The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Yo @Alex Styles you keep saying you're to tired to arguet and that you'll go to sleep, yet you're still here. And haven't answered my question:
Finally Trump fans that came to talk again!
@Alex Styles what do you make of Betsy DeVos as Trumps pick for Secretary of Education?

If you watch that video, do you feel she's suited for the job?
The United States is a union of 50 equal entities. The electoral system is an imperfect balance between this union and the concept of one man one vote. I understand why people are upset at it, but it's worked well for most of the country's history, and it does grant the regions between the coasts a say in national affairs.
The question has been for a long much of a say.

Tbf - I am not fussed about the electoral college - what should be up for not just discussion, but a huge overhaul is electoral district alignments.

This is what is hurting american democracy more than most realize. I don't care whether it's the democrats doing it or the republicans - gerrymandering should be fought against tooth and nail. You have elected officials working to invalidate the votes of millions of Americans.

Plainly put - that's fcuking unacceptable.
The United States is a union of 50 equal entities. The electoral system is an imperfect balance between this union and the concept of one man one vote. I understand why people are upset at it, but it's worked well for most of the country's history, and it does grant the regions between the coasts a say in national affairs.
That's exactly why it's utterly ludicrous, in what way is some state like Wyoming the equal of California or New York?
Giving weapons to the Mujahideen is a far cry from getting into a direct hot war with Putin's Russia. That was obviously never in the cards, just as it isn't with Trump.
Even the threat of giving weapons would have been enough.

The same happened with Syria, Putin went in full guns blazing on Aleppo to back up Assad because he knew he could with no military repercussion. I quite simply disagree with you that Putin will see Trump as the same predictable, stereotypical politician as he saw Obama.
The United States is a union of 50 equal entities. The electoral system is an imperfect balance between this union and the concept of one man one vote. I understand why people are upset at it, but it's worked well for most of the country's history, and it does grant the regions between the coasts a say in national affairs.
I understand that but I think it's a little unfair that someone's vote would carry more weight depending on which state they reside in. The system does have a purpose but due to the nature of the electoral college it should really require constant updating so the old adage of one person one vote means something.
The question has been for a long much of a say.

Tbf - I am not fussed about the electoral college - what should be up for not just discussion, but a huge overhaul is electoral district alignments.

This is what is hurting american democracy more than most realize. I don't care whether it's the democrats doing it or the republicans - gerrymandering should be fought against tooth and nail. You have elected officials working to invalidate the votes of millions of Americans.

Plainly put - that's fcuking unacceptable.
Yeah this is true, that redistricting is an openly partisan act in many states is so completely absurd and antidemocratic. And that's before you get to voting rights. Huge, huge failures in US democracy.
That's exactly why it's utterly ludicrous, in what way is some state like Wyoming the equal of California or New York?
Well because without that balance the whole country would never have come into being. Some might say that would be a good thing but not me.

Of course it really is not that the states are equal, but things like the electoral college and the make up of the Senate are meant to give some balance of power.
Even the threat of giving weapons would have been enough.

The same happened with Syria, Putin went in full guns blazing on Aleppo to back up Assad because he knew he could with no military repercussion. I quite simply disagree with you that Putin will see Trump as the same predictable, stereotypical politician as he saw Obama.

I read your posts on that subject and keep asking myself, why the US would do that? What would they gain from it? And do you realize that Russia aren't afraid of the US, like not at all?
You're picking up that many responses because your posts are inflammatory. You've wandered into something and tried to win a series of arguments and have been spread horribly thin because you're often defending the indefensible.
My posts are not actually inflammatory. People don't like it when others support trump. That's the truth and that's why inflammatory responses are provoked.

This is a crucial point that all trump supporters seem to fall apart on. The absolute incapability to hold two contrasting viewpoints at the same time.
you seem to have convinced yourself of this.
The question has been for a long much of a say.

Tbf - I am not fussed about the electoral college - what should be up for not just discussion, but a huge overhaul is electoral district alignments.

This is what is hurting american democracy more than most realize. I don't care whether it's the democrats doing it or the republicans - gerrymandering should be fought against tooth and nail. You have elected officials working to invalidate the votes of millions of Americans.

Plainly put - that's fcuking unacceptable.
Gerrymandering which has existed for a long time and been used by both sides needs to be addressed. Even that one district in NC was began as an attempt to actually give minorities more power but it has evolved into the opposite.
Even the threat of giving weapons would have been enough.

The same happened with Syria, Putin went in full guns blazing on Aleppo to back up Assad because he knew he could with no military repercussion. I quite simply disagree with you that Putin will see Trump as the same predictable, stereotypical politician as he saw Obama.

There is obviously not going to be a military repercussion about going into Syria. It was Putin's gamble to obfuscate from domestic economic problems. You don't have to get into a military conflict with Russia to hurt them. There are obviously different levels of sanctions that can be gradually ratcheted up to impose penalties on Putin for his behavior.
Well because without that balance the whole country would never have come into being. Some might say that would be a good thing but not me.

Of course it really is not that the states are equal, but things like the electoral college and the make up of the Senate are meant to give some balance of power.
To me, the electoral college seems a huge over-correction in that aspect these days, given the Senate has given smaller states so much relative power.

I would normally say that having all EVs divvied up proportionally in each state would seem the sensible compromise (outside of the best solution of the interstate compact ever being passed in enough states), but it would inevitably done by congressional district and the problems with that these days are clear.
My posts are not actually inflammatory. People don't like it when others support trump. That's the truth and that's why inflammatory responses are provoked.

you seem to have convinced yourself of this.

It's the same thing every time. You can't take a whole post, pull out two sentences and act as if that's what was said.

It's this behaviour that's inflammatory. Search post, find section to fit narrative, reply to a falsehood instead of the actual subject matter.

The bolded section above runs absolutely 100% contrary to what I wrote. I said explicitly that nobody has an issue with someone supporting Trump. The support of policy and ideals isn't an issue for anyone. Everyone is free to do as they please.
Well because without that balance the whole country would never have come into being. Some might say that would be a good thing but not me.

Of course it really is not that the states are equal, but things like the electoral college and the make up of the Senate are meant to give some balance of power.
Interesting fact I just found out, Florida, which is such a decisive state in so many elections, actually has one of the lowest EV per popular vote in the US. :confused:
It's the same thing every time. You can't take a whole post, pull out two sentences and act as if that's what was said.

It's this behaviour that's inflammatory. Search post, find section to fit narrative, reply to a falsehood instead of the actual subject matter.

The bolded section above runs absolutely 100% contrary to what I wrote. I said explicitly that nobody has an issue with someone supporting Trump. The support of policy and ideals isn't an issue for anyone. Everyone is free to do as they please.

It's the same thing every time. You can't take a whole post, pull out two sentences and act as if that's what was said.

It's this behaviour that's inflammatory. Search post, find section to fit narrative, reply to a falsehood instead of the actual subject matter.

The bolded section above runs absolutely 100% contrary to what I wrote. I said explicitly that nobody has an issue with someone supporting Trump. The support of policy and ideals isn't an issue for anyone. Everyone is free to do as they please.
you said that nobody has an issue with someone supporting trump. my point is that this is false. look at this place. it's clear the people who don't support trump also don't like his supporters.
Isn't it supposed to be France with the support during the revolution and Lafayette? I also don't think that both countries have ever been on different sides.
Simon Schama's Citizens is great on this.
Sadly, I've been reminded of the (French) Revolution quite often during Trump's campaign and Presidency.
Even the threat of giving weapons would have been enough.

The same happened with Syria, Putin went in full guns blazing on Aleppo to back up Assad because he knew he could with no military repercussion. I quite simply disagree with you that Putin will see Trump as the same predictable, stereotypical politician as he saw Obama.

One could argue that the Ukraine crisis represents a net loss for Putin - he had a reliably pro-Moscow guy in charge, only to lose him. He's only regained the Crimea and a small part of the east since. But in any case, was Bush as weak in 2008 as you think Obama was for allowing Russia to invade Georgina?

What we have to understand is that with the brief exception of the 90s, Russia has for centuries, and for understandable reasons of security, dominated the countries on its immediate frontier. Doing so is the top national security objective for any regime in Moscow, whoever runs it. Likewise, Moscow has for two hundred years maintained an interest in the Middle East, and its involvement in Syria is simply Russia re-exerting herself after a brief hiatus.

Conversely, Ukraine, Georgia, and to a lesser extent Syria, are just not high priority national security interests for the USA, no matter who is in charge in DC.
Because it's time for a change. The establishment has clearly failed both in UK and in America. The result itself is evidence that the majority of people are not happy with the establishment. If that is not clear to you then please refrain from asking anything else.

Are you saying that one should not compare a president to previous ones or to their opponents? Coz that's not logical. That's all politics is. They didn't do that, vote for us and we will do it. Yay!!

40ish percent of the people is the majority of the people? Majority vote had Clinton winning, just to be clear. Trump, a man born into wealth is not part of the establishment? I want what you're smoking. Actually, probably not.
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