The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I plotted a graph representing all the weird turns this thread took:

I think you missed a few!
This thread always delivers but recently with the Cohen and Hannity news and all the ideas from the potentially quite talented porn producers among us have definitely turned it up a notch further. :lol:

So when he went on public television and said the complete opposite he was just joking? Can't wait to hear Sanders try to spin this one.

The South Koreans did this almost solo. Their new president made it clear in his campaign (and throughout his political history) that he wanted reconciliation with the North. I have no problems with Trump taking credit if it appeases him sufficiently to stop posturing, though. Peace on the Peninsula is potentially one of the best things that can happen this century.
The way he always says 'NO COLLISON'.... Hasn't anyone told him about the boy who cried wolf? He says it at any opportunity, sometimes repeatedly in the same sentence/tweet. I haven't got a clue if there was or not but this hardly convinces me otherwise.... Fcuking cretin.
Anyone seen the documentary of Trump on Netflix? Christ, if you didn't dispair in humanity before, then that will certainly do the trick.
Watched the whole thing it's fascinating. I feel sad for the ethics guy. He seems genuinely hurt

Trumps new lawyers sent a letter stating that there should be a special council after Comey's sacking.

Good stuff. Wonder how that will go down?

Also, is that Maddow’s Dad? That was infuriating to listen to, I could have said all that in under 4 minutes.
Good stuff. Wonder how that will go down?

Also, is that Maddow’s Dad? That was infuriating to listen to, I could have said all that in under 4 minutes.

I ignore most of the MSNBC crew these days. Endless drivel about points that could easily be made in a couple of minutes.
I ignore most of the MSNBC crew these days. Endless drivel about points that could easily be made in a couple of minutes.

Yeah same to be honest. It’s a shame, I think some really good investigative journalism happens at that station, it’s just that they present it like a school teacher trying to emulate BuzzFeed prose and it’s painful.

tl;dr (takes a deep breath)- Very smart alt-right people are watching as much child porn as possible to test the theory of a 4chan guy that Hillary is involved in child porn where she literally wears dead people's faces.
I ignore most of the MSNBC crew these days. Endless drivel about points that could easily be made in a couple of minutes.
CNN isn't much better. I get it that Barbara Bush died but 2 hours later they were still talking about it.
I didn't make it any better when I asked my in-laws if she was still dead.
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