The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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'...the Wendy Wasserman Schultz Servers, Clinton Emails, and more will be appearing at the Trumpella Festival!'
Brooke is welcome in my world every day of the week.
Well, almost everybody knows how it's spelled...
CNN invites these liars on their show and pays them for it . The whole thing is a entertainment show.
CNN invites these liars on their show and pays them for it . The whole thing is a entertainment show.

What’s the alternative? Censorship? They’d be accused of disenfranchising them then. I prefer that they have these people on their show and the host or another guest is given the opportunity to show them up for the ridiculous person that they are.

The alternative is that these people just show up on Fox and Friends, Brietbart and the like and their statements and agenda go unchallenged.

Apparently he was worth only $5M at the time.

I’d bet good money that if his accounts were audited it would reveal him to be several hundred million or even into the billions in the red. The majority of his properties are highly leveraged and that recent congress interview of the Fusion GPS guys revealed that Trump Scotland Golf Course made no money at all. The significance of that property/business was that it was the only one with tax accounts that could be accessed by a FOIA request.

That’s the thing with a lot of these people, they’re rich thanks to other people’s money.
He's a few weeks away from tweeting "I LOVE YOU MICHAEL. PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME."
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