The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Wow, zweisprachige. Speichern Sie Ihre Zunge für die Damen.
:lol: Mehr Zunge spielen!

Boy does he look pissed! Who took the jam out of his donut? and why?

This is the 3rd time iirc that he's done that. Anytime someone has asked him a question he doesn't like in those situations he just stares into the distance and acts deaf.
during the last phone call of Obama as president with Merkel, he passed the baton of the leadership of the free world to her
This gives me some hope but at the same time makes me sad. I couldn't imagine how Obama felt leaving knowing the antithesis of all he believes in is replacing him.
I reckon Trump absolutely hates these one on one meetings. He can't bullshit the likes of Merkel like he tries to do with his following. There will be a lot of things he doesn't have any understanding of and bravado won't get him through these situations. It's a bit like that Dog flying he helicopter meme. "I have no idea what I'm doing".

There's no escaping those situation and I bet they make him very uncomfortable.
But his tits are bigger.

So there...

The funny thing is, you're not wrong. :lol:

I reckon Trump absolutely hates these one on one meetings. He can't bullshit the likes of Merkel like he tries to do with his following. There will be a lot of things he doesn't have any understanding of and bravado won't get him through these situations. It's a bit like that Dog flying he helicopter meme. "I have no idea what I'm doing".

There's no escaping those situation and I bet they make him very uncomfortable.

Most definitely, great example too. He is completely out of his depth. He's very thick as well, so that's a crippling combination, being stupid and completely overwhelmed and clueless about any of the subjects being discussed. He's used to bullshitting his way out of things, but as you said, he wouldn't be able to do that in these situations.
If Schulz gets elected to replace Merkel, it'll get even worse so I would recommend Bannon to be careful what he wishes for. :D

The irony is that Merkel hasn't always been such a convinced and outspoken European; perhaps understandable given her bio. It needed the financial aftermath of Lehman brothers to fully understand and change her approach.

I could imagine Schulz just bunching Bannon in his face.

On a more serious note, a Schulz-Dumpf presser could be pretty hilarious. He would have been way less diplomatic.

Boy does he look pissed! Who took the jam out of his donut? and why?

Yeah, Merkel's reaction confirms it was a snub :lol:

But seriously, is that really the behaviour of a great negotiator following a meeting that didn't go as well as expected?
Yeah, Merkel's reaction confirms it was a snub :lol:

But seriously, is that really the behaviour of a great negotiator following a meeting that didn't go as well as expected?

He probably didnt not know what she was talking about when she brought up a few issues. Made him feel like he was back in school again.... grade school.
Most definitely credit where it's due. As for the rest, do you think Trump was expecting Merkel to say she regretting her immigration policy? Or do you think she came out on the front foot and praised it whilst attacking his? He definitely looked extremely pissed off in front of the cameras and he was certainly very subdued compared to how he was after his meetings with May and Abe. I
I'm not sure Trump can even talk policy with Merkel. Like @Pexbo already explained he'd be out of his depth.
I could imagine Schulz just bunching Bannon in his face.

On a more serious note, a Schulz-Dumpf presser could be pretty hilarious. He would have been way less diplomatic.
Schulz would go full nuclear on Bannon's ideas. :D He'd also not tolerate 45's obvious bullshitting. However, as Chancellor he'd phrase it a bit more carefully but content-wise wouldn't step back an inch.
Page 666 - the number of the beast

So he's asking Germany for reparations?

That usually ends well.
Putin is smiling somewhere in the Kremlin:

'My boy... Daddy's so proud of you!'

Then sends like this photo to Donald as today's wank material:

We aren't in Cold War times anymore. Germany does not have a border to an enemy anymore and we still allow American troops to be stationed in our country. That is not really a blessing to us but the US as it uses Germany as a base for their own ideas - not ours.

I doubt that the main idea of the US being stationed in Germany since 1945 was to "protect Germany from the Russians" - it was more for the own interests of the US and their economy than the sake of Germany.

It is more the US that with their doings in the islamic countries do not really help Europe...

So I have to ask... who owes...

See, why can't someone take him to task on just this. Not the specific content, but the fact he's rambled and literally made no sense and said nothing at all.

This is what is so annoying about him. He manages to say nothing in the most amount of words possible, none of it makes any sense and nobody questions him on it. They all just pussyfoot around him and smile through gritted teeth.

Someone, somewhere has to take him on about his bullshit. Surely there's somebody with enough authority and bollocks to do it right?
We aren't in Cold War times anymore. Germany does not have a border to an enemy anymore and we still allow American troops to be stationed in our country. That is not really a blessing to us but the US as it uses Germany as a base for their own ideas - not ours.

I doubt that the main idea of the US being stationed in Germany since 1945 was to "protect Germany from the Russians" - it was more for the own interests of the US and their economy than the sake of Germany.

It is more the US that with their doings in the islamic countries do not really help Europe...

So I have to ask... who owes...

He is a pile of dog shit. Juts for the consumption of his fans... he acting tough etc. Fighter.
So I have to ask... who owes...

I was going to say the same thing mate. Germany has the largest US base and the most troops outside of their own country, it's also a strategic base for many reasons, especially Russia. The trouble is, Trump has proved time and time again that he really does not understand this at all. Like most things, he looks at it in one way and usually the completely wrong way. He really has no comprehension about how any of this works at all. I haven't checked the replies but I hope someone has said the same thing and put him straight.
Those pictures of him with Merkel... his sense of discomfort is absolutely palpable. He could hardly manage to look at her. Like he could absolutely not deal with a woman on equal footing. Amazing how he manages to become still more unbelievable.
We aren't in Cold War times anymore. Germany does not have a border to an enemy anymore and we still allow American troops to be stationed in our country. That is not really a blessing to us but the US as it uses Germany as a base for their own ideas - not ours.

I doubt that the main idea of the US being stationed in Germany since 1945 was to "protect Germany from the Russians" - it was more for the own interests of the US and their economy than the sake of Germany.

It is more the US that with their doings in the islamic countries do not really help Europe...

So I have to ask... who owes...

Pretty much. People forget that the US paying more than any other country for NATO has been beneficial to them because it's allowed them to act as the dominant Western military power. Granted, if other countries in Europe increased military spending the US would still be ahead of them with absolute ease, but'd imagine European countries wouldn't have to look to the US at all if they had stronger defence spending. And it's a no-win for Germany; right-wing types will agree with Trump yet would also complain that the Germans were trying to dominate Europe again if they really did try/want to expand their military.
It is not that I do not appreciate how helpful the US presence was to Germany in the first years after the World War and during the Cold War time. Germany today would be different without that. But it was not just Germany profiting from it but the US, too, as with Europe it got a new market through which the US and its people profited a lot.

But that is the past and there is a different situation today.
I sometimes wonder if he has some bright moments in which it dawns on him that every sane person under the sun, regardless of citizenship, perceives the US as weaker and less credible than before the election.
I sometimes wonder if he has some bright moments in which it dawns on him that every sane person under the sun, regardless of citizenship, perceives the US as weaker and less credible than before the election.

Nope. He is loved and revered by everybody, believe me. Everybody says it, the only ones who don't are lying, sad.
So that is how Trump looks next to a real political heavyweigth. The G8 and G20 meetings will be real fun for him :lol:
Nope. He is loved and revered by everybody, believe me. Everybody says it, the only ones who don't are lying, sad.
:D I know, and I'm even in the camp who expected he wouldn't tone down one bit once being president; so it's no surprise to me. But nevertheless, I do wonder sometimes if he doesn't have these moments in which his fassade crumbles and he's well aware what an utter joke of a president and politician he is. Everything he says and does is so pretentious, pumped up and hollow. It's obviously scripted to compensate for his lack of depth and character. It's beyond me how he cannot realize moments after he was throwing a tantrum in the Oval Office how embarrassing he behaved.
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