Amy Winehouse has passed away


Never gets old.

Never gets old.

Wow, these days it seems that someone's death is less important than doling out a pathetic Twitter witticism. Eat your heart out, Oscar Wilde.
Millions of young people drink that much on weekends around the world, to be honest.

What? Her BAC was .41. The legal limit in most places is .08 (at least for driving). Alcohol poisoning can kill you at .35 and she was far beyond that. . . so no, millions around the world don't drink that much, unless millions die every weekend.
What? Her BAC was .41. The legal limit in most places is .08 (at least for driving). Alcohol poisoning can kill you at .35 and she was far beyond that. . . so no, millions around the world don't drink that much, unless millions die every weekend.

It takes about 9 pint of beer and 7 shots in 4 hours to reach that level. Now tell me if there arent millions of people around the world who drink that much on a friday night
It's got to be a lot more than that. Legal limit is about two pints, ten pints won't kill you.
It takes about 9 pint of beer and 7 shots in 4 hours to reach that level. Now tell me if there arent millions of people around the world who drink that much on a friday night

The amount of alcohol you can handle is entirely dependent on body weight.

9 pints and 7 shots is a shed-load for a healthy 250lb man, for a 90lb heroin addict with a generally shit immune system and ruined liver, it is a death sentence. Just because one person could most likely not die from drinking that amount doesn't make it an acceptable amount.

You can't justify a baby being beaten to death by saying "millions of people around the world take 3 punches to the face every weekend, to be honest".
Wow, these days it seems that someone's death is less important than doling out a pathetic Twitter witticism. Eat your heart out, Oscar Wilde.

These days? I think you've got your chicken and egg mixed up if you think insensitive humor is some sort of postnatal twitter phenomenon, mate, and not something that's been going on since God created man nearly 6000 years ago, which he definitely did. Furthermore, it's entirely possible to laugh at Norm's joke and feel bad about Amy's death. It's called the complexity of human nature and it's why holier-than-thouisms rarely pack much of a punch.
The amount of alcohol you can handle is entirely dependent on body weight.

9 pints and 7 shots is a shed-load for a healthy 250lb man, for a 90lb heroin addict with a generally shit immune system and ruined liver, it is a death sentence. Just because one person could most likely not die from drinking that amount doesn't make it an acceptable amount.

You can't justify a baby being beaten to death by saying "millions of people around the world take 3 punches to the face every weekend, to be honest".

Thats true, but the BAC is dependent of body weight, the same BAC for a 90 lbs woman means a lot less drink.
I've calculated with a 70 kg man. .35-45 wont kill most people. If you're otherwise sick it might, but if you're other healthy it wont, it will give you hangover and a slightly soiled underwear.

Actually .4 is apparently generally considered to be the lethal dose ("would kill half the population").
Actually .4 is apparently generally considered to be the lethal dose ("would kill half the population").

It depends on how much is your system acustomed to alcohol. Those who drink a lot can take a lot more and because most people pass out way before they achieve the level that is really dangerous for them.

Last saturday I drank about 20 beers and 20 shots between 5 and 4. And didnt even had a headache in the morning.
These days? I think you've got your chicken and egg mixed up if you think insensitive humor is some sort of postnatal twitter phenomenon, mate, and not something that's been going on since God created man nearly 6000 years ago, which he definitely did. Furthermore, it's entirely possible to laugh at Norm's joke and feel bad about Amy's death. It's called the complexity of human nature and it's why holier-than-thouisms rarely pack much of a punch.

I would say, though, that insensitive humour has reached a recent times, in terms of its lack of actual humour let alone sensitivity.
It doesn't depend on anything; the "lethal dose" is counted as roughly where it would kill half the population. That means the other half would survive, nice for you ;)

Also, I am not entirely sure if how much you drink has any effect on whether or not it is going to kill you, though I'm no expert, so it's just speculation.
My father is a pretty famous psychiatrist, who's the head of a psychiatric and an addictology department. I'm quoting him.

I'm going to go ask my podiatrist why I'm hearing voices in my head. He's a doctor after all. Who cares if his field of study has feck-all to do with what I'm asking him about.
Congratulations. And I'm just quoting what is generally considered the median lethal dose of alcohol. So if that is .4, then yes, I would say .45 would kill "most people".

Its the last safest point for most people to reach. Millions of people reach that dose every weekend - just check an alcohol-level calculator.
Then I guess those are the people who know they can take it. Or else hundreds of thousands of people are dying every weekend. I'm not making this lethal dose thing up. I think.
You do know what addictology mean?

I didn't bother reading that far into your post, but yes, I do. Being that he's a psychiatrist rather than a physician, it would be a safe assumption that his studies are on the mental aspects of addiction rather than the physical ones.
Then I guess those are the people who know they can take it. Or else hundreds of thousands of people are dying every weekend. I'm not making this lethal dose thing up. I think.

No, its is a median, like you said. Which means, that about half the people drink more to reach that level. And by average, hundreds of millions can take a lot more. Even 0.05.

The human body is clever enough to either pass out of vomit before the level it dies. And a healthy body can takes lot more.

Now: a sick junkie's body is not healthy at all. Her/His defence system isnt working - so while you and your friend (and million others) wont experience more than hangover and soiled pants from the same amount, a junkie can die from it.

Most probably if you passed out, blacked out, shat or spoiled yourself because of alcohol, you had at least that much alcohol in your system.

I didnt say she wasnt drunk.
I didn't bother reading that far into your post, but yes, I do. Being that he's a psychiatrist rather than a physician, it would be a safe assumption that his studies are on the mental aspects of addiction rather than the physical ones.

A psychiatrist is not the same as a psychologist, you know that? It means he is an MD (in my father's case it means he is a neurologist, addictologist, psychiatrist, and doctor of internal medicine (also GP, ofdourse) at the same time).

Dont try to be smarter than you are, mate.
I don't care whose dad could beat up who...I think the point here was, she was pissed. How pissed? Pretty pissed. Dead pissed in fact. Shame. She was good.
Saw this thread bumped and my first thought was "What, again?"

Poor girl has no luck.
I would say, though, that insensitive humour has reached a recent times, in terms of its lack of actual humour let alone sensitivity.
That's the point, a bad taste joke has just got to be very funny else it's just a piece of sheer cuntery. (See Mockney above).
Didn't she die in the late morning/early afternoon?

I don't know how anyone is able to get in such a state.
That's the point, a bad taste joke has just got to be very funny else it's just a piece of sheer cuntery. (See Mockney above).

Anything by Clarkson. Talk about lowbrow humour. If it's obvious and cheap, you can bet Clarkson's been there.
A psychiatrist is not the same as a psychologist, you know that? It means he is an MD (in my father's case it means he is a neurologist, addictologist, psychiatrist, and doctor of internal medicine (also GP, ofdourse) at the same time).

Dont try to be smarter than you are, mate.

I know psychiatrists are medical doctors, I know several. But I've never heard of one that also actively practices neurology and internal medicine. I certainly wouldn't trust him with my health, especially if he thinks .41 is a safe BAC. Has he got his medical degree online?
I know psychiatrists are medical doctors, I know several. But I've never heard of one that also actively practices neurology and internal medicine. I certainly wouldn't trust him with my health, especially if he thinks .41 is a safe BAC. Has he got his medical degree online?

You're an imbecile. Most clinical psychiatrist (even more with the way neuropharmacy develops) are very much "active" doctors. You have a very vague idea what is a psychology, what is psychotherapy and what is psychiatry.

Noone said its safe. What I've said is that million drink as much or more every weekend.
I once drank 14 pints, pulled an off-duty WPC while in the chinese takeaway then drove her to a quiet spot and did her up the gary in the back seat.

Alcohol makes you do weird things.