Maybe you could let Jackson himself know then because he's given his support to Enzo.
What's lost on all of you is the point of the song isn't to belittle the French players of African descent but how the French that colonised them need them to be any good at football.

If you take issue with the transeater stuff, fair enough, but everyone's getting the point completely wrong as far as the white supremacy angle is concerned.
How does it make it any better then? It is even worse when you put it that way, because that implies, apart from implying they are not French, that these players have no say whatsoever in who they want to represent. As if they are less of a human beings, and that they are French just because they are good at football.
Absolutely. I can tell you this because I have family members that are like that, they are racist, they dislike white, they denigrate them at every opportunity and they also consider that any african decent born abroad has to consider himself african or he is a traitor.
100% this. This notion that black/african/arabic people can't be racist or make ill-informed remarks is so stupid. The shit i hear some of my relatives say when a France game is on is exhausting...
Maybe you could let Jackson himself know then because he's given his support to Enzo.
Well I hope that his kid(s) will never have European citizenship then because Enzo and friends will probably mock them for being from Angola.
Griezmann is not a gamechanger then I guess?

And that's the issue. The game changers are the ones born and bred in France while the ones they don't care about are the ones that are born but not bred in France.

It's a bit strange when you think about it, the ones that have a stronger claim to represent France are the "legitimate" target
I’m not saying the song is ok or right, or accurate. I just don’t think Enzo is racist.
You really don't have to give the benefit of the doubt to Argentinians when it comes to racism.
Enzo was wrong, but I understand the song as a mockery against France needing africans to win, not against black people.
That's how I felt initially. However as Argentine has a mostly white population, and it's obvious that their players view France also as a "white" country, the essence of the song can be described as: "You French white boys need help from black people from Africa to play football, while we are all white." And it can be sensed that "black people from Africa" here is implied to be subhuman. Therefore the racism is undeniable, albeit subtler than usual racial insults.
100% this. This notion that black/african/arabic people can't be racist or make ill-informed remarks is so stupid. The shit i hear some of my relatives say when a France game is on is exhausting...

They are the smartest bigots, they know how to behave in public but have zero filters when they speak in their own tongues or behind closed doors. People should pay closer attention to african politics, it becomes very obvious, a large amount are racists, xenophobes, ethnophobes and generally massive bigots because dividing people through faith or any other thing is also very common.
Not me. The president of Kenya. And the song

There's a world of difference between celebrating a person's heritage and mocking it. Somalis in the UK being proud of Mo Farah being a Brit with Somali heritage is wildly different from some Reform UK bloke telling Mo Farah he isn't a real Brit because he is from Somalia.
100% this. This notion that black/african/arabic people can't be racist or make ill-informed remarks is so stupid. The shit i hear some of my relatives say when a France game is on is exhausting...
Racism goes both ways
I’m not saying the song is ok or right, or accurate. I just don’t think Enzo is racist.

The point was about the song, the song is racist. Now you make your own judgement on whether someone singing a racist song is racist, I tend to think that they are especially when it's an 18 month years old tune. They have had enough time to think carefully about it.

You mean racist like the president of Kenya?

Probably the worst example you could have used to support anything here. That guy has near to zero respect in his own region. He is what you would call a quintessential house slave. He recently went crawling his ass to Washington to make his country a NATO ally, so that they can use his country men as mercenaries and fodder for various imperial projects, and make it easy for him to get loans that he can enrich himself on. It is not a surprise that he has such a backward view on migration and humanity in general.
That's how I felt initially. However as Argentine has a mostly white population, and it's obvious that their players view France also as a "white" country, the essence of the song can be described as: "You French white boys need help from black people from Africa to play football, while we are all white." And it can be sensed that "black people from Africa" here is implied to be subhuman. Therefore the racism is undeniable, albeit subtler than usual racial insults.
This is an entirely reasonable description of the dynamics involved here. You can argue that the sentiments expressed in the song probably don't fully reflect the world views of the morons on that team bus this is absolutely what they were singing.
Let's stop pretending it's a chant that mocks the French when the chant has omitted players that aren't black.
People are never gonna stop pretending that, unfortunately. I must have seen a dozen responses in this thread along those lines. They've made their minds up.

Apparently, getting all the countries wrong (none of them are from Angola, which is not a former French colony, except Camavinga, who moved to France when he was two; Mbappe's mother is Algerian, not Nigerian, as Nigeria is not a former French colony, etc.) and ignoring the fact that they were almost all born and raised in France (hence the passport reading 'nationality; French') is just a further sign of respect to them and a dig at the French Football Association.
These threads are always so depressing, not just because of the chants that started it, but because it shows we have plenty of folk on the caf who have no idea what racism, homophobia and transphobia are.
You're giving them too much credit, a good chunk of them know exactly what they're doing. It feels like I'm reading the Daily Mail comment section.

Out of this car crash of a thread.
I think it's definitely unfair (xenophobic?) to categorise all (or even the majority of) Argentinians as racist but it's fair to say there is a good amount of casual racism in Argentine society. Usually more based in ignorance than actual hatred.
There's a world of difference between celebrating a person's heritage and mocking it. Somalis in the UK being proud of Mo Farah being a Brit with Somali heritage is wildly different from some Reform UK bloke telling Mo Farah he isn't a real Brit because he is from Somalia.

Good response..
Anybody making excuses for Enzo Fernandez and his cohorts is nothing more than a racist. I'm sorry, if you're defending racism as okay then you are clearly a racist.
Why are only black players included in the chant then?
They are more conspicuous for obvious reasons. You can make a case for Hernandez, since he has a Spaniard surname and should be more recognizable than say Giroud or Griezmann, but even then it's not necessarily a proof of racism, since you'd likely use the more extreme examples to make your point.
They are the smartest bigots, they know how to behave in public but have zero filters when they speak in their own tongues or behind closed doors. People should pay closer attention to african politics, it becomes very obvious, a large amount are racists, xenophobes, ethnophobes and generally massive bigots because dividing people through faith or any other thing is also very common.
How Sub-Saharans enslaved other Black tribes(and no, that not started after their contact with Europeans) and that mostly of the slaves in America were bought from Africans are not talked enough. Amerindians too; they even made pacts with Portugueses to help exterminating other tribes in exchange for their guidance in the forest, and not many were as brutal doing that in world history(the skinning and dismemberment of children alive are examples of their practices). Every ethnic group has an ugly history if you search enough.
That's how I felt initially. However as Argentine has a mostly white population, and it's obvious that their players view France also as a "white" country, the essence of the song can be described as: "You French white boys need help from black people from Africa to play football, while we are all white." And it can be sensed that "black people from Africa" here is implied to be subhuman. Therefore the racism is undeniable, albeit subtler than usual racial insults.
Yes, if you are a person with zero empathy, you surely can. I hope other people are more empathetic when interpreting whatever you say.
They are more conspicuous for obvious reasons. You can make a case for Hernandez, since he has a Spaniard surname and should be more recognizable than say Giroud or Griezmann, but even then it's not necessarily a proof of racism, since you'd likely use the more extreme examples to make your point.

How Sub-Saharans enslaved other Black tribes(and no, that not started after their contact with Europeans) and that mostly of the slaves in America were bought from Africans are not talked enough. Amerindians too; they even made pacts with Portugueses to help exterminating other tribes in exchange for their guidance in the forest, and not many were as brutal doing that in world history(the skinning and dismemberment of children alive are examples of their practices). Every ethnic group has an ugly history if you search enough.

Yes, if you are a person with zero empathy, you surely can. I hope other people are more empathetic when interpreting whatever you say.

I'll give you a hint as to what those obvious reasons are. It starts with r and ends with m.
They are more conspicuous for obvious reasons. You can make a case for Hernandez, since he has a Spaniard surname and should be more recognizable than say Giroud or Griezmann, but even then it's not necessarily a proof of racism, since you'd likely use the more extreme examples to make your point.

How Sub-Saharans enslaved other Black tribes(and no, that not started after their contact with Europeans) and that mostly of the slaves in America were bought from Africans are not talked enough. Amerindians too; they even made pacts with Portugueses to help exterminating other tribes in exchange for their guidance in the forest, and not many were as brutal doing that in world history(the skinning and dismemberment of children alive are examples of their practices). Every ethnic group has an ugly history if you search enough.

Yes, if you are a person with zero empathy, you surely can. I hope other people are more empathetic when interpreting whatever you say.
"obvious reasons"
They are more conspicuous for obvious reasons. You can make a case for Hernandez, since he has a Spaniard surname and should be more recognizable than say Giroud or Griezmann, but even then it's not necessarily a proof of racism, since you'd likely use the more extreme examples to make your point.

How Sub-Saharans enslaved other Black tribes(and no, that not started after their contact with Europeans) and that mostly of the slaves in America were bought from Africans are not talked enough. Amerindians too; they even made pacts with Portugueses to help exterminating other tribes in exchange for their guidance in the forest, and not many were as brutal doing that in world history(the skinning and dismemberment of children alive are examples of their practices). Every ethnic group has an ugly history if you search enough.

Yes, if you are a person with zero empathy, you surely can. I hope other people are more empathetic when interpreting whatever you say.
This person is making excuses for the Transatlantic slave trade, in which an estimated 100 million Africans died in transit, and those that made it were subjected to centuries of abuse and bigotry. Incredible. Next you'll be telling us that the Holocaust is not a big deal because of Jewish collaboration with Nazi Germany (which existed).
They are more conspicuous for obvious reasons. You can make a case for Hernandez, since he has a Spaniard surname and should be more recognizable than say Giroud or Griezmann, but even then it's not necessarily a proof of racism, since you'd likely use the more extreme examples to make your point.

Being conspicuous shouldn't actually lead to the suggestions made in the song unless you add a particular idiology. To make it particularly obvious, is someone nationality or culture exclusively linked to the color of their skin?
He seems to be saying it as a matter of pride, whereas the Argie chant was done out of pure mockery based on racial grounds.
Not to mention, included homophobic and transphobic taunting alongside the racial slurs.

Sad whataboutery is being to distract from Argentina's racist WC winners.

Not surprising, though.
He is insinuating it and people really shouldn't defend it.

Showing the French team in their France jerseys may not be the best way of 'insinuating' the French aren't French.

Small wonder there are protests about his rule in Kenya.
Showing the French team in their France jerseys may not be the best way of 'insinuating' the French aren't French.

Small wonder there are protests about his rule in Kenya.

Call it his African team and putting the flags of the countries of their parents or in multiple cases their grandparents is clearly an insinuating that they are african. In fact it's bit a more than an insinuation.
He is insinuating it and people really shouldn't defend it.

That is two different things as I see it. One is first of all positive, as in I am claiming these guys as African, the other is insinuating they are not French.

People can be African and French. As can be American and Chinese/Asian etc...

I think beyond that it is a bit of a silly point to make, there are many different types of people in Africa, it's like saying all Europeans are the same. He is actually doing his cultural identity a bit of disservice in my opinion by lumping everyone in he could.
tbf, this France nt is full of "African" players "joke" isn't new. I remember these meme during World cup got thousands likes on twitter.

Racism or not, this song is meant to be an insult, not a joke. That is the root of problem. Maybe native Argie don't see it that way but rest of the world do
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