The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Trump should aim for being President for April, never mind for life.
Is that Kenny Everett? Haven’t thought about him in years. Mental really how his stuff seems to have totally disappeared from the national consciousness, while his peers material is still endlessly replayed. I wonder if it just aged really badly.

He still makes me laugh..

Although they are operating at a loss, and always have been. It should change eventually, but it might get dicey when the field catches up in Electric.
I was talking about the product the provide, which I believe is of premium quality compared to the shite Detroit sprouts of the assembly lines.
Right-wing nutters lived eight years inside a self-created bubble that the black man was going to anoint himself king and rule the land. Now we have a real moron that truly craves such a notion while knowing full well he could never pull it off. Not a peep from those nutters today.
Right-wing nutters lived eight years inside a self-created bubble that the black man was going to anoint himself king and rule the land. Now we have a real moron that truly craves such a notion while knowing full well he could never pull it off. Not a peep from those nutters today.

Aint that the truth.

"'He's a good boy, and we wanna sign him, but I'll have to have a word with the Chairman."
He will be happy after his follower Matteo Salvini did fecking well in italian elections. One more prick added to the list.
Right-wing nutters lived eight years inside a self-created bubble that the black man was going to anoint himself king and rule the land. Now we have a real moron that truly craves such a notion while knowing full well he could never pull it off. Not a peep from those nutters today.

The most annoying thing for me is how they go on about the evil elites, while voting and electing members of the elites. It drives me nuts.
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I was talking about the product the provide, which I believe is of premium quality compared to the shite Detroit sprouts of the assembly lines.
I think a lot of people are criticising the build quality of Tesla's - certainly when compared to other models in their price bracket.
He never did get round to providing that "evidence" that Obama "wiretapped" him, did he.

Not sure if this has been mentioned yet.
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