World Of Warcaf.

Good man, you won't regret it with your Warrior, I havent looked back since I transfered. We'll all be level 50 soon aswell so we'll be able to quest with you.

I think all in all the guild has been a success so far, could do with a few more members but theres 6 of us that are regularly active so it's not too bad.

It's been lots of fun. I really enjoy it. Lots to learn though
Myself and Xander went into a dungeon yesterday and joined a group of randomers The tank was a fecking spastic

He's obviously been playing World of Warcraft FAR too much and has blurred the lines between the game and reality. So he's firing these messages at me telling me to turn off some magic spell. Everything is happening so quickly that I haven't a notion how to undo it - plus, because of all the activity I didn't see his messages to me.

He ended up getting completely stroppy and told me that if I couldn't read I shouldn't be playing World of Warcraft. Silly fecking tool. I told him I was new, that I hadn't seen his message to me and in any case I had no idea how to turn the feckin thing off. Along with this I suggested he show a bit of grace towards noobies. I called him a silly bollox and threatened to hit him with my club if he continued.

I think it was about 3 minuites later he opted out of the game with a "...screw this, I can't do this anymore..."


Time to stop playing mate
3 bars from level 50, now spending my time raping horde in warsong gulch.
Yeah, I've done instances with tanks like that.
We often end up annoying him more until he goes bonkers and leaves.
Can be rather amusing.
Some people takes themselves way too seriously.
Yeah, I've done instances with tanks like that.
We often end up annoying him more until he goes bonkers and leaves.
Can be rather amusing.
Some people takes themselves way too seriously.

Well this is it. I had speech on public so everyone could read what I was saying to him. I think he left in a huff
I've already passed this by the missus and it's cool with her - I'm going hardcore on WOW tonight. We're both getting a rake load of cans and sitting in tonight. She'll be watching TV and I'll be levelling. Happy Days.

You on Xander ?
I might not be on till later than usual Kinky, got a long day today by the looks of things.

Sorry I got disconnected last night. It was lagging like crazy so I figured restarting the game would work but it would't let me back on. Oh well...