The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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The entertainment we have got out of the trump era is so worth the other stupid bollocks he wants to implement, but will never materialize in any case.
Bye bye Melania. Unless she has s prenup that says she won’t get much out of him. If she stays we’ll know the answer.
Bye bye Melania. Unless she has s prenup that says she won’t get much out of him. If she stays we’ll know the answer.

I’m sure an autobiography would set her up for life regardless of what she could claim in her divorce. Even the threat of one would earn her a fortune from David.
So Cohen "surreptitiously initiated a bogus arbitration proceeding" against her to intimidate and shut her up and Baby Carrot Dick knows all about it because rules for the New York bar, of which Cohen is a member, require him to keep his client informed at all times.

Delicious :D
So what they're saying on Twitter is that Trump can either confirm it's him and thereby confirm the affair (and his subsequent lies about it) or deny it's him thereby freeing the porn star to talk freely about it.
So what they're saying on Twitter is that Trump can either confirm it's him and thereby confirm the affair (and his subsequent lies about it) or deny it's him thereby freeing the porn star to talk freely about it.

Or say nothing at all?
So what they're saying on Twitter is that Trump can either confirm it's him and thereby confirm the affair (and his subsequent lies about it) or deny it's him thereby freeing the porn star to talk freely about it.

Well if twitter says so.......and what if he just doesn't comment?
I don't know anything but presumably if he's being sued over it he's gonna have to respond in some way?

Im not sure... My understanding is that:

she agreed to take a $130,000 payment to keep quiet - but this was all arranged through cohen (trumps lawyer)
The agreement was signed by Cohen and Cohen states he paid the money not trump and he was not reimbursed by trump

Trump (currently) Denies the affair took place

As such If we skip over the moral rights or wrong over taking $130,000 to keep quiet then not keeping quiet and stick to the legalities then the affair is not illegal, trump has not signed any document, his lawyer is stating trump was not aware of any agreement or payment so unless that can be shown to be factually incorrect then trump can probably just continue his denials of the affair (and get another lawyer to stick a couple of zeros on the end of the previous number and get a new agreement signed up (or introduce her to the world of extrodinary rendition and an extended holiday in gitmo... but probably easier to pay her)

Regarding Stormy Herself one of my friends did a few films with her back in the day - she says she is actually a pretty intelligent and grounded girl (compared to some of the space cadets in that industry) and in fairness if she does have the dons dick pics then lets be honest she is going to milk it erm scrub that lets say cash in on it for all its worth... do actually feel a bit sorry for melania and baron though as even though it obviously comes with the territory it cant be nice avig all this play out in public
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