World Of Warcaf.

Also, while I was levelling with Xander last night I asked him about this Brewfest all fairness looks like a right laugh. He had said the developers just throw these things into the game for kicks and giggles.

I think that's great. If you listen carefully to their banter you can hear one of them say "Ugggh what part of Dublin are you from..." or something to that extent, followed by drunken jeers and laughter.

There was another one a while back. I think it was some fire festival and the ribbon dance allowed you to avail of strength bonus
Also, while I was levelling with Xander last night I asked him about this Brewfest all fairness looks like a right laugh. He had said the developers just throw these things into the game for kicks and giggles.

I think that's great. If you listen carefully to their banter you can hear one of them say "Ugggh what part of Dublin are you from..." or something to that extent, followed by drunken jeers and laughter.

There was another one a while back. I think it was some fire festival and the ribbon dance allowed you to avail of strength bonus

WoW > Info > Events > Calendar

There's a list of all the festivals.
Actually enjoyed the short time I played last night with the Paladin. Ended up getting this groovy piece of head gear that can only be likened to an American Football helmet.
I'm retiring my two characters until the new expansion comes out. Just feels a bit pointless spending all that time gearing them up only for the gear to be obsolete once the expansion goes live..which is hopefully soon.

So I'll see you all in a month or so :)
I'm retiring my two characters until the new expansion comes out. Just feels a bit pointless spending all that time gearing them up only for the gear to be obsolete once the expansion goes live..which is hopefully soon.

So I'll see you all in a month or so :)

I think i'm going to join you to be honest. Maybe get my Deathknight up to 80 and then call it for a while..
I'm not bothering playing now until Cata. Got my last piece of equipment last night on my priest - I've now fully kitted her out with gear I can reasonably obtain, having already done so with my hunter. That's it really until Cata now.
Feck....haven't been on in ages. I just logged in and it's doing a monster 5.29GB path update.

fecking hell what are they up to ? I have to pay for this extra download charged by BT. Not good. I need to get an unlimited download package
Since I started I've only reached 1.19 GB. It started off slowly but seems to be going more quickly now
Still downloading. It's now on the smaller downloader with an icon that looks like an eagle or something
Finally downloaded ! I can see why it took so long. Looks impressive and preparatory for the expansion
I'm not actually playing. Just have the laptop in front of me on the kitchen table as I listen to Compay Segundo and drink beers with mates....

.....but I can see how you came to your conclusion
Game won't play for me. I click on 'Launch' and it goes to the square launch screen with the 'Play' button It says down the bottom that some non-critical updates need to be installed but that it will take some time. It then tells me that it's lost connection with the downloader. So I click on 'ok' and it closes the launcher square. When I double click on the launch again nothing happens

Anyone experience this type of problem :confused:
Absolutely loving my new axe ! I don't remember who gave it to me but I couldn't use it until I reached level 44.

It's a fecking beast !
What's the general population of Warcraft like now? It seemed to be so much less the last time I was playing than what I was used to.
See, I don't believe that. Maybe it was six months ago, and maybe it will be again in two months, but currently I know so many people who've cancelled their subscriptions because they've just got nothing to do until Cataclysm comes out. My server's a graveyard at the moment, apparently.
See, I don't believe that. Maybe it was six months ago, and maybe it will be again in two months, but currently I know so many people who've cancelled their subscriptions because they've just got nothing to do until Cataclysm comes out. My server's a graveyard at the moment, apparently.

Last time I played was probably april 2009, I can't remember exactly and apparently they had all time high populations then, but I agree with you it seemed so much less.

I think there are a few contirbuting factors:

1.) More cities means players could be in a multiple number of places, rather than just say Org, IF or SW.

2.) Original players had long term friendships with many players and once these people disappeared it seemed like there were less people because all the new people were either 12 or moved from new servers so you didn't know them anyway.
Nah you're probably right. I last heard that figure several months ago anyway.

I wouldn't say my server's a ghost town though...still a lot of people trying to do as much content as they can, maxxing out achievements and rep etc.
1.) More cities means players could be in a multiple number of places, rather than just say Org, IF or SW.

Not more cities - just the one: Everyone and I mean everyone is in Dalaran (or 'Lag-aran' as it should be more appropriately called).

That's the one thing I didn't like about the last 2 expansions, it forces the majority of players onto different continents making mainland azeroth a ghost world inhabited by new players and alts. I'm glad this new expansion is revitalising old zones.
Not more cities - just the one: Everyone and I mean everyone is in Dalaran (or 'Lag-aran' as it should be more appropriately called).

That's the one thing I didn't like about the last 2 expansions, it forces the majority of players onto different continents making mainland azeroth a ghost world inhabited by new players and alts. I'm glad this new expansion is revitalising old zones.

That's what I mean though - there was also the city on Outland. I forget it's name, but you see a healthy amount of people in Ironforge for example (or atleast you did back in the day) because it was less laggy and if like me your main memories of the game were from Azeroth then Ironforge and the old world cities are still the place to be.

I'm not criticizing the game in any way, they had to create new places because people had done Azeroth to death, but still I miss Vanilla WoW. Oh those hazy days of 2006/7/8.
That's what I mean though - there was also the city on Outland. I forget it's name, but you see a healthy amount of people in Ironforge for example (or atleast you did back in the day) because it was less laggy and if like me your main memories of the game were from Azeroth then Ironforge and the old world cities are still the place to be.

I'm not criticizing the game in any way, they had to create new places because people had done Azeroth to death, but still I miss Vanilla WoW. Oh those hazy days of 2006/7/8.

Shattrath? Yeah I liked that city.

I honestly think it's your server though. A week ago I logged on in Ironforge and honestly I've never seen it more full.
At the rate I'm playing it will take me longer than 2 months !

For a first character if you are not caining it you'll hit 80 in about 7 or 8 days of playtime. If you are planning on getting the expansion (which increases the level cap to 85) you'll miss out on a lot of fun with almost everyone on the server levelling from 80 to 85 at the same time.

By the way if you want to know how much time you've played type "/played".
What's happening with the Caf Guild ? I've been the only one on all day bar Xander for a bit.
Probably all waiting for Cataclysm, I am anyway.

I'd imagine it'd be quiet between now and December 7th.
Yeah I can log in but my UI is so fecked I can't do anything and theres not alot left for me to do so I can't be assed to get it sorted before the Cataclysm patch comes and fixes it all anyway.

BRB, Dec 7th.
If anyone could come on and give me gold I would much appreciate it. I'm down to 12 ! I need a fair amount to buy items in the auctions so I can level up my professions

Don't tell me you're running crafting professions?

Honestly don't bother with that jazz yet, at your stage they're nothing but gold and time sinks.

Pick up gathering professions and continue to level'll gather up more than enough gold on the way.
Finally got to 80 a couple of days ago, log on today and looks like they've got the Cata patch all done, almost everything has been tweaked. SW is completely different.