World Of Warcaf.

I haven't played since the Arthas expansion.

Before that I had, 2 level 60 hunters, 2 level 70 hunters, 5 level 70 shamans, 1 level 60 shaman, 2 level 68 shamans, 2 level 60 druids, 2 level 60 rogues 1 level 70 rogue, 1 level 60 warrior, 1 level 70 priest, 1 level 70 Paladin (friend plays it now, it is one of the most famous in the game, has Arthas orange sword) and a level 80 dk.

My M.O was to power level, or eventually quad or 5 box a group to cap and then quit ;p

It's Shadowmourne, not Frostmourne. Arthas' sword would drive you insane and probably turn you into the new Lich King. Not much cop for a player, really.
A tank is the guy in an instance whose job it is to get hit by all the enemies. He tends to have a lot of health, armour and defence, and he can take a lot of hits. He also has a lot of abilities that make the enemies attack him over other people.

The healer is the guy who's responsible for keeping the rest of the group alive, primarily the tank. With all the foes hitting the tank he's going to lose a lot of health, so the healer keeps him topped up. When he can, he heals the others, too.

The third and most common role is the "dps". This is short for "damage per second", which is how the damaging classes often measure how good they are. So a dps class is the guy who stands there dishing out the damage and primarily killing the opponents. Their main aim is to kill their foes without doing too much damage, because if you do too much then that foe will attack you instead rather than the tank. It's a balance.

Every class has three talent "trees", which determines how that class plays. Some classes, such as rogues and mages, will fill dps roles no matter which tree they develop. The different trees affect the way their character's abilities act, sure, but they will be dps no matter what.

Other classes, however, can fulfil different roles depending on how they spend their talent points in the trees. Druids, for example, can actually play any role in a dungeon group if specialised in the right way. Feral leads well into tanking (as a bear), balance leads well into dps (as a moonkin) and restoration leads well into healing (as an ent).

Your potential tanking classes are: Druids, paladins, warriors and death knights.
Your potential healing classes are: Druids, paladins, priests and shamans.
All of the classes can do reasonable damage and fill the dps role in the hands of a decent player.
It's Shadowmourne, not Frostmourne. Arthas' sword would drive you insane and probably turn you into the new Lich King. Not much cop for a player, really.

Right, it isn't THE frostmourne, but unless I am mistaken, it is the orange sword Arthas drops ;p
The Guild is a bit of craic. I was on earlier playing along side Chutney. Feckin computer was acting up though
Right, it isn't THE frostmourne, but unless I am mistaken, it is the orange sword Arthas drops ;p

He doesn't actually drop it. It comes from a seriously long quest that needs some seriously hard to get items, If I'm right...
I will be getting my new laptop delivered to me this week so there will be no feckin about with connections this time around
I will be getting my new laptop delivered to me this week so there will be no feckin about with connections this time around

Its probably your connection rather than the puter' mate. next time your on check from MS and Frame Rate
Its probably your connection rather than the puter' mate. next time your on check from MS and Frame Rate

Well the connection was fine with my laptop until it started to act the bollox and is now dead as of Sunday morning.

I was using my landlady's laptop when I was on yesterday and the connection on this kept on dropping. Her daughter has one of those small, 13" laptops and that had a solid connection but was just too small to play on. She's been having problems with her laptop and connectivity for a while now.

So once I get my new laptop it should solve the problem.
Where are all the gimps that were supposed to be joining us in this game ? Chutney and Xander seem to be the only feckers getting involved here.

- and as for you Pexbo ! :nono:

Ok lads lets all set up a guild. It'll be great, but then I'm going to spend my entire time playing my level feckin 80 "warlord from hell" character that bears absolutely no relevance to beginner accounts.

He didn't even reply to me when I greeted him ! I was very disappointed

Sort it out lads. I will be on later about 18:00
Where are all the gimps that were supposed to be joining us in this game ? Chutney and Xander seem to be the only feckers getting involved here.

- and as for you Pexbo ! :nono:

Ok lads lets all set up a guild. It'll be great, but then I'm going to spend my entire time playing my level feckin 80 "warlord from hell" character that bears absolutely no relevance to beginner accounts.

He didn't even reply to me when I greeted him ! I was very disappointed

Sort it out lads. I will be on later about 18:00


Calm down Kinky! I'm not always on wow when I have it running so the odd greeting might get missed, I gave you all 50g to get yourselves up and running and I'll be playing with you more when your characters are around level 20, like my hunter is.. That's the reason I'm not on him very much!

Calm down Kinky! I'm not always on wow when I have it running so the odd greeting might get missed, I gave you all 50g to get yourselves up and running and I'll be playing with you more when your characters are around level 20, like my hunter is.. That's the reason I'm not on him very much!


That's ok Pexbo. I was just trying to wind you up. It's funny because I was playing it 2 days ago and it was getting very frustrating because I kept on getting killed by the feckin Defiatus Bandits......or whatever their names are. And I click "O" and saw you online. I was thinking 'Oh look there's my level 80 brother sitting up on his throne eating cake and doing feck all to help me while I'm getting eaten alive by bores, wolfs and men with daggers" ;)

Thank you for the money by the way. Genuinely. It's been very helpful. I will be on next Monday afternoon. Until then I'm away on hols
I won't be about tonight, probably tomorrow though Kinky.

I sent you some more cloth. You sent me bags but it didn't seem to let me pick them up. In any case i had purchased 3 x 8 slots so I'm good to go now in that department. Also got myself a better weapon on the recommendation of one of the lads so all is good

I also died my hair and changed my hair style. I now have.......sort of.......have hair
Weird. Why wouldn't it let you pick them up? Anyways, cheers for the cloth when i can make the better stuff i'll stick it all in the guild bank.

What class are you again?
So the guild bank is essentially one large bag, but are there rules regarding who takes what ? And also, is there a rule of thumb about what level gear can be put into the bank.

I have reached level 75 skinning and am currently at 60 for leather-work. My next move will be to get up to 75 on leather working and then learn the Journeyman trade of both, thus being able to make greater items.

Is it the Journeyman level of goods that is sufficient for the guild bank ?
For now Kinky we're all pretty low level so you might as well. Either that or take it to the Auction and make yourself some money.

I wonder would I get a better price in the auction than from humanoid merchants though. It'd want to be a pretty decent bit of kit for there to be a demand I'd imagine
So the guild bank is essentially one large bag, but are there rules regarding who takes what ? And also, is there a rule of thumb about what level gear can be put into the bank.

I have reached level 75 skinning and am currently at 60 for leather-work. My next move will be to get up to 75 on leather working and then learn the Journeyman trade of both, thus being able to make greater items.

Is it the Journeyman level of goods that is sufficient for the guild bank ?

You don't have to hit the maximum skill on each profession to learn the next rank - you just need to get within 25 points. So you can learn Journeyman stuff at 50, for example.
In re: to the guild bank, I still need to work on it a little, I've bought one tab so far, there are restrictions in place, like how many items you can withdrawal and how much gold you can use but that's not because I don't trust any of you, it's because account hacking is common on wow and the first thing to get emptied is usually the guild bank as it's where the valuable items go..

If anyone has already put an authenticator on your account (some mobile phones have authenticator applications) then I'll be more than happy to give you unlimited access :)
In re: to the guild bank, I still need to work on it a little, I've bought one tab so far, there are restrictions in place, like how many items you can withdrawal and how much gold you can use but that's not because I don't trust any of you, it's because account hacking is common on wow and the first thing to get emptied is usually the guild bank as it's where the valuable items go..

If anyone has already put an authenticator on your account (some mobile phones have authenticator applications) then I'll be more than happy to give you unlimited access :)

How do you stick an authenticator on?
Go to the account management page or and follow the instructions there. Anyone who plays without one is mad, frankly, given that the mobile versions are free and the stand-alone ones are sold at cost.

Completely agree. I've played online games since I was 16 and have never been hacked or anything.
Played wow for 2 years, then played at my mates house and he has some kind of keylogger on his computer. Took my details and my account. Got it all back eventually, but still, really annoying.
I now use an authenticator and haven't looked back since! :lol:
Just about to purchase, 1 maybe 2 more tabs for the guild bank. I'll also put a couple hundred gold into the Vault so when you all repair, you can do it for free.

Also, if everyone on here sends me a new PM just containing your Character name I'll get a list up of who is who.
Thanks for the dig out yesterday lads. Very helpful ! I have now reached level 20 and my paladin has given me a mount quest (I think it's a quest). I will be on Wednesday evening for an hour or so if anyone is about.

I need to re-learn my bonus points thingy-ma-jigs but other than that a whole lot of fun
Is it safe now?

Sheemie - Gnome/Mage - PVE for the most part.

Thanks for all the pointers yesterday. For those of you unaware I did my first dungeon yesterday. Initially I was playing a supporting role behind the tank (D.P.S ?) but for some reason the group asked me to tank.

This is when I died very quickly along with the group which was a little embarrassing.

I need to pick up some tips on how to tank and how the basic structure of dungeon raids works. I think what happened was that I went into the wrong room, so I'm interested to know how everyone knows which rooms to go into and when to do so.
Enjoyed your first wipe then Kinky? :)

There will be a bit more of those as you go through the dungeons hehe
Unrelated - Is there a way of aligning Caf usernames to the WOW characters. I find myself wondering who on the Caf I'm actually grouping with :)
Enjoyed your first wipe then Kinky? :)

There will be a bit more of those as you go through the dungeons hehe

It was a little embarrassing to be honest - kinda in a nerdy way, but the group knew I was new and were cool about it. I had Xander45 whispering guidance in my ear which was very helpful

What I find incredible is how other players knew what I was doing. For example, not having a clue about the general play structure of raiding, I was taunting mods.

Other players knew I was doing this. I wouldn't have a feckin clue what other players were doing