Amy Winehouse has passed away

The divvy can say what he likes, and he is a divvy. The majority of Rap is R&B is it? Total bullshit. Same sort of shit as Mockney thinking that Elgar was a classical composer. Everything that uses a full orchestra without vocals is a symphony is it? Total bullshit!

What kind of composer was Elgar then?
Don't get him started. Nevermind the fact that Elgar wrote two symphonies, which invalidates the point he was trying to make.
I found this interesting given the last couple of pages (minus Weaste's semantics bollocks): The album chart top 5 this week (or last week, whatever it is) contains both Wino's albums and both Adele's (with Beyonce being the other entry)...

Aside from that being a fairly unique all female achievement, it's relatively heartening (even if for less than ideal reasons) that in the week that god awful Swagger Jagger track is released, 4 of the 5 highest selling records are by young, female, British singer-songwriters, singing self penned songs, with personal lyrics, auto-tune free, to live instrumentation.

There's some hope for a Cowell free music world yet. Even if we have to kill off the good ones to make it happen.
Good point mockney.

The trouble with the Cowell/ X Factor bollocks is its control over the singles market and as a consequence, day time radio playlists.

Its incredibly hard for new artists to make a living without radio play.
Undoubtedly true, but do people really still listen to the radio all that much?...At work, sure. Or in the car. But do people sit at home listening to it like they did when it was all important. Surely the advent of the internet has reduced it's potency somewhat?

I haven't listened to the radio, when not in an office, for about 6 years....But then, I'm not the kind of person that buys singles anyway.
You'd be surprised. Lots of people aren't as into music as you or I may be and are realky guided by what they hear on the radio.

In terms of filling gigs and shifting copies it can make a massive difference.

One guy I know was lucky enough to have a DJ on a national station like his song about 6 months ago and started playing it to death. Within weeks he was selling out shows to people who were there to hear that one song. Not the most gratifying thing in the world sure but it pays the bills and gives you the means to record.

The head of a US major label flew into Ireland specially to catch a gig and offered him a deal with a 2million dollar advance and a total rerecording of his album in the states with a better producer and musicians.

All on the back of 1 DJ picking up on that one song.
I found this interesting given the last couple of pages (minus Weaste's semantics bollocks): The album chart top 5 this week (or last week, whatever it is) contains both Wino's albums and both Adele's (with Beyonce being the other entry)...

Aside from that being a fairly unique all female achievement, it's relatively heartening (even if for less than ideal reasons) that in the week that god awful Swagger Jagger track is released, 4 of the 5 highest selling records are by young, female, British singer-songwriters, singing self penned songs, with personal lyrics, auto-tune free, to live instrumentation.

There's some hope for a Cowell free music world yet. Even if we have to kill off the good ones to make it happen.

As unideal as the circumstances around it are it gives you something of a bit more faith in humanity and appreciation of genuine musicians.
Janice Long on R2 does a lot of live sessions with good, upcoming bands. I've got into a few just by hearing them on her show over the years.
Not really when they only appreciate them when they're dead though.

Also Adele and Beyonce sort of tie into what i said about the power of radio play, both are played to death.

Still nicer to see them at the top of the charts than the alternatives. I wouldnt be too bouyed by it at the same time, the X Factor plebs are far more likely to pick and choose single tracks than entire albums.
Not really when they only appreciate them when they're dead though.

Also Adele and Beyonce sort of tie into what i said about the power of radio play, both are played to death.

Still nicer to see them at the top of the charts than the alternatives. I wouldnt be too bouyed by it at the same time, the X Factor plebs are far more likely to pick and choose single tracks than entire albums.

The only downside is that she had to die to be properly appreciated, but it was inevitable really, it's far too common an occurrence.

Agree all round though other than that.
Don't get him started. Nevermind the fact that Elgar wrote two symphonies, which invalidates the point he was trying to make.

Classical music - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Elgar is one of the composers in the photo montage and he is listed as a classical composer in the list that I have linked to below. This doesn't by definition make him a classical composer but it is pretty suggestive. Surely someone would have noticed if it weren't true.

List of 20th-century classical composers by birth date - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The divvy can say what he likes, and he is a divvy. The majority of Rap is R&B is it? Total bullshit. Same sort of shit as Mockney thinking that Elgar was a classical composer. Everything that uses a full orchestra without vocals is a symphony is it? Total bullshit!

I'd still love an explanation on what kind of composer Elgar was then if you've time Weaste?
Presumably because Weaste is back and can explain his bizarre criteria in regards to what's classical music and what's not.
The absence of [illegal] drugs and presence of alcohol would still seem to suggest substance abuse played a part.
I'd say the key word there might turn out to be 'illegal'.
Could be as simple as years of addiction taking its toll.

There is a point of no return with alcohol, some folks don't make it back to sobriety.
Posting some stats of how many people have actually died from quitting alcohol, cold turkey, would greatly interest me. Go.

I was told when I had my therapy that if the liver is damaged too far, it's more dangerous to come off alcohol totally than it is to continue taking it in small quantities. They never gave me an exact explanation as to why.
I was told when I had my therapy that if the liver is damaged too far, it's more dangerous to come off alcohol totally than it is to continue taking it in small quantities. They never gave me an exact explanation as to why.

You should tell that to the FDA in the US. They have approved one drug to treat alcoholism. It's called "antabuse." It actually does the exact opposite. Basically, if you drink while you are taking it, it makes you so sick that you might die. It's mostly prescribed by the courts to ensure that people DO stop cold turkey.
You should tell that to the FDA in the US. They have approved one drug to treat alcoholism. It's called "antabuse." It actually does the exact opposite. Basically, if you drink while you are taking it, it makes you so sick that you might die. It's mostly prescribed by the courts to ensure that people DO stop cold turkey.

I was prescribed Antabus to solve my problem.
Same thing. Did it work?


Well, yes, it got me down to drinking in a responsible manner, because I was on a path to killing myself, seriously, I was taking over the recommended weekly consumption on a daily basis. I was on that drug for months and it's damn dangerous. The first few days you go on it they also give you a sedative and you sleep for around 3 days. After that you are in the position that you know that you can't touch alcohol for at least two weeks without all sorts of shit happening. It's when I was prescribed that drug that they told me that if the liver went too far then it's no good even trying because removing alcohol totally will do more harm than good. As I said, they never said why that is the case.
Did you slip at all during the two weeks?

Yes, when coming off it after months. I'd not had a beer for months and after 10 days I thought, well one bottle can't do much harm now can it, it's been ten days. I was wrong! After just a few sips all of my skin started coming out in big red blotches and my heart rate went through the roof. Wasn't a pleasant experience, so I can imagine what would happen if you tried to drink whilst taking it. If you ever wanted to kill someone, one of those tablets powdered down and slipped into their pint when they go to the bog might just work.

When taking it I was told to stay away from things such as vinegar and perfumes (aftershave) and deodorants that could be alcohol based.
Posting some stats of how many people have actually died from quitting alcohol, cold turkey, would greatly interest me. Go.

I can't find actual stats atm (as I can't really be bothered mainly) but have stumbled across this.

Delirium tremens (DTs) is the most severe form of ethanol withdrawal; it is manifested by altered mental status (global confusion) and sympathetic overdrive (autonomic hyperactivity), which can progress to cardiovascular collapse. DTs is a medical emergency with a high mortality rate, making early recognition and treatment essential. (See Prognosis, Clinical Presentation, Differentials, Workup, and Treatment.)

Chronic intake of alcohol affects several neurotransmitter systems in the brain. These effects include increased release of endogenous opiates; activation of the gamma-aminobutyric acid-A (GABA-A) receptor and a decrease in GABA-A receptor function, with a resultant influx of chloride ions; inhibition of the N -methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) type of glutamate receptor (which mediates the postsynaptic excitatory effects of glutamate), with up-regulation of this receptor; and interactions with serotonin and dopamine receptors. (See Etiology.)

During withdrawal from alcohol, the loss of GABA-A receptor stimulation causes a reduction in chloride flux and is associated with tremors, diaphoresis, tachycardia, anxiety, and seizures. In addition, the lack of inhibition of the NMDA receptors may lead to seizures and delirium. Excessive nervous system excitability during periods of abstinence from alcohol is related to the effect of alcohol on the number and function of brain receptors.

Medscape: Medscape Access
Official cause of death: alcohol poisoning. She apparently had a .4 BAC.