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Anthony Martial France flag

2018-19 Performances

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5.5 Season Average Rating
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Martial is lazy, that's what this whole thing comes down to. Lazy to make the right runs, lazy to help the full back, and lazy to take action. Unless the ball is played to feet for him, he is not active. Hardly ever offers any support to midfielders in midfield either. Just hangs on the wings and waits. Being a good dribbler doesnt make a player a good footballer, and if we are all being honest, players like him would not be in the club under Fergie, and most of our fans only support him based on his relative youth, the aeshetics of his game, and the fact that we do not really have any attacking players with the flair and dribbling skills of the past, in fact, Martial may be the only attacking player that we have that can consistently dribble.
So he's a forward with all the talent in the world who has come through the youth setups with all that coaching and he's what forgot the basics of movement because he's not been reminded?

It's honestly ridiculous when Martial was fantastic halfway through last season. So what happened? Even when he's been played wide left or centrally since Sanchez's arrival he's been well off the pace. I think he either isn't up for the competition or is sulking because he wants a bumper new contract

I'm all for the argument that Jose isn't managing the team in a fashion that maximizes it's talents. That definitely has merit, but the players need to take their share of the blame as well.
Absolutely. It's called coaching. Most players struggle from not being naturally gifted enough. Martial has all the talent in the world.

Van gaal had him playing well. Why isn't he developing under Jose?

This is one of the biggest untruths that go around. Our attack was bad under Van Gaal, and Martial was not outstanding. He played relatively well, to a degree that can make one hopeful, but not to a point that can make people come to the "ballon d'or" conclusions that have been happening on this forum. Mourinho has not failed him, Martial has failed himself as he has not improved since that season. He may have scored less goals, but that is due to the fact that we have far more options available to us at the moment than him, so he does not figure as much. He is the same lazy player than as he is now.
It's honestly ridiculous when Martial was fantastic halfway through last season. So what happened? Even when he's been played wide left or centrally since Sanchez's arrival he's been well off the pace. I think he either isn't up for the competition or is sulking because he wants a bumper new contract

I'm all for the argument that Jose isn't managing the team in a fashion that maximizes it's talents. That definitely has merit, but the players need to take their share of the blame as well.

Exactly it's attitude with him, he needs to be coddled and probably play every game as one of the main men to shine. Unfortunately for him you don't get any of those things at his age unless you're Ronaldo level. He needs to find it within himself to perform when given chances. Nani was a bit simmilar and it was his downfall in the end.

I'm fairly confident he'll end up going on another run of decent games this season and one thing i can guarantee is we won't have people posting on here how well he's been coached
Too much drama surrounding a mentally weak 23 year old that is moody and inconsistent, are we not a bigger club than this? players and their agents ridden with avarice are dictating the play at the club, hitting us fans in the teeth while we are down, get rid, get hungry loyalist in that play for the club, tired of these merc mentality types and their hang around crew.
Well the point was more about his movement and his preference to get the ball to feet. This didn't just start last january. It's been commented on for a while even when he's been playing well.
This is one of the biggest untruths that go around. Our attack was bad under Van Gaal, and Martial was not outstanding. He played relatively well, to a degree that can make one hopeful, but not to a point that can make people come to the "ballon d'or" conclusions that have been happening on this forum. Mourinho has not failed him, Martial has failed himself as he has not improved since that season. He may have scored less goals, but that is due to the fact that we have far more options available to us at the moment than him, so he does not figure as much. He is the same lazy player than as he is now.
The balloon dor comments were a recognition of his obvious potential not a judgement on his performances at the time. Say what you want about his form you can't say he doesn't have the talent to be incredible. It's not a controversial viewpoint. Even Jose takes about him as someone with the natural potential to be a truly great player
Too much drama surrounding a mentally weak 23 year old that is moody and inconsistent, are we not a bigger club than this? players and their agents ridden with avarice are dictating the play at the club, hitting us fans in the teeth while we are down, get rid, get hungry loyalist in that play for the club, tired of these merc mentality types and their hang around crew.
The fans like martial though. They enjoy watching him. Most want this guy in the team
Well the point was more about his movement and his preference to get the ball to feet. This didn't just start last january. It's been commented on for a while even when he's been playing well.

I agree, but since January all of his issues and lack of production have been pinned almost entirely on Mourinho by many United supporters and others. It's nonsense. He's been playing like crap regardless of Jose's failure to put everybody exactly where they need and maximizing them to their fullest.

Martial isn't playing well enough in any capacity for me to believe a better manager/system would turn him into an elite attacker. He damn sure looked like he was on that path at times through January of last season.
The fans like martial though. They enjoy watching him. Most want this guy in the team
I'm pretty sure were so starved for success and world class stars that we love the idea of him and what he could be, but flair make no team win, and that prospect is diminishing by the day, the actual player and his agent are toxic and divisive and dramatique deluxe, at least other players that regard themselves in the elite top deliver on pitch and make their critics stfu, we pay top £, he/they should be held to higher standards in regard to the club. but I get the idea that is a "homegrown" repeat of CR9, just don't see ANY of that iron will to make it in Martial during his tenure with us. We should cash in while we can and hope he find what he is seeking for his own sake.
He also wouldn't have been thrown under the bus by Fergie.

His attitude stunk well before that to be fair and hardly thrown under the bus. His commitment and attitude are all wrong imo.
I agree, but since January all of his issues and lack of production have been pinned almost entirely on Mourinho by many United supporters and others. It's nonsense. He's been playing like crap regardless of Jose's failure to put everybody exactly where they need and maximizing them to their fullest.

Martial isn't playing well enough in any capacity for me to believe a better manager/system would turn him into an elite attacker. He damn sure looked like he was on that path at times through January of last season.

I don't think fans absolve Martial of all his failures. But some of it certainly falls on Mourinho, who has poorly managed one of his most productive player last season. If it was just Martial being completely inconsistent, then's all on Martial. The fact is, this entire team is wildly inconsistent and not playing to their level. That falls on the coach at that point. Mourinho has either lost his touch in transmitting his idea to the team, or the team is simply not buying into it. This is his third year and there is barely an identity to this team. If I had never watched United play before and I caught a game, I would think this is a brand new team that's just started playing together. I know Martial is an easy scapegoat for some, but that falls squarely on Mourinho. There is a player in Martial that can be productive throughout a season as he showed before Sanchez arrived, it's up to the coach to figure out how to minimize his flaws and enhance his qualities. Mourinho has failed spectacularly on that front, not just with him but most of his team thus far.
His performance on Sunday was in stark contrast to Shaw. If we follow this 'Jose is at fault for Martial's attitude' line, then Jose has surely done more to Shaw.

That then begs the question of why Shaw can put the effort in on Sunday and work his socks off to make something happen. Leads me to question Martial motivation and capacity to reach the top.

I'm at the point where I believe he is near his ceiling and I'd probably sell for a starting price of 50m.
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I don't think fans absolve Martial of all his failures. But some of it certainly falls on Mourinho, who has poorly managed one of his most productive player last season. If it was just Martial being completely inconsistent, then's all on Martial. The fact is, this entire team is wildly inconsistent and not playing to their level. That falls on the coach at that point. Mourinho has either lost his touch in transmitting his idea to the team, or the team is simply not buying into it. This is his third year and there is barely an identity to this team. If I had never watched United play before and I caught a game, I would think this is a brand new team that's just started playing together. I know Martial is an easy scapegoat for some, but that falls squarely on Mourinho. There is a player in Martial that can be productive throughout a season as he showed before Sanchez arrived, it's up to the coach to figure out how to minimize his flaws and enhance his qualities. Mourinho has failed spectacularly on that front, not just with him but most of his team thus far.

What is this logic?

Certainly some fault falls on everyone
What is this logic?

Certainly some fault falls on everyone

That sort of goes without saying, but my point is the entire team is inconsistent, the entire team sometimes look like they haven't got a clue and that can only mean that either Mourinho is failing to transmit what he's looking for, or the team has tuned him out, either way doesn't bode well for him. It's leadership 101, when a problem is pervasive throughout a team, the leader is automatically the most at fault. It's easy to blame X or Y player, but when it's a systematic thing the problem is deeper than just certain players being lazy or not playing up to their potential. Again, Martial was one of the most productive player last season DESPITE Mourinho, not because of him. In a team that badly needs a player that can provoke defenses, a good coach should be able to find a way to utilize him better. No one is perfect, some players don't run as much as they either get that out of them or you find a way to make use of what they do bring to the table. It's not as if Martial brings nothing positive to the team when they are clicking, as his string of PotMs last season showed.
So Jose decided to randomly ignore Martial and his ‘coaching’ and focussed all his energies on grafter Lingard who got to the WC....riiiiight.
So Jose decided to randomly ignore Martial and his ‘coaching’ and focussed all his energies on grafter Lingard who got to the WC....riiiiight.

No - Jose just played Lingard in his best position; CAM & it worked out. Jose tried to play him in different positions & when he suddenly got picked at AM - he went on a tremendous scoring run.

Sure you can give Jose credit for him coaching that :rolleyes: do you give Jose coaching for martial going on a scoring run in January?
I think the smart thing would be to send him on loan and see how he does in a different environment. It would be a waste and a distraction to keep him this year unless Sanchez is to be played on the right. All I can see is Martial and Rashford fighting it out for who gets off the bench for Sanchez. Rashford is 20 years old and that sort of thing is expected for a 20 year old. Martial is at a stage now where he has to play regularly
Basically Martial is the new Depay.
Imagine saying this 3 years ago. Martial was the darling of the caf and Depay was struggling massively and demoted the bench.
Just some of his performances in 2015/16:

The player clearly has talent. At point he was the only reason to watch us as people were fed up of the style of football. We looked to this 19 year old teenager for inspiration. For some reason he isn't playing with the same confidence now. Is he scared to make mistakes perhaps for fear of getting a bollocking from the manager? You can see even in these clips he loses the ball at times but the positives hugely outweigh the negatives. He is trying things without any pressure. I'd rather someone who dribbles 5 times and loses it but the 6th one is an assist or sets up a goal than someone who doesn't try anything.
Or the new Salah, DeBryune or Cuadrado.+

Won't be the first flair player that Jose couldn't get a tune out of.

Flair? Martials got very little flair mate,he's a very straight forward and basic player.

All he can do is cut inside and beat 1-2 men with a brief burst of speed, not skill. He's actually a very limited player who has somehow convinced many fans he's got a box of tricks up his sleeve and Jose won't let him use them.

Mark my words, Martials peak will be scoring 15-20 goals a season for someone like a Nice, Dortmund or Similar.

He's not going to the heights some bizarrely think he is.
Flair? Martials got very little flair mate,he's a very straight forward and basic player.

All he can do is cut inside and beat 1-2 men with a brief burst of speed, not skill. He's actually a very limited player who has somehow convinced many fans he's got a box of tricks up his sleeve and Jose won't let him use them.

Mark my words, Martials peak will be scoring 15-20 goals a season for someone like a Nice, Dortmund or Similar.

He's not going to the heights some bizarrely think he is.

Straight forward and basic player....come on. Check out some of the clips above and it may open your eyes. It'll disapprove what you are saying in the first 30s of the Everton game clip.

Robben made a career out of cutting inside beating one or two player with a brief burst of speed. No one will call him a limited player. Martial has more to his game as he has more dribbling ability. People believe in his talent because they saw him perform and be a shinning light in his first season for us. Even after the struggles of the last two seasons under a manager who expects him play as a defensive winger, he has put up decent numbers based on his limited appearances and being in and out of the team. He is a player that needs confidence and encouragement from the manager to excel. Instead he was shunted to the right and then benched after Sanchez arrived even though he had a good season up until that point.

I don't need to mark your words. You are not that important.
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I think the smart thing would be to send him on loan and see how he does in a different environment. It would be a waste and a distraction to keep him this year unless Sanchez is to be played on the right. All I can see is Martial and Rashford fighting it out for who gets off the bench for Sanchez. Rashford is 20 years old and that sort of thing is expected for a 20 year old. Martial is at a stage now where he has to play regularly

Let's send him on loan and let him leave on a free transfer, very smart thing to do indeed
I believe we have the option to extend by a year or am I wrong?

We have but we will be forced to sell him next summer when he comes back from his loan deal as we simply can't take any chance of losing him on a free transfer in 2020.

The only option I see a loan deal being a viable option is that Martial commits to a contract extension for at least 2 extra years, similar to how Pereira signed an extension prior going to Valencia last year.
Straight forward and basic player....come on. Check out some of the clips above and it may open your eyes. It'll disapprove what you are saying in the first 30s of the Everton game clip.

Robben made a career out of cutting inside beating one or two player with a brief burst of speed. No one will call him a limited player. Martial has more to his game as he has more dribbling ability. People believe in his talent because they saw him perform and be a shinning light in his first season for us. Even after the struggles of the last two seasons under a manager who expects him play as a defensive winger, he has put up decent numbers based on his limited appearances and being in and out of the team. He is a player that needs confidence and encouragement from the manager to excel. Instead he was shunted to the right and then benched after Sanchez arrived even though he had a good season up until that point.

I don't need to mark your words. You are not that important.

Hahaha, chill out you melon!
He's not performed for a consistent period of time. He had a massive chance against Brighton in a team where everyone performed badly, and even in that scenario he was still one of the worst performers. He should go.
His not got the ryt attitude to play for this club, no one's bigger than the club. Id give everythin to wear that shirt, sell him.. oh and sell that Pogba too, hes more bovered about his haircuts, sack Mourinho, send Rashford on loan, sell Sanchez - it didn't work out. Play the yungsters and play attacking football (more Irish representation pls). Get Martin O'Neill in.
Mourinho should have taken him off after 30 minutes. Shaw was the only one really performing in the game and Martial was hanging him out to dry time and again at both ends.
His not got the ryt attitude to play for this club, no one's bigger than the club. Id give everythin to wear that shirt, sell him.. oh and sell that Pogba too, hes more bovered about his haircuts, sack Mourinho, send Rashford on loan, sell Sanchez - it didn't work out. Play the yungsters and play attacking football (more Irish representation pls). Get Martin O'Neill in.

This would be a questionable route to take.
For those claiming that Martial would flourish under Pep, here's an article from the Grauniad about how Aguero has had to change his game to become harder working defensively:

I think Martial would struggle under Guradiola just as much as he does under Mourinho.

I've never got the impression that he hates to defend. He usually tracks back and does his bit in that regard.

To me he just looks like someone without a clear purpose. Like he's unsure what's expected.

The fact that the team play slow motion zombie football doesn't help either.
For those claiming that Martial would flourish under Pep, here's an article from the Grauniad about how Aguero has had to change his game to become harder working defensively:

I think Martial would struggle under Guradiola just as much as he does under Mourinho.

No - that's just pure wrong - martial primary role here is to supply a one striker target man in Lukaku usually having to cross the ball from wide areas. Lukaku is our main threat in any attack & that goes whoever we have around him be that Sanchez, Lingard, rash Ford or Mata.

Change that to City - the players that are there are sterling, Sane, mahrez, Gabriel jesus & ageurp all playing as forwards much more centrally based or just off the centre - & there game plan revolves around a team equal dynamic much more than poking a ball on to a target man.

I don't think martial is lazy though I don't think he is great at defending either - either way to say he would struggle just as much or more under pep is absolutely wrong.

The way they play the game, control the ball 70% of the game, have a style of play that can be understood by everyone at the club etc - the player who would struggle to play there is Lukaku not damn martial.

What a horrendous post.
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