Kinky Melinky
Full Member
Also, while I was levelling with Xander last night I asked him about this Brewfest all fairness looks like a right laugh. He had said the developers just throw these things into the game for kicks and giggles.
I think that's great. If you listen carefully to their banter you can hear one of them say "Ugggh what part of Dublin are you from..." or something to that extent, followed by drunken jeers and laughter.
There was another one a while back. I think it was some fire festival and the ribbon dance allowed you to avail of strength bonus
I think that's great. If you listen carefully to their banter you can hear one of them say "Ugggh what part of Dublin are you from..." or something to that extent, followed by drunken jeers and laughter.
There was another one a while back. I think it was some fire festival and the ribbon dance allowed you to avail of strength bonus