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Anthony Martial France flag

2018-19 Performances

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5.5 Season Average Rating
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Arsenal 2:0 Man Utd
Attitude was right, couple of sloppy moments when he first came but played his way into things.
He takes pretty long time to get into the game. Having him as a late sub was kinda weird. Should have been in during the break.
Should have been subbed in earlier, especially since then we were only 1 nil down.
I wasn't impressed. Fresh legs, expected him to really have a go but that's rarely his style. Disappointing last 20 mins from United. Didn't look like scoring one goal, nevermind two.
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Can't believe we waited till the 71st minute to bring him on.
Why? That's about the time when most managers make subs. I thought it was the right time. They just scored right before he was to come on.
I'd have brought him on at HT. We started really well and I'm sure he'd have improved us clinically.
Same here. At 0-1 down we were still creating chances but either lacked finishing or the final ball which are things he'd have helped with.

We waited way too long and Arsenal scored their second goal which by then the game was over. We didn't create much after that and Arsenal managed the game to its end.
Tries the most dribbles/takeons? We don't really have other players who we use to isolate one on one with a fullback and expect them to take them on, on a regular basis.
Yeah but he said we can't have Lukaku on against PSG because that might lead to more turnovers. If that's the concern, it would've been even worse with Martial.
Need him back and firing. He is our best attacker all things being equal and we need his quality badly upfront. Hopefully we go back to 4-3-3 and play with only one striker to compliment his style.
Should've came on earlier IMO but probably isn't quite fully fit yet. Once they scored their pen we pretty much lost the drive that we had before. The pen killed the game and he came on after the pen so was always a tough situation. Hopefully he gets back to his best this weekend vs Wolves and is ready for the run in though!
Hindsight says we should have brought him on earlier, but we were playing well going into half time once we made the tactical change. And we still created chances after half time. That penalty killed us as I reckon Martial would have come on with about 20 minutes left (and we didnt want another Lingard situation occurring).
Wolves 2:1 Man Utd
He needs a giant rocket up his ***.

He plays too cool, too relaxed and too suave, but is nowhere near good enough to play like that.

He needs to up his intensity big time.

He barely gets past players lately(and it was happening before his injury too).
That 'can't be fecked' attitude from early season is well and truly back. Injury fecked his mindset, he's now ready for the summer break.
When he doesn't score or assist you end with this.

He's one of these players they need output to cover for their lackluster performance in games. If they're not present, there's nothing to cover for it.

He'll never become a top player if he doesn't start to provide a bare minimum of performance when he doesn't score a worldy.
Out of all the post-Fergie players Martial is the one who pisses me off the most. Yes, we we've been a swamp of mediocrity but he really makes me mad because he is a really good player in the making and when he's good he's one of our best, but just doesn't seem to give a shit one way or another about the results.

Am I the only one who thinks this?
Plays too many games like it is a testimonial.

His positioning is appaling. He hugs the line most of the game, he needs to play further infield and let Shaw hug the line.
I really don't think he has the right assets to be a winger. I am not really sure why people are so convinced he will be a great left winger.

He is not a great crosser of the ball and dribbling wise he seems to have been found wanting.

His best asset is his finishing, but he is rarely able to use it because he is always on the wing. I think if we continue to try to make him into a winger he will fail.
Is it a sin to hope a rich club gets overexcited and offer us silly money for Martial? I know he has moments of brilliance, but they aren’t frequent enough. Nobody in the squad frustrates me more. He’ll make me look stupid sometime in the next month at some point, but then disappear again.

Might be an unpopular opinion, but I can’t watch the same away performances for the next seven or eight years.
Needs to be given a central or free role.

Him, Pogba and Shaw trying to squeeze down the right side for 60 minutes was infuriating.
Out of all the post-Fergie players Martial is the one who pisses me off the most. Yes, we we've been a swamp of mediocrity but he really makes me mad because he is a really good player in the making and when he's good he's one of our best, but just doesn't seem to give a shit one way or another about the results.

Am I the only one who thinks this?
Definitely not the only one. I wish we could give him rashfords determination. He really is too casual and let's the game go by him. Too much of an introvert for my liking.

After today I'm not really convinced with him on the wing anymore because he hardly ever takes on players. Gets the ball and passes back to shaw or recycles it when we need him to force the issue. Still our best attacker when all is said and one.
Worst game I’ve ever seen from him. Not doing anything in attack and he couldn’t even be arsed to track back and cover Doherty who was in space to receive 5 cross field passes.
He looked rusty, a bit like a player coming back from an injury.

Almost like he was a player coming back from an injury lay off.
I really don't think he has the right assets to be a winger. I am not really sure why people are so convinced he will be a great left winger.

He is not a great crosser of the ball and dribbling wise he seems to have been found wanting.

His best asset is his finishing, but he is rarely able to use it because he is always on the wing. I think if we continue to try to make him into a winger he will fail.
I very much agree; the problem here is that who else out of the current squad is then capable of playing on the left. Sanchez hasn't shown himself to be capable there, and if we were to play Lingard there, we would then have to play Mata on the right. Martial is in all likelihood a much better player when central, but all of our competent attackers are best when central, and he's the only one of those central players who can "kind of" play on the left. Square pegs in round holes really.
He needs to play more directly. It felt like he wanted to beat his man first, regardless if he was already ahead of the man, i.e. always cutting back. I don't think he played a single cross.
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