Transfer Tweets - Manchester United - 2024/25

PSG have made a contractual offer to Jadon Sancho. The positions are close together.

 From Parisian sources, the MU winger is extremely excited by the project presented by PSG

 It remains to be seen whether Manchester United will wish to release their player and at what price

Perfect, this could be our version of there “sell Ugarte by Neves”…..let them have Sancho and use the money to beat them to Desire Doue

PSG have made a contractual offer to Jadon Sancho. The positions are close together.

 From Parisian sources, the MU winger is extremely excited by the project presented by PSG

 It remains to be seen whether Manchester United will wish to release their player and at what price

Probably a load of tosh, but would be happy with a straight swap for Ugarte
Perfect, this could be our version of there “sell Ugarte by Neves”…..let them have Sancho and use the money to beat them to Desire Doue

Sancho plus money for Xavi Simons (or Sancho for cash plus Simons for that amount plus extra, for PSR reasons)

Ugarte as a separate negotiation
Sancho plus money for Xavi Simons (or Sancho for cash plus Simons for that amount plus extra, for PSR reasons)

Ugarte as a separate negotiation
I forgot we'd be negotiating with PSG for Simons. This could very easily be why there's interest.
Makes sense for them too really. Getting a proper LW to replace Mbappe. Probably cheaper than Kvara too.
Bruno ain’t moving to the farmers league when he’s still in his prime, never mind United even contemplating a sale. He’s the club captain and too valuable and good a player to sell
Bruno has some detractors but our team is visibly worse when he doesn't play.

He frustrates me at times but imo he's our best and most important player and I do think if we had a more cohesive team he'd be much better and less wasteful because he wouldn't need to try and force it as much and try near impossible passes
Bruno is 30 in a couple of months. His bones are half dust. It's a miracle he's still playing football.

Cash in.
Still think we should not have Bruno in the not for sale at any cost category. I feel we need to completely rebuild our midfield.
Still think we should not have Bruno in the not for sale at any cost category. I feel we need to completely rebuild our midfield.

We've got enough issues that need working on, even contemplating getting rid of one of our few creative sources this summer would be beyond bonkers.
Still think we should not have Bruno in the not for sale at any cost category. I feel we need to completely rebuild our midfield.

Really, even if the bid was £100mil+?
We could rebuild the midfield with that fee.
Realistically, I reckon they'd take £80m if we got an offer

They may well do but it certainly wouldn’t be a smart decision. Bruno’s our best and most creative player, basically our only real creative player and the highest chance creator in the league. Selling him for that price would be daft when there’s no obvious replacement for that creatively and work rate, Xavi Simons won’t cut it imo.
80 mill + Ugarte + Simons

Structured with 40 for Simons 40 for and 160 for Fernandes
They may well do but it certainly wouldn’t be a smart decision. Bruno’s our best and most creative player, basically our only real creative player and the highest chance creator in the league. Selling him for that price would be daft when there’s no obvious replacement for that creatively and work rate, Xavi Simons won’t cut it imo.
It would take something ridiculous but think of it this way, if they offered Ugarte, Simons and £50mil for Sancho and Bruno, are you saying no? I'm certainly not.