World Of Warcaf.

Pain in the feckin arse. We're with BT and it's been causing us no end of troubles this weekend. I reckon we're going to make the move to Virgin
Good game last night. Did my second dungeon. Bit of craic actually. The tank wasn't an asshole this time and just got on doing what he's meant to do

Picked up a ring - but that was about it.

Xander gave me some seriously cool shoulder pads. I look like a feckin Gladiator !
I can't do anymore dungeons with you for a while mate, i've gone too far ahead of you! You need to run some on your own, get used to them a bit more.
Fecking cnuts! :mad:

I log on this evening and it tells me my password is incorrect. Ok, strange, but whatever I created a new password. Then I log on finally only for it to tell me I've been suspended! I then checked my emails and notice a mail from blizzard today telling me I've been suspended for 3 hours for 'spamming and advertising gold selling' :confused:

Nevertheless after my suspension was up I changed my password again, logged off and went on. Came back on a few minutes ago and realise not only has my password been changed AGAIN, but I'm also suspended again..WTF?!

I've had to send all my details to blizzard, and my driving license to prove my case. God this is a pain in the arse, fecking gold farmers.
Gold Farmers are the single most annoying thing in wow. Honest to God. I wish they'd just feck off. I hate how you can't have a chat in Stormwind due to all the bullshit going on down the bottom left of the screen.

Then again, as long as player are willing to pay real world money for in-game gold then these cnuts will always try get into accounts.

I guess getting one of those authenticators is handy after all
Yep, just got my character back. Luckily, they didn't sell anything of mine, but I have noticed quite a few lvl 1 characters scattered throughout many servers with funny names and based in main cities....they were using my account to sell gold, the cheek!

I'm guessing they're stepping this sort of thing up seeing as Blizzard have nerfed trial accounts to the point where they can hardly talk, so these leaches have resorted to hacking normal accounts to do their spamming.

Just also got my authenticator for my Android phone, wish I'd done it sooner.

Also a tip kinks: When you have some gold spammer cretin spamming away on the chat screen, right-click their name and click ignore (and also 'report spam' while you're at it), you'll no longer hear a peep from them.
Yep, just got my character back. Luckily, they didn't sell anything of mine, but I have noticed quite a few lvl 1 characters scattered throughout many servers with funny names and based in main cities....they were using my account to sell gold, the cheek!

I'm guessing they're stepping this sort of thing up seeing as Blizzard have nerfed trial accounts to the point where they can hardly talk, so these leaches have resorted to hacking normal accounts to do their spamming.

Just also got my authenticator for my Android phone, wish I'd done it sooner.

Also a tip kinks: When you have some gold spammer cretin spamming away on the chat screen, right-click their name and click ignore (and also 'report spam' while you're at it), you'll no longer hear a peep from them.

That is very handy to know. Thanks Red
That's a bummer.

You're only option then is ordering the keyring then, should be a last resort seeing as they're 6 Euros and take 3 weeks to deliver. But realising how common these hacks have become (Gaily suffered the same fate), then I'd probably say it'll a sound investment.
They appear to be out of stock. Hmmmm......what to do

I'm probably not high up enough to get hacked or be a prime target should I say
They appear to be out of stock. Hmmmm......what to do

I'm probably not high up enough to get hacked or be a prime target should I say

They'll attack ANY account, sell all items, take your gold and if they are lucky you will have guild bank access and they will loot that aswell :P
Kinky be warned about Virgin media.

Terrible IP provider.
They'll attack ANY account, sell all items, take your gold and if they are lucky you will have guild bank access and they will loot that aswell :P

The fecking things are STILL sold out. How should I go about doing this ? Do I need a better phone ? I hate phones. I have the basics and I'm happy with that
The fecking things are STILL sold out. How should I go about doing this ? Do I need a better phone ? I hate phones. I have the basics and I'm happy with that

The best you can do now is just be careful, the only way they can 'hack' is by getting a hold of your log-in details.

So double-check email addresses you open, clear your internet cookies, do virus and adware scans and make sure you're not an easy target. Also helps changing your password every now and then.

And don't worry about it too much, Blizzard usually hand the account back to you with all the missing items and gold returned should you be a victim.
Will be on for a bit this evening. Feel like I haven't been on in a while.

Sheemie is going to be WELL ahead of me again !
Mate i've not been on for a while either! I actually want you to catch up, it's boring on your tod.

I'll give it a good shot this evening when I get in. I'm working slightly longer hours now so I don't get in so early, but should be on from about 6:30 onwards
So in your opinion what's the most fun character ? I have done the following:

Night Elf

Druid is worth a look. My first character was a Druid and it's the reason I don't have any alts at 80.

Bear = Tanking
Cat = Melee DPS (And the hardest DPS spec to master)
Moonkin = Ranged Spell DPS
Tree = Healing.

I have built really good gear sets for all but the Tree spec so far and it's kept me busy.

I'm really enjoying my Death Knight at the moment though.
So in your opinion what's the most fun character ? I have done the following:

Night Elf

What sort of Night Elf was it? Druid?

I know lots of people who play the game and still raid on the first characters they levelled, but most have plenty of level 80 alts just to see the other side, so to speak. The only ones I know who don't are the druid, who only have one character at maximum level (their druid) because they just don't need anymore.

Druid are awesome, but I'm waiting until the expansion to level a troll one.
You know what i think i'm gonna start a new game and follow that wowpro guide. Let Kinky catch up so we can quest together.

Any suggestions on what i should roll?
You know what i think i'm gonna start a new game and follow that wowpro guide. Let Kinky catch up so we can quest together.

Any suggestions on what i should roll?

See my post above. Druids really are great fun, stealth, self healing, spell damage and melee damage, skip queses as a tank ect ect ect.
Druid it is then, any race that's better suited? I don't fancy playing a night elf myself.

EDIT: Ok i just noticed that i've been very stupid with that question, Night Elf it is.
What sort of Night Elf was it? Druid?

I know lots of people who play the game and still raid on the first characters they levelled, but most have plenty of level 80 alts just to see the other side, so to speak. The only ones I know who don't are the druid, who only have one character at maximum level (their druid) because they just don't need anymore.

Druid are awesome, but I'm waiting until the expansion to level a troll one.
