Amy Winehouse has passed away

More comments have been made about this girl's death by my facebook friends than about the Norway massacre. People care too much about celebrity these days imo.

Not saying her death isn't a shame just pointing out the disparity in the amount of comments I've seen.

Or maybe I just need a better class of friend.

I can definately see why, I've wrote nothing on my facebook or twitter about Norway but one post about Winehouse. I'ts nothing to do with a bizarre sense of "knowing" her (in my case at least) but that I am really still in a sense of shock and disbelief at the atrocities and am still struggling to put into words my thoughts about what happened.
I would also find it hard to sympathize with a heroin junky who had access to the pinacle of modern drug treatment, only to throw it away. It is hard to sympathize, that's not to say I feel nothing at hearing of her death, and also has nothing to do with understanding drug addiction. I have more sympathy for the people she left behind, who saw her come to this end, despite the help and treatment that was available to her.

Okay I apolgise I perhaps went too far and misconstrued what you said. I just think that drug addiction is a complicated state of mind that cannot be construed as being someone's 'fault' yes perhaps she could have avoided becoming addicted but we shouldn't lambaste her because she wasn't strong enough to overcome what in my mind is an illness.

I've experienced amphetamine addiction and I can tell you categorically it is a vicious cycle and not something that is simple to confront. This news has got to me because in someways it feels like a culmination of what the press almost wanted. I do not mean they overtly wanted her to die, but their hounding and ridiculous treatment of her as a tabloid figure has probably pushed her closer to this outcome than anything else, and those same people who profited off invasive coverage of her difficult life will now extend false sympathies and profit out of her tragic death.

I think it is bizarre how in the new millennium people are being hounded by the press for drug addiction, she made her own money, she didn't steal to take drugs and ultimately it is her body. She should be allowed agency and while it may have pushed her to death, in the past artists with addictive personalities were respected and their afflictions were considered part of their persona and artistry. Samuel Taylor Coelridge through to Tennessee Williams and on to Kurt Cobain were allowed appropriated distance when their daemons pushed them to death, but nowadays driven by a vicious tabloid culture the status-quo response is 'she deserved it' or 'I hope that scumbag Doherty is next' (I know those opinions haven't been aired here but I've seen them elsewhere) and that inability of some people to empathise or sympathise bothers me.

Once again Hectic I know these aren't your sentiments, just my general response to the entire story.
27 y.o. is a dangerous age

Brian Jones
Jim Morrison
Phil Lynott
Jimi Hendrix
Janis Joplin
Kurt Kobain
This is a selfish woman who had it all yet injected it all down her vains despite having zillions of chances to sort her life out. Having experienced what this does families & friends from close by I have zilch sympathy for her.

Post number 2 on a thread that deseved no more than one reply.
Okay I apolgise I perhaps went too far and misconstrued what you said. I just think that drug addiction is a complicated state of mind that cannot be construed as being someone's 'fault' yes perhaps she could have avoided becoming addicted but we shouldn't lambaste her because she wasn't strong enough to overcome what in my mind is an illness.

I've experienced amphetamine addiction and I can tell you categorically it is a vicious cycle and not something that is simple to confront. This news has got to me because in someways it feels like a culmination of what the press almost wanted. I do not mean they overtly wanted her to die, but their hounding and ridiculous treatment of her as a tabloid figure has probably pushed her closer to this outcome than anything else, and those same people who profited off invasive coverage of her difficult life will now extend false sympathies and profit out of her tragic death.

I think it is bizarre how in the new millennium people are being hounded by the press for drug addiction, she made her own money, she didn't steal to take drugs and ultimately it is her body. She should be allowed agency and while it may have pushed her to death, in the past artists with addictive personalities were respected and their afflictions were considered part of their persona and artistry. Samuel Taylor Coelridge through to Tennessee Williams and on to Kurt Cobain were allowed appropriated distance when their daemons pushed them to death, but nowadays driven by a vicious tabloid culture the status-quo response is 'she deserved it' or 'I hope that scumbag Doherty is next' (I know those opinions haven't been aired here but I've seen them elsewhere) and that inability of some people to empathise or sympathise bothers me.

Once again Hectic I know these aren't your sentiments, just my general response to the entire story.

Fair enough and thanks, I agree with a lot of that.
What a shame - she had so much talent and I'm sure if she'd managed to sort herself out she would have made some more brilliant music and could have become a musical great. Wasn't to be. RIP.
I find it hard to find sympathy for her, a shame anyway, but for someone so gifted and with all the chances, she made some incredibly stupid decisions.


Nobody should feel sorry for this nitwit. She had the world at her finger tips and she threw it away.

Nobody should feel sorry for this nitwit. She had the world at her finger tips and she threw it away.

I think we should have some sympathy for her - she wouldn't have chosen for her life to turn out this way. She obviously made some terrible choices along the line and has unfortunately paid for them by dying far too young and before she'd really had a chance to share her talents with the world.

I do feel robbed though, to have only had a handful of songs from her wasn't enough.

Nobody should feel sorry for this nitwit. She had the world at her finger tips and she threw it away.
Might have been addicted though,so there is nothing wrong with sypmathy for addiction. But, I suppose you call Joplin,Hendrix,Morrison nitwits as well.
Might have been addicted though,so there is nothing wrong with sypmathy for addiction. But, I suppose you call Joplin,Hendrix,Morrison nitwits as well.

I would call them nitwits yeah, talented nitwits though. You make a choice to take things and in most cases you know what might happen in terms of getting addicted.

If you take heroin a few times for a laugh and then get addicted to it it's your own fault for taking heroin in the first place!

Nobody should feel sorry for this nitwit. She had the world at her finger tips and she threw it away.

Just because you are a well rounded individual with a perfectly balanced mind, doesn't mean you should judge her so harshly.

Maybe it is as simple as what you say, I'd put money she was battling a lot of demons though.
Well, now this has all settled down a bit and we've established that she is indeed, still dead, and that many people on the internet share the same compassion for a drug addict as Jan Moir & Richard Littlejohn do for gays and prostitutes, why don't we revert to what we usually do when someone famous dies...and saturate the shit out of their music.

Shorn of all the Ronson-ness. She was clearly a hugely talented singer and songwriter.

I have to admit I've never listened in full to any of her albums but I imagine I will soon.

These celebrity deaths always have an odd effect on me. The worst part is that they always get compared to famous people from the past that died young who I know nothing about. So I read all about them and then I end up feeling sad about the death of someone who I never knew existed beforehand. It doesn't make any sense but I always feel a bit shit for a little while when this happens.
Back to Black is evokes deep pathos.

It really is. That whole album is a gem of songwriting IMO. Especially lyrically. People forget how awful commercial music was in general pre that album. It was an incredibly important record for the time. Ushering in a new wave of female singer songwriters, genuine instrumentation and heart felt lyricism just when Simon Cowell was threatening to drown pop Barrymoreially in his ever expanding pool of synthetic karaoke shite.

I agree hugely with FortBoyard's post. The lack of empathy, and occasional genuine spitefulness shown towards a young girl who none of you (the royal you) knew is pathetically depressing. And people brining up Norway? Well, it's just bizarre, and I can't imagine the kind of person who would make a statement like "who gives a shit about her when there's been a greater human tragedy elsewhere" could possibly give a shit about said greater human tragedy either, such is their arrogant superiority towards the death of anyone, troubles or no, or their use of certain deaths to diminish the importance of others.
Joss Stone does have a very good soulful voice, I would put Winehouse ahead of her though.

The biggest division between the two is songwriting, Joss can't compete on that front IMO.
Joss Stone :lol:....Jesus christ.

Personal opinion of course. Winehouse by a distance IMO. Genuinely unique voice. Resonant with feeling too. Stone is an above average session soul singer.

Jesus Harold Christ, Joss Bloody Ackland is more soulful than Joss Stone...
Can't stand any of them (musically) but I'd suggest you can't have this conversation without mentioning Adele.
Can't stand any of them (musically) but I'd suggest you can't have this conversation without mentioning Adele.

I think Adele is a marginally better song-writer. 19 is a much better album than Frank, but Back to Black is better than 21. So one all on that front.

I'd still put Wino ahead on voice though. I agree with those calling her the best voice of this generation (of the globally recognised artists, I'm sure there's someone unknown or living in a cave somewhere that's probably better, you can never really make declarations like that tbf) and I've been saying that for years...Though now it'll of course be seen like bandwagon hagiography. It's unquestionably hers, and immensely powerful when she wasn't completely wastrelled.

Oh god, pexbo remove that post immediately or you'll start mockney off.

I don't remember having any convos about Adele or Wino on here before...Have I?
Jesus Harold Christ, Joss Bloody Ackland is more soulful than Joss Stone...

Not as a voice! Material you can argue over for ever and a day, I never said anything about that. Some people might like the quirkiness of Whinehouse's voice, and that's fair enough - it's always been quirky, however, Stone's voice is a solid soulful voice that's consistent. Maybe it's always been like that because she's not usually pissed or stoned in some way?
Not as a voice! Material you can argue over for ever and a day, I never said anything about that. Some people might like the quirkiness of Whinehouse's voice, and that's fair enough, however, Stone's voice is a solid soulful voice that's consistent. Maybe it's always been like that because she's not usually pissed or stoned in some way?

Amy Whinehouse's voice is a cross between Loren Hill's and Mary J Blige's. Doesn't get much more soulful than that. As for Adele, great voice but I find her material a bit bland....personally, her life doesn't interest me one bit.

I've just been looking at the closed Winehouse thread....It's a fecking disgraceful thread. Kinky asks a question about a new artist in the Entertainment forum and gets a waft of replies like "I hate the dirty skank, she's so fecking ugly" and then people start posting pictures of Faith Hill and other bland but attractive singers as an acceptable alternative to like, cos they don't look like a man....And we wonder why Simon Cowell keeps getting away with it.

Good thing that was locked or I would've gone off on one.

Adele isn't even soulful! I don't think some of you actually know what soul music is, which is R&B mixed with gospel that creates a unique vocal sound. Go look at Philippe Wynne if you want to know what a soul voice sounds like, unfortunately he tried to move to funk.

a) I said Wino had a better voice than Adele

b) I'd list lyricism as just as an important factor in how 'soulful' they were.

c) I don't know why someone has to be a rigid stickler in a particular genre to be acceptable to you. Let alone have a specific template voice to be regarded as part of that genre. Get out of the 50s old man. Plus Wino's first album was technically Jazz and Adele's songs (which she wrote) far surpass anything Joss Stone has ever done.