The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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tl;dr (takes a deep breath)- Very smart alt-right people are watching as much child porn as possible to test the theory of a 4chan guy that Hillary is involved in child porn where she literally wears dead people's faces.

Wtf.... did I just read?

tl;dr (takes a deep breath)- Very smart alt-right people are watching as much child porn as possible to test the theory of a 4chan guy that Hillary is involved in child porn where she literally wears dead people's faces.

This was absolutely fecking insane. What the actual feck is wrong with those people? May they rot in jail and have rats eat their insides.

When I started reading I thought for a second ‘here we go again...’, but it’s actually a good piece.

“It is very hard for people to accept that bad outcomes arrived at by decent people acting in good faith are merely that. People need to believe, for example, that George W. Bush lied the United States into war in Iraq—a proposition for which there is zero evidence. People don’t like multivariate causation either. There needs to be one explanation for Trump’s victory. If you’re not one of the people in the FBI cafeteria, people who have had cause to develop trust in institutional processes and in Comey himself, it is all too easy to personify the outcome in him.”
tl;dr (takes a deep breath)- Very smart alt-right people are watching as much child porn as possible to test the theory of a 4chan guy that Hillary is involved in child porn where she literally wears dead people's faces.
That's beyond sick. I can't understand how people can be so twisted to create these horrific fantasies. I guess the only upside is that the FBI won't give a feck about whether they believe it's for the greater good, they'll come down on those scum pronto.

Plus, can you imagine the alt-right cretins trying to explain this to a judge.
His hashtags have taken a very Charlie Sheenesque turn. Next one is going to be #TigerBlood & #winning
Fight the power, Ted and Don. There are no better representatives of the masses than self-interested millionaires, obviously.

Ted Cruz is a right old bitch.

We laugh at North Koreans with how they worship Kim Jong yet the USA has these spineless pussies that come out with such dross like Trump has a pee pee tape for them. Embarrassing stuff you didn't think you would see in one of the largest democracies in the world.

tl;dr (takes a deep breath)- Very smart alt-right people are watching as much child porn as possible to test the theory of a 4chan guy that Hillary is involved in child porn where she literally wears dead people's faces.

A bit late, but fecking hell! :wenger:

tl;dr (takes a deep breath)- Very smart alt-right people are watching as much child porn as possible to test the theory of a 4chan guy that Hillary is involved in child porn where she literally wears dead people's faces.

Probably some asshole has used deepfake technology. fecking cnuts.
What makes it sad is that I can imagine a very real conversation where Cruz has to look his wife in the eye and try to explain why he has to do this now, to help the man who shit talked her and accused Cruz' dad of killing JFK. Can't think of a more pathetic image.
I'm sure she's used to it...
Heather Nauert - serial flasher on Fox and Friends - is currently conducting the State Department's press conference on the ongoing negotiations with North Korea.
Cruz obviously doesn't realize that one can't say what he did about Trump during the campaign then come up with stuff like this.

Unless of course he's gunning for a SCOTUS nomination.
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