The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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You think there’s something to find there? @Pexbo made an interesting remark about it earlier in one of the other threads, but I personally thought they couldn’t be that stupid, and assumed Hannity would’ve lawyered up and dissapeared for a couple of weeks instead reacting on twitter and via his radio show or something...
Considering the amount of stupid we had to witness thus far, is this really that farfetched?
What makes it even worse is that they'll have realised the mistake by now and they've still not bothered to update it. Trump's posted the same thing on his Twitter account.
"Actually, as Winston well knew, it was only four years since Oceania had been at war with Eastasia and in alliance with Eurasia. But that was merely a piece of furtive knowledge, which he happened to possess because his memory was not satisfactorily under control. Officially the change of partners had never happened. Oceania was at war with Eurasia: therefore Oceania had always been at war with Eurasia."
This is no time for Harry Potter quotes, Mr Pidge.
"He was the Zodiac, my brother."
They can't get the date right but people expect them to punch in the correct nuclear code . Incompetence on astronomical levels.
Well Trump has a habit of dates going badly wrong...
They can't get the date right but people expect them to punch in the correct nuclear code . Incompetence on astronomical levels.

Ring ring

“Hi Vlad, I need help... Yeah, I’ve got two pieces of paper in front of me again and I can’t remember which one is the launch codes. I know, right?! Well, the first piece of paper is a drawing of a gorilla with big titties... the other one has a bunch of letters and numbers on it. Uh huh... yeah, sure... it’s 4-5-4-Z-B-3-7-Q... uh huh... uh huh.... okay. Will do. Ciao arrivaderci fusilli carbonara Mr President.

OK guys, I’ve just got off the phone with Vlad and I may have just given him state secrets. Someone cue up my Twitter feed with the words ‘Crooked Hillary...’ and let’s see what we can do to fix this problem.”
Ring ring

“Hi Vlad, I need help... Yeah, I’ve got two pieces of paper in front of me again and I can’t remember which one is the launch codes. I know, right?! Well, the first piece of paper is a drawing of a gorilla with big titties... the other one has a bunch of letters and numbers on it. Uh huh... yeah, sure... it’s 4-5-4-Z-B-3-7-Q... uh huh... uh huh.... okay. Will do. Ciao arrivaderci fusilli carbonara Mr President.

OK guys, I’ve just got off the phone with Vlad and I may have just given him state secrets. Someone cue up my Twitter feed with the words ‘Crooked Hillary...’ and let’s see what we can do to fix this problem.”
(Gets off the phone) Hey guys, I just ordered express mellow mushroom for Vlad. They said it would be there in 30 minutes!

Uhmm, that's the red phone you are holding , Mr. President!
(Gets off the phone) Hey guys, I just ordered express mellow mushroom for Vlad. They said it would be there in 30 minutes!

Uhmm, that's the red phone you are holding , Mr. President!

*click* Hey guys, good news! I've just got off the phone with Vlad and it turns out President Trump has been indicted!

You're President Trump, Sir. And that's a banana that you're holding in your hand.

OT: surely there has to be a point where even his fundamentalist Christian base decide that enough is enough if the infidelity accusations all come out to be true?
Anyone seen the documentary of Trump on Netflix? Christ, if you didn't dispair in humanity before, then that will certainly do the trick.

OT: surely there has to be a point where even his fundamentalist Christian base decide that enough is enough if the infidelity accusations all come out to be true?
They’re fundamentalist Christians. Reality and actual events are not required to support their belief systems.
Should be one of those niche porn categories where the woman makes fun of the size of the man’s penis. Apparently that’s a thing.

Maybe that where she makes fun of his hands being too small to finger her too. Then enter right a black man who looks strangely familiar with a huge dick and huge hands.
Maybe that where she makes fun of his hands being too small to finger her too. Then enter right a black man who looks strangely familiar with a huge dick and huge hands.

The black man does a threeway with her and an Ivanka-like. Trump cucked in the corner.
This thread took a weird turn.

I plotted a graph representing all the weird turns this thread took:
Hopefully it's titled Deep State.
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