Argentina players singing racist chant targeting French players after Copa America final

Brexit Jim will probably put offers in for players involved in the racist chanting.
Fofana, Gusto, Disasi etc should ask him to sing the song on his first day back at Chelsea training, and record him. See what kind of performance he gives then.
This is one of these contexts where they can keep their apologies and shove them where the sun doesn't shine. We are not talking about something that occurred out of nowhere or is new, they have been singing it for 18 months, there is no scenario where it took anyone that long to understand what they were singing.
It won’t happen and it shouldn’t happen. Suspending and fining the players and the Argentinian FA would be apt and a strong enough message. As usual, people go over the top with this stuff. Maybe we should hang the whole squad too.
It absolutely should. And it can't go to Columbia either, given their officials got into a fight. I'll edit this post later once I found out what Uruguay did wrong during the tournament, but in the meantime, let me just make clear that this title is now rightfully and deservedly Canada's.

What a day for Canadian soccer!
Nothing from Adam Craftin in The Athletic? The man gets his laptop fired up every time there’s someone suffering from sniffles at United.
I'd love for King Eric, Zidane, Platini etc. to come out with a statement that foreigners do not get to decide who is French and who isn't.
If Martínez and Garnacho were singing I'd make them sit in a room with King Eric and just have him look at them, judgingly.

They'd probably burst into tears after 30 seconds and beg for forgiveness.
It matters to me as a Chelsea fan. If half the team hates the guy its going to be a problem for our season.

It won't change the fact that he was singing with all the rest of them but if he's genuinely sorry, it makes a difference to me.
I'm not sure why it matters "as a Chelsea fan" for him to be off your "get to feck list" - he's proven he's a racist moron with that video, hope for him to play well or whatever but that his French colleagues forgive him or not (especially considering they're going to be in an untenable position with pressure put on them from the club) doesn't really matter, does it?
It absolutely should. And it can't go to Columbia either, given their officials got into a fight. I'll edit this post later once I found out what Uruguay did wrong during the tournament, but in the meantime, let me just make clear that this title is now rightfully and deservedly Canada's.

What a day for Canadian soccer!
You can't give a football trophy to a country that calls it soccer. Sorry.
If Martínez and Garnacho were singing I'd make them sit in a room with King Eric and just have him look at them, judgingly.

They'd probably burst into tears after 30 seconds and beg for forgiveness.
Would be great. But for a lasting effect he should also teach them afterwards the wisdom of this world with seagull-metaphors. They'd be reborn after that.
I'm not sure why it matters "as a Chelsea fan" for him to be off your "get to feck list" - he's proven he's a racist moron with that video, hope for him to play well or whatever but that his French colleagues forgive him or not (especially considering they're going to be in an untenable position with pressure put on them from the club) doesn't really matter, does it?

It matters to me if the squad has someone in it that the others all hate.
It matters to me if the squad has someone in it that the others all hate.
Your initial post was about your "get to feck list", which referred to a more personal element. You've now changed the goal posts about it being his integration with the group. Whatever, but it's not what my initial reaction was about, which I'm sure you're aware of :)
I've not really got a problem with the German Bomber chant. And I am austrian and it basically it refers to Austria as well. It's just banter. Of course its glorifying warfare and relativising the deaths of the soldiers, which may be shitty if you lost someone close in the war. But you know, those people are now in retirement homes and won't registrate what some English footballfans sing.
The thing is, this is not an expression of a systemic devaluation of a group of people. Its a simple "you started a World War and a genocide and we rightfully beat the the shit out of you" which is kind of ridiculing the terror of a war, but also simply true.
It's up to you to decide what is banter and what is not, right? What a pretentious prick.

So, when English people, other developed Germanic nation, celebrate with hateful jokes towards a group, it is just banter, but the Latin Americans doing that...Maybe you're not as progressive as you think.

The way some of you want to sanitize other people to your standards is extremely annoying. The world is not your colony anymore, you know? Not everyone has a history of opressing and decimating other people like yours; maybe that's why some things are not as sensitive here. In fact, we were the ones who had to organize a somewhat steady society after the racial and social chaos you left behind.
It's up to you to decide what is banter and what is not, right? What a pretentious prick.

So, when English people, other developed Germanic nation, celebrate with hateful jokes towards a group, it is just banter, but the Latin Americans doing that...Maybe you're not as progressive as you think.

The way some of you want to sanitize other people to your standards is extremely annoying. The world is not your colony anymore, you know? Not everyone has a history of opressing and decimating other people like yours; maybe that's why some things are not as sensitive here. In fact, we were the ones who had to organize a somewhat steady society after the racial and social chaos you left behind.
That took a strange turn.
I'm not sure if this was already mentioned but the argentines are not only insulting the black french players but automaticaly also every black player from nations like England, Germany, Spain and so on. If they think that about the french players then they believe the same about those other players. Maybe the next song will be about Nico Williams from Angola.
I was rooting for Argentina to win the last WC (mainly because of Messi) now I hope they will get humiliated in the next WC. They are for sure now every racists favorite team though.

I also can't decide if those who don't see the racism in this song are either really ignorant or closets racists willfully playing stupid.
Regardless of any apology, you don't accidentally end up singing racist chants.

Utterly despicable.
It's up to you to decide what is banter and what is not, right? What a pretentious prick.

So, when English people, other developed Germanic nation, celebrate with hateful jokes towards a group, it is just banter, but the Latin Americans doing that...Maybe you're not as progressive as you think.

The way some of you want to sanitize other people to your standards is extremely annoying. The world is not your colony anymore, you know? Not everyone has a history of opressing and decimating other people like yours; maybe that's why some things are not as sensitive here. In fact, we were the ones who had to organize a somewhat steady society after the racial and social chaos you left behind.
Ah yes, the famous colonial efforts and crimes of Austria...
Your initial post was about your "get to feck list", which referred to a more personal element. You've now changed the goal posts about it being his integration with the group. Whatever, but it's not what my initial reaction was about, which I'm sure you're aware of :)
My "get to feck list" is personal. It's my list!

Him being singing a racist song and causing the team to be a dysfunctional mess is more annoying to me than him signing a racist song and it not.
He's gotta have a chat with the french guys at Chelsea and I wanna see their reaction before he's off my "get fecked" list.

It's that part that I thought was perplexing. The reaction of french players shouldn't really affect whether he is on your list or not. Unless I completely missed something.
It's up to you to decide what is banter and what is not, right? What a pretentious prick.

So, when English people, other developed Germanic nation, celebrate with hateful jokes towards a group, it is just banter, but the Latin Americans doing that...Maybe you're not as progressive as you think.

The way some of you want to sanitize other people to your standards is extremely annoying. The world is not your colony anymore, you know? Not everyone has a history of opressing and decimating other people like yours; maybe that's why some things are not as sensitive here. In fact, we were the ones who had to organize a somewhat steady society after the racial and social chaos you left behind.
Yeah, feck colonialism. Except for the racism. We like that and made it our own.
Anyone want to bet nothing will actually be done about this? FIFA seems to endorse racism these days.
It's up to you to decide what is banter and what is not, right? What a pretentious prick.

So, when English people, other developed Germanic nation, celebrate with hateful jokes towards a group, it is just banter, but the Latin Americans doing that...Maybe you're not as progressive as you think.

The way some of you want to sanitize other people to your standards is extremely annoying. The world is not your colony anymore, you know? Not everyone has a history of opressing and decimating other people like yours; maybe that's why some things are not as sensitive here. In fact, we were the ones who had to organize a somewhat steady society after the racial and social chaos you left behind.
Yeah, the bomber chant is unpleasant also.

I'm not sure what the rest of your post means. 'Some of us' should let Argentinians sing racist chants without judging them? Is that it?
It's that part that I thought was perplexing. The reaction of french players shouldn't really affect whether he is on your list or not. Unless I completely missed something.

You don't know the criteria of my numerous lists, that's what you have completely missed.

He'll go from the "get fecked" list to the "he's a bellend" list if, after he talks to them, all the french players forgive him.
That part of the song was racist? Unbelievable Jeff.
I and friends have laughed (sometimes with sadness at what could have been if Africa was developed enough to stop the mass migration) at the 'blackness' of the French national team. Nothing to see here.
Don't cry for me, Argentina
The truth is, I never left you
All through my wild days, my mad existence
I kept my promise
Don't keep your distance