World Of Warcaf.

Right I'm joining the party, my assignments can feck off - Azeroth needs heroes.

What the best place to pick this up at around £25 or less? I'm in the London area. And I mean now.
So a few of us have been talking in game about taking up the free character transfer and moving away from Silvermoon which has due to over population become generally shit.

Vek'nilash or Mazrigos are availible for free transfers, so maybe create a character there and check out each place.... see what trade is like and compare the prices on the Auction House. It's worth buying up a load of one or two items that are more expensive on the other server when you move as you get alot more gold back...
Sorry I've not been in touch via the Caf on WOW but I've been playing it sporadically. I'm wondering why I'm part of some random guild with other players I don't know.
Started fresh again as a Human Hunter. It's nice to play a ranged game for a while after being a Paladin
No time for me fella. Get in touch with Sylvius or Gaily on Silvermoon as they've got a guild running there I think.
No time for me fella. Get in touch with Sylvius or Gaily on Silvermoon as they've got a guild running there I think.

Really ? Ah ok. I don't know what happened to the old one. I assumed I'd be still in it but when I logged back on I was with a bunch of randomers.

I'm in a huge guild on my new game called Seducing. Good guild actually
Can anyone log on about 5pm this evening on the Silvermoon server. I need some decent gear ! Please. PM if you can