World Of Warcaf.

So in your opinion what's the most fun character ? I have done the following:

Night Elf

Shaman's the highlight class for me out of all those I've played, equally as fun doing either healing or DPS.

It all depends on your playstyle really. Personally I'd always recommend your first class to be a hybrid so you can play around with all options. So either Druid or Shamans are fine as far as im concerned. I've had a lot of fun too with a priest but I warn you it's one of the most frustrating classes to level till your reach level 40 or so. Personally I don't really like Paladins, had a level 70 one back in the days of TBC and it bored me to tits.
Shaman's the highlight class for me out of all those I've played, equally as fun doing either healing or DPS.

It all depends on your playstyle really. Personally I'd always recommend your first class to be a hybrid so you can play around with all options. So either Druid or Shamans are fine as far as im concerned. I've had a lot of fun too with a priest but I warn you it's one of the most frustrating classes to level till your reach level 40 or so. Personally I don't really like Paladins, had a level 70 one back in the days of TBC and it bored me to tits.

tee hee hee - Sorry I had to

If I'm to be honest I'm getting a bit bored of my Paladin. It's very samey samey. I'm tempted to go and do what Sheemie did and start over as a Shaman with the addon to help me through the levels
I just like the idea of the Shaman and wouldn't mind messing about.

Xander what level have you gotten to ? Maybe if you hold off on him for a bit I can get to your level and we can blitz through the quests in no time
As oppose to in your day when you had to walk to each quest 5 miles bare foot in the snow ?

Not quite, but we didn't have big glowy numbers and circles on the map telling us exactly where to go for each quest. We had to find things!

How would it work if I was a Shaman and you were a druid ? Good combo ?

That's a pretty nice combo because you can heal each other if things get a bit hairy. Not to mention of the druid of you gets a tanking spec and the shaman a healing spec (using the dual talent thing) then you'll get groups almost immediately.
That's a pretty nice combo because you can heal each other if things get a bit hairy. Not to mention of the druid of you gets a tanking spec and the shaman a healing spec (using the dual talent thing) then you'll get groups almost immediately.

Nice one !

I want to dish out some serious damage though ! Is the Shaman the right one ?
Nice one !

I want to dish out some serious damage though ! Is the Shaman the right one ?

Both Elemental and Enhancement Shaman's can knock out nice damage.

I'm not sure but if you don't mind sacrificing some heals I think Enhancement might be the way to go for leveling though if you are leveling with a Druid and your druid chooses Feral, elemental would work well alongside that.

Either way it's good to have one able to heal.

Balance Druids can heal well enough while leveling as can Ele Shamans.
Yeah a fair amount, and it'd be good if we were both the same class as we could blast through it. I'll make some bags with Sheemie and post 'em to us to help us out.

Nice one. I will be on 6:30 this evening. I emailed you some silk by the way. Emailed to Sheemie

What race should I chose as a Druid ? Same as you ?
Nice one. I will be on 6:30 this evening. I emailed you some silk by the way. Emailed to Sheemie

What race should I chose as a Druid ? Same as you ?

Until Cataclysm, Night Elf is the only Druid I'm afraid.
Oh bollox. I hate where the Night Elf starts :(

Oh well. I shall bear and grimace it

You don't have to start there, if I'm on I'll sort you out a portal to Stormwind and you can do the Human quests.

I went to launch the game and it started to download. It then gave me the following error
Ok solved the problem. For those who come across this - you have to right click on your desktop launcher and run as administrator
Wait. Patch 4 released today? :O
Today ?

Mine was downloading last night when I tried logging on. I'm assuming that's what you're referring to ?
Today ?

Mine was downloading last night when I tried logging on. I'm assuming that's what you're referring to ?

Sorry my bad, its a huge update so they have released it very early.