Argentina players singing racist chant targeting French players after Copa America final

We might have had members of the Argentinian government on the caf last night.
What does actually European mean to you?

And what were these posters?

Someone who belongs to a European ethnic group, obviously. To get more granular, this means those who descended from Early European Farmers, Western Hunter-Gatherers, and Proto-Indo-Europeans.
If I didn't know better, I would say these are attitudes of a nation infiltrated by Nazis several generations ago...
I'm in the same boat (even if i'm Belgian not French) and i agree 100%. The bold part especially is often overlooked.

I don't know if it's overlooked or if it's simply a case of people not knowing. In fact people don't realize that I'm way more likely to be treated as a foreigner by africans than I'm by europeans. One thing that people need to keep in mind is that in general Africa whether it is sub-saharian or North Africa is mainly divided at an ethnic level, the nationality isn't the main identity, you don't belong based on your skin color or nationality, you belong based on your actual culture, which rites and faith you follow and which languages you speak fluently.
The mental gymnastics of the racist posters would be funny if they weren't so pathetic.
Someone who belongs to a European ethnic group, obviously. To get more granular, this means those who descended from Early European Farmers, Western Hunter-Gatherers, and Proto-Indo-Europeans.
Do you know where those Farmers and Gatherers descended from?

What's the cut-off? This just screams the same type of rhetoric you'd hear from Tommy and his mob.
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Someone who belongs to a European ethnic group, obviously. To get more granular, this means those who descended from Early European Farmers, Western Hunter-Gatherers, and Proto-Indo-Europeans.

Interestingly this means that the term actually Europeans has zero practical value. The groups you mentioned have nothing in common from a cultural standpoint with current (white) Europeans. Someone that has zero ancestors from these groups and entirely grew up in Europe has more in common with current Europeans than actual Europeans.

It's like suggesting that an actual chair is a comfortable rock from the paleolithic.
As someone that is directly concerned by it. I'm french and that's it, now if you want to talk about my personal culture then it's mixed because I'm mixed but also because my cultural influences are mixed, I'm not african and I'm not european. In fact I will tell you something africans don't actually consider me african, when you are in Africa you are labelled as the European or the french, when you are in Europe you have to answer "where are you actually from?".

So on that topic I have zero patience. Because everyone tries to impose on us, what we are while also telling us what we are not. So to others what we are is our nationality(s), the rest is none of your business, you have zero say in it.

I agree.
I get what you're correctly pushing back against here but a lot of them will be both right? They're absolutely French and the attempt to deny them that identity is vile but I think it's fair to assume many of them will also consider themselves African. I feel at times in this thread we're acting like they're mutually exclusive when the reality is surely that loads of people are proudly both French and African.
The issue is the assumption that the players are less French than they are. Acrobat7's post was responding to my question of 'how many Africans there were in the NT.'

I asked that because the overwhelming majority of players in the French NT were born and raised in France. Some of them have two parents who are first-generation immigrants from an African country. Some of them have one parent who is a first-generation immigrant from an African country. Some of them don't have any parents who are first-generation immigrants or citizens from an African country; their parents are just black.

It has already been pointed out but Mbappe's mother, contrary to what the lyrics claim, is not Nigerian. She is Algerian. The lyrics rhyme just as well with either nationality. The lyrics are changed because the "punchline" to the "joke" is "black people."
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Someone who belongs to a European ethnic group, obviously. To get more granular, this means those who descended from Early European Farmers, Western Hunter-Gatherers, and Proto-Indo-Europeans.
So not people of Finno-Urgic descent? (Finns, Sami, Estonians, Hungarians, etc.) What about descendents of people that came to Europe from, say, Africa 400 years ago? What about the uncountable ways people are of mixed descent? Cause you're basically setting an arbitrary time limit on who's eligible for 'true European' status.

And that's what underlies a lot of nationalist (and racist) discourse: fairly arbitrary rules for who is in or out. It's the same principle that leads to this song - with if course a strong skin colour component in all cases.
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It will be funny watching some nations change their tune when the next Messi has parents from Ghana and Yemen.
The under-secretary for sports suggested that Messi as captain and the FA president should issue an apology because "it's left us looking bad".

Milei sacked him yesterday for those comments :rolleyes:
The under-secretary for sports suggested that Messi as captain and the FA president should issue an apology because "it's left us looking bad".

Milei sacked him yesterday for those comments :rolleyes:
Messi has done enough for football and Argentina, let him rest, he wasn’t even there.
The man had to carry a group of farmers to a world cup win, compare that squad to the 1998 or 2002 squads where there were like, what, 8-9 world class players?
Some of them are all timers? Its laughable.
If anything its the coach’s job to do that.
Let the goats be goats in peace.

Ps, love your username.
Here’s a fun fact for you:

On This Day in 1946: Irn Bru was born. The drink, first made in 1901, had previously been called Strachan's Brew then Iron Brew. New advertising legislation required the removal of the word 'brew', because it is not brewed.
The issue is the assumption that the players are less French than they are. Acrobat7's post was responding to my question of 'how many Africans there were in the NT.'

I asked that because the overwhelming majority of players in the French NT were born and raised in France. Some of them have two parents who are first-generation immigrants from an African country. Some of them have one parent who is a first-generation immigrant from an African country. Some of them don't have any parents who are first-generation immigrants or citizens from an African country; their parents are just black.

It has already been pointed out but Mbappe's mother, contrary to what the lyrics claim, is not Nigerian. She is Algerian. The lyrics rhyme just as well with either nationality. The lyrics are changed because the "punchline" to the "joke" is "black people."
His mother has a dual nationality and is born and bred in France.
It's pretty funny how that Argentinian official is issuing a rallying call against "coloniser countries". Pretty sure indigenous people who lived in the area of Argentina centuries ago were not Spanish speaking people.
How many years in a country will make a African origin player European? 100? 200?

I'm going to be kind to him and assume that he meant that any player needed to have lived in the country for at least 60 years to be eligible for the national team. I'd watch that tournament. Give a new meaning to "last man standing".
I found conflicting info online.

I am listening, learning, etc.

I know there are plenty of people stating that she is algerian which is only half true. She is born in Bondy, bred in Bondy and played professional Handball for Bondy. Now I think that she represented Algeria but I'm not sure.
Someone who belongs to a European ethnic group, obviously. To get more granular, this means those who descended from Early European Farmers, Western Hunter-Gatherers, and Proto-Indo-Europeans.
Look why don't you just watch reruns of past tournaments were all the players of European teams were white. If you go far back enough maybe there will also be a french team that is without annoying black people for you to watch. Best start in 1930s as the german team was without jews which you probably also will appreciate.
In the meantime we'll look forward to the next WC and don't care about this primitive stuff.
Appears to me that racism in Argentina and a few other countries isn’t taken as seriously as in our country and other European countries.
It’s up to FIFFA to punish the Argentina FA and the domestic clubs who employ these players need to just sit down and explain the situation to them. Don’t forget these young players come from a completely different background to us on a continent many thousands of miles away.
We shouldn’t punish these individuals just educate them and explain why it is unacceptable on these shores and not to repeat this sort of behaviour again or else there will be big consequences, explain that it is actually a crime to be racist in this country and that when they are away from the club they still have values to uphold. If they do repeat bad racist behaviour after such education then those big consequences will be actioned.
Remember it’s taken this country decades to educate certain members of our society, you can not change these footballers attitudes over night if it’s been acceptable in their own country.
Appears to me that racism in Argentina and a few other countries isn’t taken as seriously as in our country and other European countries.
It’s up to FIFFA to punish the Argentina FA and the domestic clubs who employ these players need to just si5 down and explain the situation to them. Don’t forget these young players come from a completely different background to us on a continent many thousands of miles away.
We shouldn’t punish these individuals just educate them and explain why it is unacceptable on these shores and not to repeat this sort of behaviour again or else there will be big consequences. If they do after such education then those big consequences will be actioned.
Remember it’s taken this country decades to educate certain members of our society, you can not change these footballers attitudes over night if it’s been acceptable in their own country.

What do we expect when half of Argentina is of Nazi heritage?

See how easy it is to make wild uneducated statements about a nations heritage.

I am sure Argentinians would find offence at what I just typed, but as the Argentinian vice president would put it 'telling the truths that they do not want to admit'.
How many Africans play in the French NT?
*African descent
African descent*

But if that's the reason behind the joke, then why is there no jokes like that for every other nation on earth, because every country has descent from other nations.
The song comes from the Qatar World Cup. I guess that's why it refers to France. If it were another country, I suppose they would look for something equally offensive.
I hate to tell you but this post is at least ignorant.

And what does European football being distorted even mean?
I'm sorry you feel that way. Distorted in the sense that "natives" are not the majority in the national team.
As if there were 10 German descents playing in Japan's national team. Japanese in their own right but a national team that for many would not be authentic.
Look why don't you just watch reruns of past tournaments were all the players of European teams were white. If you go far back enough maybe there will also be a french team that is without annoying black people for you to watch. Best start in 1930s as the german team was without jews which you probably also will appreciate.
In the meantime we'll look forward to the next WC and don't care about this primitive stuff.

Funnily enough for France you would have to go back a long time, it will be before 1930. In the 30s there is at least Diagne and Ben Barek.
*African descent

The song comes from the Qatar World Cup. I guess that's why it refers to France. If it were another country, I suppose they would look for something equally offensive.

I'm sorry you feel that way. Distorted in the sense that "natives" are not the majority in the national team.
As if there were 10 German descents playing in Japan's national team. Japanese in their own right but a national team that for many would not be authentic.

Thankfully coloured players are starting to break into Spanish national team, i know you aren't used to it but hopefully it will slowly change your backwards view on the subject.
*African descent

The song comes from the Qatar World Cup. I guess that's why it refers to France. If it were another country, I suppose they would look for something equally offensive.

I'm sorry you feel that way. Distorted in the sense that "natives" are not the majority in the national team.
As if there were 10 German descents playing in Japan's national team. Japanese in their own right but a national team that for many would not be authentic.

The real question is why does anyone even care about being of an authentic nationality or heritage.

Letting that be of concern is racist/xenophobic.

We are all humans and no person in any country is anything close to being authentic. Maybe authentic in the sense of what the heritage has been for a few hundred years, or a few thousand years. In reality we are all from Africa and every country has been populated due to mass migration across the world.
This whole issue was brought to the world's attention by a black player complaining about it. It's the first post...
And alot of people here and online are arguing it isn't offensive... who are we/they to tell fofana he shouldn't be offended by it?
Someone who belongs to a European ethnic group, obviously. To get more granular, this means those who descended from Early European Farmers, Western Hunter-Gatherers, and Proto-Indo-Europeans.

So if your grandparents moved to another continent 100 years ago - they would still still be European. Like the Boers in Africa ?
I'm sorry you feel that way. Distorted in the sense that "natives" are not the majority in the national team.
As if there were 10 German descents playing in Japan's national team. Japanese in their own right but a national team that for many would not be authentic.
I don't get that point. In the end it's important where you learn to play football. If a "german" grows up in Japan he is a Japanese footballer for me as he learned his skills in Japan. Or let me give you another example let's say some Inuits from Greenland migrate to Brazil and one their children becomes the next Pele. Is it because they are Inuits or is it because they grew up in Brazil?
I really don't get this ethnicity fixation some of you have.
It will be funny watching some nations change their tune when the next Messi has parents from Ghana and Yemen.

Has happened already in Greece with basketball. Funny thing is that Antetokoumpo is legitimately Greek, and certain right wing idiots were skeptical on whether he can represent Greece, but had no problem with naturalised Greeks that have no connection whatsoever with Greece, like Walkup.
As if there were 10 German descents playing in Japan's national team. Japanese in their own right but a national team that for many would not be authentic.
Why? Daniel Schmidt (a Japanese international of German descent) isn't less of a Japanese player than his teammates. If they're were ten of him, the team would be less authentic? That says more about the people who think this.
The real question is why does anyone even care about being of an authentic nationality or heritage.

Letting that be of concern is racist/xenophobic.

We are all humans and no person in any country is anything close to being authentic. Maybe authentic in the sense of what the heritage has been for a few hundred years, or a few thousand years. In reality we are all from Africa and every country has been populated due to mass migration across the world.

The more I think about it and the more I see where it comes from. In the last 200-300 years European nations have tried to create a new layer when it comes to identity, nationalism. And I think that many people are being a bit confused because they mix fairly recent cultures with "ancient" ethnicities-cultures, as an example I'm from the south of France, historically it is not a catholic place(it's mainly protestantism and specifically Cathars) and people didn't speak french before the last 100-150 years when it was imposed. Culturally in 2024 someone that is born and bred in Benin, speaks fluent french and maybe went to french schools is closer to an actually 2024 french than someone from Montarnaud 200 years ago. The foreigner could actually converse easily with a french while the 1810 local would struggle because he speaks occitan not french.
I'm sorry you feel that way. Distorted in the sense that "natives" are not the majority in the national team.
As if there were 10 German descents playing in Japan's national team. Japanese in their own right but a national team that for many would not be authentic.
I don't share these sentiments, but I can have some sympathy and understanding for them... when they are relevant. For example if a French person felt conflicted about the presence of second-generation immigrants in their football team. I don't agree but I get it.

But we are not talking about French people. We are talking about Argentinians, singing a song about 'the state of European football.' They don't need to have an opinion about that.
*African descent

The song comes from the Qatar World Cup. I guess that's why it refers to France. If it were another country, I suppose they would look for something equally offensive.

I'm sorry you feel that way. Distorted in the sense that "natives" are not the majority in the national team.
As if there were 10 German descents playing in Japan's national team. Japanese in their own right but a national team that for many would not be authentic.
Good thing the vast majority of the French players are native to France then. Oh except you didn't mean "native" at all? You meant "white"?

The nerve to post this after hyping up Nico and Yamal for the whole month.
Thankfully coloured players are starting to break into Spanish national team, i know you aren't used to it but hopefully it will slowly change your backwards view on the subject.
I live in Spain and it gave me great joy that the people in my village were “forced” to root for Yamal and Nico.
Thankfully coloured players are starting to break into Spanish national team, i know you aren't used to it but hopefully it will slowly change your backwards view on the subject.

Don’t take this the wrong way but I would suggest not using this term in future as it now considered offensive by a lot of people.
Thankfully coloured players are starting to break into Spanish national team, i know you aren't used to it but hopefully it will slowly change your backwards view on the subject.
Trying to call someone else backwards and using the term 'coloured' :lol:
Trying to call someone else backwards and using the term 'coloured' :lol:

To be fair 30 years ago using the term 'black,' to describe a person was deemed offensive. Some older generations struggle to keep up with the times. Not everyone means offence. We just need to educate people better in some regards.