World Of Warcaf.

It was good stuff actually Kinky, honestly you did ok. The tank bailing on us did leave us short and you did a decent enough job. That's why i'm playing a mage, all i do is attack. If i die it's never my fault! (Well almost never)

You'll get the hang of it though, and knowing what room to go into is basically just from practise. If you've never done a dungeon before, just ask the guys you're with one of them will know where to go.
It was good stuff actually Kinky, honestly you did ok. The tank bailing on us did leave us short and you did a decent enough job. That's why i'm playing a mage, all i do is attack. If i die it's never my fault! (Well almost never)

You'll get the hang of it though, and knowing what room to go into is basically just from practise. If you've never done a dungeon before, just ask the guys you're with one of them will know where to go.


I see ! Now it's all becoming crystal clear !

That bear was insane. He was kicking the living shite out of the mobs. What direction should I be taking on my tree by the way ?
Yeah I reckon I'll be on. Normally give it a go when I get in from work about 5:30pm for a bit
Retribution is the paladin's dps spec.
Holy is the paladin's healing spec.
Protection is the paladin's tanking spec.

In low level dungeons you can do anything really in every spec, though. I found it easier on my warrior to dual spec arms/protection once I hit 40, though - arms for solo questing (the bulk of my levelling) and protection for instances (one a day, and also good practice for level 80!).

Also, and this is picky as feck, but you're not actually raiding at the moment Kinky ;) You're just doing dungeons (or instances, if you prefer). Raiding is an end-game thing where you do much harder and longer instances with at least nine other people!
Also, and this is picky as feck, but you're not actually raiding at the moment Kinky ;) You're just doing dungeons (or instances, if you prefer). Raiding is an end-game thing where you do much harder and longer instances with at least nine other people!


Retribution is the paladin's dps spec.
Holy is the paladin's healing spec.
Protection is the paladin's tanking spec.

In low level dungeons you can do anything really in every spec, though. I found it easier on my warrior to dual spec arms/protection once I hit 40, though - arms for solo questing (the bulk of my levelling) and protection for instances (one a day, and also good practice for level 80!).

Also, and this is picky as feck, but you're not actually raiding at the moment Kinky ;) You're just doing dungeons (or instances, if you prefer). Raiding is an end-game thing where you do much harder and longer instances with at least nine other people!

Yup Raiding is for groups of 10 or 25 people, dungeons are 5 man teams.

There is 2 differences between a Protection Paladin and a Retribution Paladin.

The first is in the talent points you spend. One talent build is designed to increase your "threat" which basically means the increase in chances of the mobs you are attacking, attacking you. This is good for tanking. The other thing the talent points should do is increase your health and armor. In retribution, you will want to be increasing damage but lowering threat so you dont pull mobs onto you.

As you have probably worked out by now, the different stats do different things for you and can do extra things (like add spell damage, depending on your talent build).

The basic stats are:

Stamina: Increases Health.
Intellect: Increases Mana Pool and Spell Critical Strike Rating.
Spirit: Increases your MP5, which is your mana regeneration over 5 seconds.
Agility: For some classes increases DPS but also dodge rating, or how likely you are to dodge an attack.
Strength: This affects how hard you hit with a melee or ranged weapon.
Attack Power: This directly affects Melee and Ranged physical damage.
Spell Power: This affects Spell damage.
Defense rating: There are different defense "caps", the "cap" means that mobs X levels above you cannot crit you which reduces damage you take enormously.

As a Tank (Protection), the most important stats are Stamina, Defense Rating and at level 80 Parry and Block.

As DPS (Retribution), the most important stats are Str > Crit > Stam > Int > MP5.

HTH, Any other question's ask away :)
Yup Raiding is for groups of 10 or 25 people, dungeons are 5 man teams.

There is 2 differences between a Protection Paladin and a Retribution Paladin.

The first is in the talent points you spend. One talent build is designed to increase your "threat" which basically means the increase in chances of the mobs you are attacking, attacking you. This is good for tanking. The other thing the talent points should do is increase your health and armor. In retribution, you will want to be increasing damage but lowering threat so you dont pull mobs onto you.

As you have probably worked out by now, the different stats do different things for you and can do extra things (like add spell damage, depending on your talent build).

The basic stats are:

Stamina: Increases Health.
Intellect: Increases Mana Pool and Spell Critical Strike Rating.
Spirit: Increases your MP5, which is your mana regeneration over 5 seconds.
Agility: For some classes increases DPS but also dodge rating, or how likely you are to dodge an attack.
Strength: This affects how hard you hit with a melee or ranged weapon.
Attack Power: This directly affects Melee and Ranged physical damage.
Spell Power: This affects Spell damage.
Defense rating: There are different defense "caps", the "cap" means that mobs X levels above you cannot crit you which reduces damage you take enormously.

As a Tank (Protection), the most important stats are Stamina, Defense Rating and at level 80 Parry and Block.

As DPS (Retribution), the most important stats are Str > Crit > Stam > Int > MP5.

HTH, Any other question's ask away :)

This is very helpful, and I am beginning to see how it all ties in. In order for me to create more "threat" within my character which line should I be going down ? Protection I'm guessing ?

I've been lumping lots into Retribution.

Tell me if I have this right. Am I right in saying that a tank must be a strong, well armoured character high in stamina & defence whose majority of talent points reside in protection ?

So a tank runs in first and due to having high threat, attracts all the mobs into a corner. He takes a bashing whilst dishing out melee attacks coupled with magic etc.

The DPS stand behind this finishing off mobs and the healers stand at the back primarily healing the tank, but DPS where possible ?

Tell me if I have this right. Am I right in saying that a tank must be a strong, well armoured character high in stamina & defence whose majority of talent points reside in protection ?

So a tank runs in first and due to having high threat, attracts all the mods into a corner. He takes a bashing whilst dishing out melee attacks coupled with magic etc.

The DPS stand behind this finishing off mods and the healers stand at the back primarily healing the tank, but DPS where possible ?

In an nutshell, yes.

It's a lot more complicated though, the tank for example is often expected to lead the group, mark mobs and when required - move the mob(s) around in a certain fashion to make it avoid the DPS classes (i.e. when the mob is carrying out a cone AOE attack).
The idea is to make the mobs avoid the DPS so that the mobs aren't attracted to attack the DPS, thus defeating the purpose of having tanks ?

Not sure what a cone AOE attack is
The idea is to make the mods avoid the DPS so that the mods aren't attracted to attack the DPS, thus defeating the purpose of having tanks ?

Not sure what a cone AOE attack is

What he means is that not every enemy will have one attack (like swinging a sword). Some have more than one attack.

In an ideal situation the enemy will just attack one person, and the tank makes himself that person. Then the dps can get on with killing that enemy.

However, some mobs do things a little differently. In the example given, it might be using a cone AoE attack. This basically means that - whilst he'll still be swinging his sword and hitting the tank - he'll also be shooting forth damage to everyone in a cone in front of him, like a dragon breathing fire, if you will. The dragon will be biting and swiping at the tank, but if he breathes fire it's going to be everyone that's stood in front of him that takes damage.

In that sort of situation the tank needs to make sure that not only does he have the mob's attention in order to take the regular hits, but he also needs to make sure that the mob is facing away from the rest of the group so that its cone attack (the dragon's fire) is facing away from them. If you think about it, if the tank can get it so that the rest of the group are standing behind the dragon, then the only person going to be being hit by the fire is the tank.

It's also the responsibility of the dps to not stand in the fire too, of course, which is why you don't want the tank moving the mob around too often. Keep most enemies facing away from the group and you'll be doing everything right.

You're a brave man to level a tank straight off though, Kinky. Tanking properly is probably the most difficult skill in the game. I've only been tanking for a few months now having levelled a warrior, and I've been playing five years - prior to that I'd been playing exclusively as dps (a hunter; my main) and a healer (a priest), which are both much easier to do.
What he means is that not every enemy will have one attack (like swinging a sword). Some have more than one attack.

In an ideal situation the enemy will just attack one person, and the tank makes himself that person. Then the dps can get on with killing that enemy.

However, some mobs do things a little differently. In the example given, it might be using a cone AoE attack. This basically means that - whilst he'll still be swinging his sword and hitting the tank - he'll also be shooting forth damage to everyone in a cone in front of him, like a dragon breathing fire, if you will. The dragon will be biting and swiping at the tank, but if he breathes fire it's going to be everyone that's stood in front of him that takes damage.

In that sort of situation the tank needs to make sure that not only does he have the mob's attention in order to take the regular hits, but he also needs to make sure that the mob is facing away from the rest of the group so that its cone attack (the dragon's fire) is facing away from them. If you think about it, if the tank can get it so that the rest of the group are standing behind the dragon, then the only person going to be being hit by the fire is the tank.

It's also the responsibility of the dps to not stand in the fire too, of course, which is why you don't want the tank moving the mob around too often. Keep most enemies facing away from the group and you'll be doing everything right.

You're a brave man to level a tank straight off though, Kinky. Tanking properly is probably the most difficult skill in the game. I've only been tanking for a few months now having levelled a warrior, and I've been playing five years - prior to that I'd been playing exclusively as dps (a hunter; my main) and a healer (a priest), which are both much easier to do.

Right this makes sense. Last night when I was given the tank role (briefly :lol: ) I instinctively ran through the mobs whilst taunting, made my way to a corner so that they would be facing me and the wall and then did combos of the standard attack as well as some magic. The DPS were then naturally behind the mobs.

My mistake last night was when I was in a circular room with a choice of about 5 doors. I ran through one thinking I was being followed, but meanwhile a bunch of mobs had started to attack the DPS and Healers in the circular central room I had left. Not sure why. I thought the room was empty on leaving. Needless to say they all got murdered as did I. They had no tank and I had no healers

I think that's pretty much what happened
I assume it's possible for guild members to meet up and attack a dungeon together so there is not only the right balance of characters, but there is also the experience of having played with one another on several occasions.

Last night he dungeon myself and Xander45 hit had characters that didn't belong to the Caf guild
But DPS seemed a lot easier. Funnily enough I didn't get much of a drop. I only got shoulder armour. That was it.

Another question - sorry about all these questions. So we're all kicking the shit out of mobs and bodies are falling to the floor. Sometimes I see stars come out of them and sometimes I don't. I'm aware this means I can loot the body, but often when this has happened, others could loot the body too. I was under the impression that the game worked out who loots what, and the drops were dispersed amongst the group. So for example, I might get one of the mobs, but then I won't get another one for perhaps another 4 kills.

Bearing this in mind, what happens over money ? It seems a little unfair if I am looting every mob I get who displays loot stars after being killed. So I was avoiding looting because I didn't want to be a greedy cnut
Yeah if a group of us joined a party we could do it together.

Oh and don't forget to check your bags kinky, you should have a bag in there with a gift in. It's usually a piece of armour that's pretty decent at this level.

And looting wise, all the money is shared equally.
I assume it's possible for guild members to meet up and attack a dungeon together so there is not only the right balance of characters, but there is also the experience of having played with one another on several occasions.

Last night he dungeon myself and Xander45 hit had characters that didn't belong to the Caf guild

Yeah but we all need to be around the same levels to do it. 5levels between us max I would say. I'm leveling up Newq now so hopefully might manage to catch you guys up again.
Yeah but we all need to be around the same levels to do it. 5levels between us max I would say. I'm leveling up Newq now so hopefully might manage to catch you guys up again.

Cool. Personally I think we should all attempt to get to as near a level as possible but then I guess you have the obvious problem that not everyone has the opportunity to get on and play as much as others so you're always going to get substantial enough differences in levels within guilds
Oh Pex, i just got me one of those authenticator jobbies. Any chance of full bank access?

Course, I'll set you up now... which is your character again?

If everyone can put their character names down here I'll make a note of them in the guild log.
Course, I'll set you up now... which is your character again?

If everyone can put their character names down here I'll make a note of them in the guild log.

So will we be able to see Caf names aligned to characters ?
So will we be able to see Caf names aligned to characters ?

IN the guild roster, where you can see who is onlin and offline, you there is a "note" where alot of people put their trade skills, i'll put your forum names in there.
Oh, for Kinky's sake - taunting isn't the best way to build aggro, only grab it instantly if someone steals it off you. Your normal aggro abilities (consecration et al) are better to use.
Ok, ive got a lvl 80 warrior and lvl 50 warlock pending transfer to Silvermoon.

Good man, you won't regret it with your Warrior, I havent looked back since I transfered. We'll all be level 50 soon aswell so we'll be able to quest with you.

I think all in all the guild has been a success so far, could do with a few more members but theres 6 of us that are regularly active so it's not too bad.
On second thought it's just going to be the 50 lock for now, £15 quid each is a little steep.

Be sure to give me an invite.

Oh quick question: Do heirlooms transfer as well?
On second thought it's just going to be the 50 lock for now, £15 quid each is a little steep.

Be sure to give me an invite.

Oh quick question: Do heirlooms transfer as well?

BOA stuf transfers as long as the char you are transfering has it on him/in his bank ;)