The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Michelle Kolinski reporting from the State Department. She spoke to some officials, some of them senior officials. They were surprised not just by the story as such but that their boss had put out a public statement that they didn't know about, calling this odd.
State dept didnt even know a statement was released. This is so tasty. :lol:

CNN had to tell them

So it's probably another one of those times where Trump has put himself in the shit once again and he's forced someone else to abandon protocol and put out a message of denial before they've gathered their shit together and formed a thought out strategy. Perfect.
Just before the panel on CNN started to convene, they had a collegue of Greg Miller from WaPo. As he portrayed it, Twitler revealed the sensitive information when 'he went off script'. I can totally envision the situation, Twitler rambling incoherent stuff as he does in interviews, everybody else in the room being from the US panicking on the inside, Russians smiling.

This is definitely a popcorn situation.
So it's probably another one of those times where Trump has put himself in the shit once again and he's forced someone else to abandon protocol and put out a message of denial before they've gathered their shit together and formed a thought out strategy. Perfect.
I loved it when the panel - only half-jokingly - wondered if Tillerson knew that he had put out a statement. :lol:
In other political moves Trump did in the past few days, he gave this asshat a senior role as vice chairman of the new Advisory Commission on Election Integrity. Another older white man using immigration and voter fraud as bogeymen.
Advocate for Tough Voting Rules to Steer Trump's Elections Commission

GOP rep used letter to out an activist. What nonsense.
GOP rep goes after activist by writing letter to employer
Just before the panel on CNN started to convene, they had a collegue of Greg Miller from WaPo. As he portrayed it, Twitler revealed the sensitive information when 'he went off script'. I can totally envision the situation, Twitler rambling incoherent stuff as he does in interviews, everybody else in the room being from the US panicking on the inside, Russians smiling.


Kislyak: Brilliant Mr Trump! You are so powerful and smart! Tell us that one about the Nuclear codes again, everyone loved that one! It was the best, everyone said so! What was it again? 'B9#XT...'

Trump: No no no that's all wrong, all wrong. It goes 'TY77....'

Kushner: Donald, shut up!

Graham and Nunes: Well actually it's up to the President what he does with the nuclear codes...

McConnell: This is no reason to call for an independent special prosecutor, that would only slow down the current investigation.
Is there anything more Trumpian than boasting about how he gets intel to the Russians and then giving it to them in the middle of the political firestorm that is the Trump-Russia connection?

Revealing it in a meeting with the guy that seemingly everyone in his campaign has been linked to so is the centre of it all, Sergei Kislyak, whilst in the shadow of firing the FBI director in charge of investigating Trump and Russia just adds to the fun.

There's just no end to this at all. The guy is teflon and something is behind it all. I don't know what but this stuff will keep adding up and adding up and yet all of us who want to see him taken down will keep thinking we've finally got him and yet...nothing.

I can't believe there's nobody within his incredibly seedy, corrupted, murderous, people tracking clientele of backers and business associates that won't spill the beans on him somehow to at least destroy his business empire and yet it's totally believable that he'll continue to get away with it.
"Tennessee Republican Sen. Bob Corker said the wave of negative stories related to Trump and intelligence meant the White House is in a "downward spiral."

"They are in a downward spiral right now and have got to figure out a way to come to grips with all that's happening," Corker told reporters. "You know the shame of it is there's a really good national security team in place, there's good productive things that are underway through them, and through others. But the chaos that is being created by the lack of discipline is creating an environment that I think — it creates a worrisome environment." "
Jeffrey Lord on CNN: 'But Hillary's e-mails!' :lol:
CNN needs to get rid of Jeffrey Lord. He offers nothing of substance just nonsense, deflection, and constant defense of his man crush. Apparent to him is that Hillary using a server is a bigger issue than Trump telling something directly to a foreign opponent.
Another normal Monday for the Trump shitshow of a Presidency. But let's just all wait until he does something shall we? Oh and Hilary was much worse, because, you know, emails. FFS! (I literally wrote this about an hour ago but got distracted by reports I was watching on the news, it's fecking ridiculous that Jeffery Lord would actually come out and say it)
CNN needs to get rid of Jeffrey Lord. He offers nothing of substance just nonsense, deflection, and constant defense of his man crush. Apparent to him is that Hillary using a server is a bigger issue than Trump telling something directly to a foreign opponent.
Yeh he's basically a WUM. I used to think it made sense having someone come on that would give the thinking if the other side. But he literally just chats feckery for the sake of deflection

Paraphrased - he's too dumb to know what he's saying.
BBC just had some guy on (ex Mi5) that said he's heard world leaders are "shocked and dismayed" at Trump's actions and many are said to be disgusted. He also said that the heads of Mi5 and Mi6 have been meeting with Interpol to discuss limiting, if not completely stopping sharing intelligence with the White House. This guy on the BBC also said this leak to the WaPo came from someone in the FBI and that all the intelligence services staff are pretty much against Trump and are more than happy to keep sticking the knife in.

It seems Mr Trump may have made some powerful enemies.

And then there is this too..

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BBC just had some guy on (ex Mi5) that said he's heard world leaders are "shocked and dismayed" at Trump's actions and many are said to be disgusted. He also said that the heads of Mi5 and Mi6 have been meeting with Interpol to discuss limiting, if not completely stopping sharing intelligence with the White House. This guy on the BBC also said this leak to the WaPo came from someone in the FBI and that all the intelligence services staff are pretty much against Trump and are more than happy to keep sticking the knife in.

It seems Mr Trump may have made some powerful enemies.

And then there is this too..

Don't do it langster
Trump's Twitter is a gold mine when you trawl back through it. Shows how batshit he always was.
Seriously though, Israel the UK, and Interpol at the very least are reportedly not sharing classified info with the White House anymore, and it was reported weeks ago that any info shared with the CIA or FBI is being shared on the guarantee that it is not passed to the President of the United States of America because he is considered a security risk over his connections with Russia.

Just let that sink in for a while................... The President of the USA is considered a security risk and has been compromised so much so that the US's allies don't trust him with classified info. If the UK and Israel have said this then you can be damn sure that every single intelligence agency and leader throughout the world is thinking and saying the exact same thing in private.

Now who was it who kept saying I (and some others) were overreacting in our worry about Trump before he was elected?
Seriously though, Israel the UK, and Interpol at the very least are reportedly not sharing classified info with the White House anymore, and it was reported weeks ago that any info shared with the CIA or FBI is being shared on the guarantee that it is not passed to the President of the United States of America because he is considered a security risk over his connections with Russia.

Just let that sink in for a while................... The President of the USA is considered a security risk and has been compromised so much so that the US's allies don't trust him with classified info. If the UK and Israel have said this then you can be damn sure that every single intelligence agency and leader throughout the world is thinking and saying the exact same thing in private.

Now who was it who kept saying I (and some others) were overreacting in our worry about Trump before he was elected?
But it's fake news!

The bloke is a bumbling idiot, a very slight touch brighter than Boris Johnson. He is running the country like he would a business where he is the boss and can do as he pleases, I mean for feck sake man anybody that investigates him gets fired. (which is actually kinda ironic when you think about his celeb background)
a very slight touch brighter than Boris Johnson.

Not a chance mate. Boris is infinitely more educated and intelligent than Trump. Seriously, Trump is a fecking moron, not saying Boris isn't but Trump erm Trump's him (for lack of a better word) Boris is just a right wing loon who has been brought up as if he was royalty, he can't help the way he is really. Boris has also shown on occasion that he has a sense of humour and he can laugh at himself, in fact he often does.

Trump is just a nasty piece of work with serious personality disorders and mental illness. He's also as thick as shit. Seriously dumb.
Not a chance mate. Boris is infinitely more educated and intelligent than Trump. Seriously, Trump is a fecking moron, not saying Boris isn't but Trump erm Trump's him (for lack of a better word) Boris is just a right wing loon who has been brought up as if he was royalty, he can't help the way he is really. Boris has also shown on occasion that he has a sense of humour and he can laugh at himself, in fact he often does.

Trump is just a nasty piece of work with serious personality disorders and mental illness. He's also as thick as shit. Seriously dumb.
I won't derail the thread too much by making comparisons but Johnson is an idiot.

Anyway Trump is going to struggle to see out the calendar year if he carries on the way he is heading. I know comparisons have already been made but the whole FBI thing last week is not too dissimilar to the Nixon/Watergate thing in my eyes. Then there is the accusations of electoral fraud, now this (admittedly hilarious) massive feck up being revealed plus the fact that he is literally running the country from Twitter it seems. something has to give.
I won't derail the thread too much by making comparisons but Johnson is an idiot.

Oh you won't get any argument from me there, but he's an entitled one and behind the buffoonery lies a calculating mind and one with a firm belief in himself and how the country should be run. He is an idiot, but Trump takes stupid to a new level, he's extremely thick. Just listen to him talk, he has a piss poor vocabulary and most words he pronounces incorrectly or even uses them in completely the wrong context. Trump is constantly contradicting himself, often in the same sentence, and on top of that he's always telling people how smart he is. Sorry, but when someone has to continually tell everyone how smart he is, it's probably a safe bet that they are not and they are just trying to convince and reassure themselves by saying it.

As for the second part of your post, I'd love to agree with you, but we have all been saying the same thing for nearly 2 years now and things just keep getting worse and worse and nothing whatsoever sticks. Nothing is enough to throw off his core supporters and the trouble is now that he is President the Republicans are all so selfish that they don't give a shit what he does as long as they get what they want from him. The only time you will see support in Trump wane is when he has nothing left to offer his party OR if he crosses the line, but in my opinion he's crossed the line 100's of times already.

I do think thought that he is treading a dodgy line now with his private meeting with the Russians and banning US reporters and him sharing classified info with the Russians. I think if he is seen as a security risk and putting the nation or any US citizen in harm then well, I wouldn't at all be surprised if he was in a helicopter accident or slipped down the stairs, maybe even a heart attack on the golf course? I mean he does have an awful diet and is pretty chubby. I'd hate for him to go that way though, I want him humiliated and crushed and disgraced in front of the entire world. I want him made bankrupt and to see his empire fall. For him to see all his hotels have their name removed from them and everything he has done to come out in the open. He deserves to suffer and he deserves nothing less.
Please tell me he used that exact phrase :lol:
Sorry to have misled you. He was a bit more vocal, like: Let's put it in perspective, Hillary Clinton sent thousands of e-mails from a private e-mail account and shared classified information.

So what do we reckon the chances are of Trump's reign as President coming to an end in the near future?
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Trump will speak with the King of Hordan at 9:30 am on Tuesday.

Does that mean Jordan was the referenced ally? Not good development few days before his trip to the Middle East.
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