The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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It's like the Hunger Games in real life. Feck they are all despicable, untrustworthy and disloyal. Ironic really considering Trump demands loyalty over everything else.

Who will be the last standing?

Damn this is brutal.
It's like the Hunger Games in real life. Feck they are all despicable, untrustworthy and disloyal. Ironic really considering Trump demands loyalty over everything else.

Who will be the last standing?

Damn this is brutal.

It's like Game of Thrones just without the death. Arm them with swords and the body count would be huge by now.
It's like Game of Thrones just without the death. Arm them with swords and the body count would be huge by now.

Nah, can't be Game of Thrones as there are some likeable characters in that. There truly is not one person to like out of this Trump sycophant shitshow.
Geraldo there, with the contents of Al Capone's vault.
He never did get round to providing that "evidence" that Obama "wiretapped" him, did he.
He did actually, just not directly. His rants were related to the discovery of the legal wiretaps on persons associated with him, amongst which included meetings in Trump Tower. That was the wiretap he was referring to.
Interesting quote from Nunberg regarding Trump and Clinton that seems to have gone under the radar.

"Trump didn't want to attack Hillary originally. He wanted to attack Jeb Bush during the primaries and he was prepared to back Hillary against Jeb if he lost to him".
Trump said North Korea ‘called up a couple of days ago’ — turns out he was talking about South Korea’s President Moon

During his comedic speech at the Gridiron Club dinner Saturday night, President Donald Drumpf appeared to mix up North and South Korea when bragging about speaking to one of the countries.

New York Magazine‘s Daily Intelligencer reported Monday that Trump made a comment about “de-nuking” where he suggested he’d spoken with North Korea — but that conversation actually took place with South Korea.

“It was headed for disaster and now we’re talking,” Trump said during the dinner. “They, by the way, called up a couple of days ago; they said, ‘We would like to talk,’ And I said, ‘So would we, but you have to denuke.'”

South Korea’s Yonhap News Agency claimed that Trump actually spoke with South Korean President Moon Jae-in, rather than Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea.

South Korea, the Intelligencer noted, does not have nuclear weapons. They were also the host of the 2018 Winter Olympics that ended just over a week ago.

More cuts to unncessary services to pay for his golf trips. Fecks sake. How can people not see this? He literally might as well be wearing a fecking black and white striped jumper with a bag with SWAG written on it over his shoulder. Fml.
Interesting quote from Nunberg regarding Trump and Clinton that seems to have gone under the radar.

"Trump didn't want to attack Hillary originally. He wanted to attack Jeb Bush during the primaries and he was prepared to back Hillary against Jeb if he lost to him".

This was amazing.

He's on to something about the Oscars. They have in recent years turned into a cesspool of political moaning about whatever topic Hollywood cares about at the moment.
He's on to something about the Oscars. They have in recent years turned into a cesspool of political moaning about whatever topic Hollywood cares about at the moment.
I somewhat agree.
Not only Hollywood.
Just look at the clamour for any Tom, Dick and Harry to denounce someone when something breaks.
He's on to something about the Oscars. They have in recent years turned into a cesspool of political moaning about whatever topic Hollywood cares about at the moment.

He's given them plenty of ammunition on that front though.

Hollywood actors pontificating about the environment always made me laugh, as they jump on their private jets from place to place.

The 'me too' movement and general backlash to Trump, Weinstein et al has surely been a good thing though.
To be fair to him he has been a lot more entertaining than anything Hollywood produced in the last ... decade? (I know loads of you do but I don't rate the fastfilm movies and their 5 sequels at all...)

Haven't seen a tragic comedy as good as this one in a long time.
He's on to something about the Oscars. They have in recent years turned into a cesspool of political moaning about whatever topic Hollywood cares about at the moment.
I agree, actors are after all nothing more than the modern day court jester. They put on a show for our amusement when we get tired of handling real world problems. Somewhere between getting hanged for boring the king and todays Oscars they somehow started overestimating themselves.
I would love to see the look of those trainings.:wenger:
I agree, actors are after all nothing more than the modern day court jester. They put on a show for our amusement when we get tired of handling real world problems. Somewhere between getting hanged for boring the king and todays Oscars they somehow started overestimating themselves.

It's funny how they escape the whole "X profession is so overpaid" stuff that footballers get when it's infinitely worse with actors.
I agree, actors are after all nothing more than the modern day court jester. They put on a show for our amusement when we get tired of handling real world problems. Somewhere between getting hanged for boring the king and todays Oscars they somehow started overestimating themselves.

Court jesters have always had a political edge to them to be fair. In any case they probably are right to overestimate themselves right now given the President is a reality TV star who despite his criticism deep down probably craved Hollywood’s affection.
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