Amy Winehouse has passed away

Adele isn't even soulful! I don't think some of you actually know what soul music is, which is R&B mixed with gospel that creates a unique vocal sound. Go look at Philippe Wynne if you want to know what a soul voice sounds like, unfortunately he tried to move to funk.

Again I'd like to reiterate that I don't like this music so I am talking completely objectively, but to say that Adele isn't soulful is ridiculous.

Joss Stone is just caricature soul, with heavy blues influence.
I've just been looking at the closed Winehouse thread....It's a fecking disgraceful thread. Kinky asks a question about a new artist in the Entertainment forum and gets a waft of replies like "I hate the dirty skank, she's so fecking ugly" and then people start posting pictures of Faith Hill and other bland but attractive singers as an acceptable alternative to like, cos they don't look like a man....And we wonder why Simon Cowell keeps getting away with it.

Good thing that was locked or I would've gone off on one.

I only saw the first few posts while it was open and gave up, only now reading it through, you're right. The funniest part about that though is that the same people often complain about the likes of X Factor and how it's refusing real musicians a chance, yet they do the exact same thing.

This post was undoubtedly the best in the thread really, until it was bumped this year and people were saying how much of a shame that Belgrade gig was and how she seemed to be wasting her exceptional talent.
She's a dead junkie who wrote some better than average tunes. Without Ronson she would have remained peripheral as others with great talent often do. Her albums are just as good as they were when she was alive, no better. People love claiming to appreciate 'genius' when it passes. She had a great vocal style, one of the best I've ever heard, and technically not much better than others mentioned but her voice had an intangible quality that made it special, and drives pseuds to 'explain' and place it exactly, to show us how much they understand. She was a great singer though. And Back to Black is amazing, but only 'old school' to anyone who didn't attend that particular school.
This post was undoubtedly the best in the thread really, until it was bumped this year and people were saying how much of a shame that Belgrade gig was and how she seemed to be wasting her exceptional talent.

Yeah 77 was a sole voice of reason in there...And Kinks as well, who responded well to the slightly deranged people who claimed she couldn't sing.

She's a dead junkie who wrote some better than average tunes. Without Ronson she would have remained peripheral as others with great talent often do.

Nah, that's a common misconception IMO. For a start Ronson only produced half that album (Salaam Rami, Nas' producer produced the other half, including my favorite off it) and Ronson himself has given full credit to Winehouse for boosting his career...See post 140 for Back to Black done without any Ronsonness...And I think it's better than the Ronson version.

Not to mention the fact that she was well know and won an Ivor Novello for Frank (the first of 3) well before she even met Ronson, and was deliberately kept as an industry secret when she was 18 for fear of being poached (which she was anyway)

People playing down her achievements to seem like they "know" are just as bad as those playing them up.

Her albums are just as good as they were when she was alive, no better.

Of course they are.

Incidentally, one of her last tweets was..

Amy Winehouse (amyjademermaid) on Twitter
ronson you're dead to me; one album i write an you take half the credit- make a career out of it? don't think so BRUV

Incidentally, I don't wanna play down Ronson too much. He did fantastic work on that Album. But a good producer can only make an average song good, not great. You need the songs. And the lyrics of that album are possibly my favorite part of it.

But no, she's not an all time great songwriting wise, because she only wrote 2 albums...She's destined to be in the Jeff Buckley tier of legend, not the Hendrix.

Again I'd like to reiterate that I don't like this music so I am talking completely objectively, but to say that Adele isn't soulful is ridiculous.

No R&B in it at all, it's not Soul.

This however is modern soul. It's the music not just the voice, but it's heavily dependent on how the gospel type voice interacts with the R&B undertones.

Aside from the Joss Stone song Weaste posted being terrible, and by far the worst thing posted in this thread so far, he's basically semantically arguing that something can't be soul (and by extension, soulful) without having an organ and an occasional licking guitar in it, or conforming rhythm wise to his sense of old school R&B....

Plus her voice is so generically template...It's just..meh to me. But again, personal opinion. I think most people share the Wino/Adele > Stone opinion though.

I'd suggest this as a better Adele song for Weaste.

Anyways, back to Wino...How Weaste can say this isn't soul, or soulful, is beyond me.

Add in the fact she actually wrote it, and there are several performances of her actually playing it on the guitar (I'm not confident Stone knows which end of a guitar to pick up tbh).. and she shits all over Stone from an immeasurably great height....Which is probably something she would've done in her latter years to be fair.
Argggg, third time the charm for posting

I always find things like this to be tragic, no matter the person. I don't have any personal connection with addiction. I remember Hedberg made a joke about people's reaction to addiction.

Whenever these unique, talented singers die because of their own inability to kick their habit, it always reminds me of Layne that guy had some inner demons and a tragic story. His dad was the person to introduce him to heroin, and he could never stay clean.


I don't know what you're arguing here anymore Weaste? ...Are you just trying to have a long winded semantics argument about whether she can legitimately be classed as soul?...And what for?

...If you're simply (and seriously) trying to argue that Joss Stone is a better singer than Winehouse, I suggest you hop over to a Joss Stone forum. You're unlikely to get much joy outside of there tbh.
Aside from the Joss Stone song Weaste posted being terrible, and by far the worst thing posted in this thread so far, he's basically semantically arguing that something can't be soul (and by extension, soulful) without having an organ and an occasional licking guitar in it, or conforming rhythm wise to his sense of old school R&B....

You seem to be the self confessed music expert here. So, classify these three songs. And they are not in date order.

Is a single one of them soul music?
I'm beginning to worry he was part of that plot to rape and murderer her a few months back....Did they ever find any accomplices?

EDIT: Weaste, I don't care about your semantics argument. Winehouse was (IMO, and that of most other people) a far better singer than Stone, with a far better voice. In almost any style of music. Be it soul, rock, pop or acid skiffle.
I don't care. You're the only one trying to be clever here, by going on and on about which singers can accurately be placed within a certain style of genre specific music, and thus which are and aren't allowed to be called soulful in your opinion.

None of us really give a shit. We all generally unanimously think Wino/Adele are streets ahead of Joss flipping Stone. Regardless of how you want to phrase it.
It's Barry White. Stop derailing a thread about Winehouse with your inane semantics.

I know it's Barry White, but in what guise, soul, disco, funk? What do you think that track is. You see, if you are unable to classify and differentiate between say funk and soul and R&B, then you don't have a clue what you are talking about.
.. if you are unable to classify and differentiate between say funk and soul and R&B, then you don't have a clue what you are talking about.

In regards to whether Joss Stone is a better singer than Amy Winehouse?

What are you on about?

I'm just going to bypass another 10 posts and say you win. Whatever argument it is you're actually having, you win at it Weaste. Well done.


Because Wikiepdia says it is.

That's nowhere near pure R&B.

In regards to whether Joss Stone is a better singer than Amy Winehouse?

What are you on about?

I never said that she was a better singer, I said that I'd read in many places that she had the most soulful voice of her generation, whe in fact her vocals were not the best suited towards soul music which then set a load of people into some mad flap. That said, you probably think that Elgar's "Nimrod" is classical music.
In regards to whether Joss Stone is a better singer than Amy Winehouse?

All I said was that her voice was far more suited to soul music, which then got this spasmistic spasm out of some of you. Soul is the fusion of R&B and gospel (which generally means a choir rather than a single voice - thus why most soul groups were groups, with each singer having a different voice level).

This is soul.

What's this? Another topic on which Weaste can display abysmal ignorance to add to football, finance, software engineering and cross-dressing (probably)?