Argentina players singing racist chant targeting French players after Copa America final

I love South America, have spent a lot of great time there but their racism is something else. Often hide behind the fact they're Latino and therefore can't possibly be racist.
Aye, my wife is Costa Rican and I am mixed race South African. Let's just say the use of "negrita/negrito" back in her home country isn't exactly frowned upon. It's an actual literal descriptor/adjective to them. Fortunately my in-laws don't use the word but whoever does, doesn't see/mean offence really but also doesn't think further ahead about the offence it might cause to others etc. It is extremely "normalized" over there, basically. From my experience & from what the missus tells me, anyway. I guess they also have an almost non-existent/minority afro/black population. & from this event, Suarez/Evra etc. it seems like a fair few of the latin american countries feel similar.
Well some of them have African names unlike say Black Americans
Does it matter? They were born and raised in France so are French, there are white players with non French names, but they would never sing about them in such a way. Do you get it now?
The French national team picks the best players available with French nationality. I don't get why their skin colors matters.
The song implies that the French FA should look first at players with white skin or/and whose parents only have the French nationality is racist.

Enzo Fernandez may be from Argentina, where racism is less condemned than in Europe, but he works in England and he should be punished heavily.
Just the fact that some young fans could be replicating this ugly behavior, with or without really understanding it, of their idol is reason enough.
And none of these players were 'poached' from Africa, most were born and raised in France and football skills developed through the French system.
What's lost on all of you is the point of the song isn't to belittle the French players of African descent but how the French that colonised them need them to be any good at football.

If you take issue with the transeater stuff, fair enough, but everyone's getting the point completely wrong as far as the white supremacy angle is concerned.
Does it matter? They were born and raised in France so are French, there are white players with non French names, but they would never sing about them in such a way. Do you get it now?
No I don't. Try again
What's lost on all of you is the point of the song isn't to belittle the French players of African descent but how the French that colonised them need them to be any good at football.

If you take issue with the transeater stuff, fair enough, but everyone's getting the point completely wrong as far as the white supremacy angle is concerned.
What's lost on you is that even if this was the point, it would be using racist rhetoric to make it. You can't question the frenchness of French players just because they are black and not come out as racist.
So his French Chelsea teammates all unfollowed him and he looks like persona non grata at the club?

Boehly better get ready for a subsidized wage loan offer from Lazio.
What's lost on all of you is the point of the song isn't to belittle the French players of African descent but how the French that colonised them need them to be any good at football.

If you take issue with the transeater stuff, fair enough, but everyone's getting the point completely wrong as far as the white supremacy angle is concerned.
The fact that they included the trans stuff in there shows they didn’t have good intentions. Also, some of the white players who play for them are also not ethnically French (off the top of my head Griezmann has a German dad and a Portuguese mother, Theo Hernandez is Spanish etc.) wonder why they weren’t given a mention. Argentinians are also notoriously anti-black.
Are you doing this thing where people make a difference between saying something racist and being racist?
From the available footage it's hard to judge whether they are just dumb and ignorant or indeed real racists.
And yes this doesn't excuse what they did but I just hope vast majority belongs into the first rather dumb and ignorant group.
Read this and you'll maybe understand why this song is highly offensive to black French players.

You have been talking those last few posts as if it was white colonizers leading the charge on this. Maybe listen to the actually affected people (Fofana, Koundé) that are telling you that yeah, this is very racist?
Imagine sounding just like the French far-right and thinking you made a good point.

You clearly can't differentiate very well, because in case you haven't noticed it's the black French players that are angry over this and you have absolutely no clue why.
Anyone can feel whatever he wants about what other person says; its meaning resides in semantics and logic, not in your feelings. And I was heading to certain users' claims, not the French players'.
From the available footage it's hard to judge whether they are just dumb and ignorant or indeed real racists.
And yes this doesn't excuse what they did but I just hope vast majority belongs into the first rather dumb and ignorant group.
Most "real racists" are dumb and ignorant. It is not an either/or proposition
Anyone can feel whatever he wants about what other person says; its meaning resides in semantics and logic, not in your feelings. And I was heading to certain users' claims, not the French players'.
What a condescending load of shit. Here's logic : the song says they are not really French because they are of African descent -> the song is racist.

Seems simple enough.
The fact that they included the trans stuff in there shows they didn’t have good intentions. Also, some of the white players who play for them are also not ethnically French (off the top of my head Griezmann has a German dad and a Portuguese mother, Theo Hernandez is Spanish etc.) wonder why they weren’t given a mention. Argentinians are also notoriously anti-black.

I get where you are coming from but Griezmann's parents are both french and born in France, as are Hernandez parents. In the case of Hernandez the point is more that they grew up in Spain.
I get where you are coming from but Griezmann's parents are both french and born in France, as are Hernandez parents. In the case of Hernandez the point is more that they grew up in Spain.

Reading on Wiki they are of Portuguese and German descent yet he isn't included in the chant like the others are. I wonder why.
Anyone can feel whatever he wants about what other person says; its meaning resides in semantics and logic, not in your feelings. And I was heading to certain users' claims, not the French players'.
You kinda missed the point. You were targeting the "European colonizers". But they're not the ones mad over this. On the contrary, the white Europeans who believe colonization was great actually agree with the song. They don't see those players as true French either.
Reading on Wiki they are of Portuguese and German descent yet he isn't included in the chant like the others are. I wonder why.

They also didn't include themselves. Argentina is very largely made of immigrants by their own logic, they have no business wearing Argentina's shirts.
They also didn't include themselves. Argentina is very largely made of immigrants by their own logic, they have no business wearing Argentina's shirts.
Yeah they needed to import Nazis and fascists to be good at football I guess.
So his French Chelsea teammates all unfollowed him and he looks like persona non grata at the club?

Boehly better get ready for a subsidized wage loan offer from Lazio.
I'm sure that Atletico and Valencia would also be very welcoming considering their recent history.
Yeah they needed to import Nazis and fascists to be good at football I guess.

When you think about it, they are just upholding their family values.
You kinda missed the point. You were targeting the "European colonizers". But they're not the ones mad over this. On the contrary, the white Europeans who believe colonization was great actually agree with the song. They don't see those players as true French either.
No, I didn't. There was a "racism blaming" dynamic here. That was what I was heading towards.
What's lost on all of you is the point of the song isn't to belittle the French players of African descent but how the French that colonised them need them to be any good at football.

If you take issue with the transeater stuff, fair enough, but everyone's getting the point completely wrong as far as the white supremacy angle is concerned.
Nobody is getting it wrong except you, the literal intention of the song means very little here. Naming random African countries and saying none of the players are really French, while also calling one of them a '****** fecker' isn't really open for interpretation.
What's lost on all of you is the point of the song isn't to belittle the French players of African descent but how the French that colonised them need them to be any good at football.

If you take issue with the transeater stuff, fair enough, but everyone's getting the point completely wrong as far as the white supremacy angle is concerned.

An usurprising post from the same man that made excuse after excuse for Suarez's racism back in 2011. Thirteen years later and nothing has changed.

Classic picardía from a fellow latin american. Expected nothing less.
Let those among us who haven't engaged in light bigotry when celebrating cast the first stone
I am not sure what constitutes as light bigotry. I find that junk pretty distasteful. How a national team let alone the world champions can simply roll with it is ridiculous.

It's not like it was a comment about French people even...that would simply have been inappropriate, as well as daft because France was not even in this got racial, homophobic and personal. This had become their celebration anthem of some sort, and they thought it was fine.
Fascism and ethno-supremacist ideas are very much alive today. They are part of the ideological bedrock of capitalism and imperialism and are heavily supported. So it's not surprising that Argentinian players would have such beliefs, it's just shocking seeing the level of it to the point they find it nonchalant.

I just feel sorry for those that have to share a dressing room with such people on a daily basis, I know I would end up in multiple fist fights if I was in the same position.
What's lost on all of you is the point of the song isn't to belittle the French players of African descent but how the French that colonised them need them to be any good at football.

If you take issue with the transeater stuff, fair enough, but everyone's getting the point completely wrong as far as the white supremacy angle is concerned.
You mean a bus with a bunch of dumb chanting Argentinian racists are actually making a political statement in support of Africans migrating? And they added the transphobic/homophobic junk to reinforce their important search to rectify global injustice. Is that what is being sold here? They are misunderstood, they are actually bringing to light the subject of colonization? That's pretty rich for Argentinian folks isn't it?
You are having a laugh.
What's lost on all of you is the point of the song isn't to belittle the French players of African descent but how the French that colonised them need them to be any good at football.

If you take issue with the transeater stuff, fair enough, but everyone's getting the point completely wrong as far as the white supremacy angle is concerned.
This. They are blatantly mocking the French themselves I'd say trans folks caught needless strays too.
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I have spent 15 years in Argentina and the country is rife with casual racism. Flick through the TV channels and you find minorities woefully under-represented, reflecting the way society is structured here. There is no problem in calling someone "negro" and I have found there is a growing trend with teenagers here to use the N word in a joking manner. If someone is poor and/or stupid, they are given the "negro" moniker. After being here only a few months in 2011 I was watching a European match with someone I adore as a person, but one of their first comments was "look how many black players they have". Not exactly racism fueled by hate, but this sort of ignorance.

Regarding football players, it is important to understand the socio-economic upbringing of many of them. If they were not footballers, many of them would be stealing your wallet on a motorcycle by now and maybe even killing you for it. In other words, there are some players who are absolute scumbag idiots who just happen to be good at football.

There maybe Argentines who will get their back up and comment on this. They will talk about cultural differences and may even get aggressive in their defense. But it is all bollocks that basically says, "hey this is us". By the way, I have encountered very little hate in Argentina towards anyone. There are no deep rooted divides born from hate like in the US and other countries. It is more a flat ignorance.
Are white people telling black people what they should and shouldn't be offended at again?
Fascism and ethno-supremacist ideas are very much alive today. They are part of the ideological bedrock of capitalism and imperialism and are heavily supported. So it's not surprising that Argentinian players would have such beliefs, it's just shocking seeing the level of it to the point they find it nonchalant.

I just feel sorry for those that have to share a dressing room with such people on a daily basis, I know I would end up in multiple fist fights if I was in the same position.

I think he could apologise sincerely since I'm sure the players or even those who made the song don't really support those idiologies but thought it was fun because they're ignorant. There's a lot of ingnorance in south America when it comes to racism and how painful some thins can be. You can hear songs with the worst lyrics between the local population. They need to be educated about it.

That being said this will help Argentina a lot to be educated and undertand there's a limit for jokes, this is no joke. But I'm sure Argentina is not a racist country at all, you've got idiots doing stupid things everywhere, there are in fact videos from french players making fun of asian people that came up yesterday on social media. These people (players and stuff) thought it's just a fun song because it's what they do all the time. They have to be fined, suspended and educated. But I think they don't stand behind the ideas related to these songs and don't think deeply about them. As soon as someoe connected a couple brain cells told Enzo to stop the live since of course you can't shut up an entire bus. And enzo realized they fecked it aswell.
I'm not sure why it matters "as a Chelsea fan" for him to be off your "get to feck list" - he's proven he's a racist moron with that video, hope for him to play well or whatever but that his French colleagues forgive him or not (especially considering they're going to be in an untenable position with pressure put on them from the club) doesn't really matter, does it?
Well, I’d have to disagree there, and not for footballing reasons. I would genuine like massive fines, kicked off the team, genuine contrition, but I would also very much like it if some education creeped into his head. If they were ever friends, for some sort of enlightenment to be gained by talking to the teammates he affected on a personal level. Why? Because the guy has kids.

“But Bluelion, who gives a deck about the life courses of two or three little twats and whether they grow up with the same lessons?”

I do. I think it’s important the entire Argentina footballing body have a reckoning and educate themselves and their players. Do I think that will happen? No. But a group of people have a chance to make at least one player really feel the siht and maybe alter his course.
What's lost on all of you is the point of the song isn't to belittle the French players of African descent but how the French that colonised them need them to be any good at football.

If you take issue with the transeater stuff, fair enough, but everyone's getting the point completely wrong as far as the white supremacy angle is concerned.
Cheers Trevor Noah