Transfer Tweets - Manchester United - 2024/25

Reeks of an agent trying to hurry Madrid along.
The fact that this news come from a Real Madrid source makes me think the same. They can also later claim that the player rejected another club and only wanted Madrid all along when they get him for cheaper than this reported bid.
The fact that this news come from a Real Madrid source makes me think the same. They can also later claim that the player rejected another club and only wanted Madrid all along when they get him for cheaper than this reported bid.

The selling club would look stupid if they settled for less from Madrid after reportedly being offered more money by United.
The selling club would look stupid if they settled for less from Madrid after reportedly being offered more money by United.
Well they cant do shit if the player only wants to move to Madrid, can they? They'll try to dig their heels in to get a similar fee sure but they can only do so much.

For all we know, Madrid might ask him to stay put for another year and get him on a free next summer when his contract expires .
I reckon you could reply with "No they haven't / didn't / aren't" to 99.9% of united transfer related tweets and be correct
And arsenal have Jesus , Nketiah and Havertz who play that position. We only have Rasmus. I think United guarantees you more games and probably more money so it's not as clear as you make it out to be.
It's a position they're clearly looking to upgrade. Can't remember last time I saw Nketiah play for them. Wouldn't be surprised if he's sold. Jesus wasn't starting much in 2nd half of season. I think they know he's not a reliable enough goalscorer. Main competition will be with Havertz. I think Havertz has done really well there but Arteta must not see him as the long-term option, or there wouldn't be so much talk about them wanting a new striker (even before Sesko there were links with Isak, etc).

I'm not sure what rotation would look like between Sesko and Hojlund, but it feels like at least one of them will probably get frustrated unless we find a way to play them together.

In terms of pay, I don't know what the situation would be. Arsenal also pay their players very well and all the talk is we're looking to lower the wage structure. In general at 21 he should probably be looking at aspects other than just pay (which he did already by originally rejecting us to join Leipzig)
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All games from Mendes? If they accept that bid, we will have a reference point, regardless of Yoro waiting for Real Madrid, bidding for one of his other clients, say Antonio Silva, next.
I have a feeling Mendes is going to be a big influence on our summer. We need him to make the market for us, or we can't buy and I think the fact he's so influential in Saudi will mean we have to deal with him.
I have doubts over Sesko, not sure he's a top talent. We already have one raw inexperienced striker.

Depends if you want instant success or a 3-4 year project. If you’re looking long term then he is a player you could look at. If you want 39 goals now, he’s a risk.
Depends if you want instant success or a 3-4 year project. If you’re looking long term then he is a player you could look at. If you want 39 goals now, he’s a risk.
There is no 39 goals striker who we could afford.
I genuinely feel like this is another Haaland or Bellingham moment regarding Sesko.

A young exciting player with huge potential who could be at the top of the striker pyramid with some good coaching.

We either pull out all the stops to make sure he's ours or let someone else sign him and watch on for the next decade and think what if?
I think a big difference is that we really should have been able to get the other two. We made a big effort and there should have been enough boxes ticked for moves to Man United at those times (even more so with the Norwegian link to OGS in Haaland's case) rather than to Dortmund. So they really do feel like 'how did they get away?' moments.

The Sesko one is different for me. As I can see how a move to Arsenal - London, CL football, settled club and manager, etc - would be a perfectly valid pick over us at this time. While Chelsea is in a similar state to us, but they have London going for them, while we have History / status going for us.

So long as we really go for him, then I won't feel as frustrated as the others if he opts elsewhere at this time as we are very much a work in progress once more with a lot of imponderables as to how our short / long term will go.
If Sesko chooses Utd or Chelsea over Arsenal he's an idiot
True. They’re the more attractive option at the minute. But they ain’t us. They’ll never be as big as us or our fan base. That’s why RVP loves us more than Arsenal despite being with us for only a little while. We show love to players even when he played and scored against us with Fenerbache. Our fans cheered him. Us and Madrid are probably the only 2 teams in the world that players struggle to say no to.
If Madrid want him he's theirs, go for that Sporting CB instead.
Isn't Lille owned By INEOS?
Isn't the idea of a nickname that it's shorter to both write and say?
The implication being United are? When Real Madrid exist and make us look like a joke in comparison?

White text Geebs?
Nope. People want an experienced forward who can score goals for less than 40m. Lukaku meets that brief. I know he’s not well liked around these parts but he scores goals and is a threat

Editor: Jamie, we've talked about this, you have to tell people to tune in.
Jamie with his cap: All caps?
Editor: Yes Jamie, we are a whoring business, you know this.
Jamie: I'm a whore?
Editor: Yes.
Editor: What would be a snazzy name for Erik?
Jamie: Ezza?