The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Aside from the Focus pretty much all they manufacture on US soil is parts or massive vehicles. The European style models are all manufactured in Europe and Asia. American owned, sure, but they’re very much an international company and I’d bet good money that the entire development process of their European models from conception to production happens off US soil.
No clue where they're built, but the Mustang, Fiesta, Fusion, and C-Max sold in the US aren't big.
No clue where they're built, but the Mustang, Fiesta, Fusion, and C-Max sold in the US aren't big.

Fiesta and Fusion are manufactured in Germany/India/South Africa, C-Max (2011 model) was in Michigan but the latest model is in Germany.

Mustang is on US soil, can’t imagine they export many though.
Fiesta and Fusion are manufactured in Germany/India/South Africa, C-Max (2011 model) was in Michigan but the latest model is in Germany.
Interesting stuff. Maybe Trump should be more worried about American car companies making their stuff outside of the US than about European car companies who actually put billion dollar factories here.

Mustang is on US soil, can’t imagine they export many though.
You'd be surprised...
  • Ford Mustang, top-selling sports car in the U.S. over the last 50 years, became best-selling sports car in the world in 2016, according to Ford analysis of IHS Markit global automotive registration data in the sports car segment
  • International markets fuel Mustang sales growth in 2016, with global sales up 6 percent over 2015; number of Mustangs exported is doubling every year, with more than 98,000 total cars shipped to customers outside of U.S. since 2015, according to Ford data
  • Once only available in North America, Mustang is now sold in 140 countries; six more countries to be added this year
They're probably big by European standards. They love small cars there.
See Pexbo's post. Several of those models sold in the US are of European design.

I've been to Europe. I've seen the "standard" sedan over there. It's not much different from the average sedan here. You've just not got the SUV and Truck market that we have.
They're probably big by European standards. They love small cars there.

With good reason :lol:

See Pexbo's post. Several of those models sold in the US are of European design.

I've been to Europe. I've seen the "standard" sedan over there. It's not much different from the average sedan here. You've just not got the SUV and Truck market that we have.

SUVs are inexplicably popular over here now.
Now now, we all know after 60,000 miles a Land Rover falls to pieces. (I know you're probably not talking about Land Rover)


Range Rovers are popular, but I was mostly thinking Audi Q series, BMW X series, Merc ML, GL etc, Porsche Cayenne and Macan (eurgh) even Lambo are making an SUV now (puke).

Most of these 4x4 machines never face any tougher terrain than the speed bumps in the supermarket car parks.

Range Rovers are popular, but I was mostly thinking Audi Q series, BMW X series, Merc ML, GL etc, Porsche Cayenne and Macan (eurgh) even Lambo are making an SUV now (puke).

Most of these 4x4 machines never face any tougher terrain than the speed bumps in the supermarket car parks.
Oh, those are all over the place around here. Especially the BMW's for obvious reasons.

I'm trying to convince my wife to (at some point) trade in her Nissan Rogue for a Jeep Wrangler Unlimited (the 4 door one).

That thing would definitely see dirt/mud/field. I am Southern, after all.
Oh, those are all over the place around here. Especially the BMW's for obvious reasons.

I'm trying to convince my wife to (at some point) trade in her Nissan Rogue for a Jeep Wrangler Unlimited (the 4 door one).

That thing would definitely see dirt/mud/field. I am Southern, after all.

We rented an F150 for shits and giggles a few years ago and they offered us a Wrangler as a free 'upgrade', they're cool but we wanted the novelty of the massive truck :)
@Rado_N - very nice, even if it is a Ford

To the topic...

Scathing article by an Econ professor at Columbia University about Trump's grasp of economics.
(CNN)President Donald Trump fired the first shot in a delusional and destructive trade war: tariffs of 25% on steel and 10% on aluminum. Shares of US Steel jumped 5.75%, about $460 million in market capitalization, but the overall US stock market capitalization fell by more than 1%, around $340 billion.

A few steel companies might benefit a little -- in the short term -- but the United States as a whole, and the world, could suffer enormously from Trump's reckless ignorance.
Sorry Donald, but it's not our fault if your cars are not good. That's the reason why you aren't sell them in the EU.

Their main issue is that they are set in their ways of building for American attitudes and American roads. I.e Big engines for cheap gas on big straight roads.

I don't understand why Ford doesn't sell it's European models over here.
I'm not surprised that the Mustang is a strong export. It's a really nice looking design. My mate has one in Perth and he loves it. But I do expect them to be rattling and shabby five years from now like most Fords usually end up.
I'm not surprised that the Mustang is a strong export. It's a really nice looking design. My mate has one in Perth and he loves it. But I do expect them to be rattling and shabby five years from now like most Fords usually end up.

I’ve got a 2008 Ford Focus. Can confirm.
I’ve got a 2008 Ford Focus. Can confirm.

Yep, the door on my 2008 Lexus when open and closed still sounds like it's brand new. It's so quiet inside when I'm driving and everything is solid and looking fine. You just can't beat that kind of build quality.
I'm not surprised that the Mustang is a strong export.

I was just reading an article saying the expected 30% of Mustangs to be exported in 2017. I bet the ecoboost engines are making a difference in the export market. Wonder how many are V8s?

I'm trying to convince my wife to (at some point) trade in her Nissan Rogue for a Jeep Wrangler Unlimited (the 4 door one).

When we move up north 4x4s are allowed on the beach so my wife is looking at the Jeep Wrangler. They retained their price really well.
I'm not surprised that the Mustang is a strong export. It's a really nice looking design. My mate has one in Perth and he loves it. But I do expect them to be rattling and shabby five years from now like most Fords usually end up.

I had a couple of Mustangs at college -- good chick magnets; pair of nice ray-bays and bobs your uncle. ;)

If women werent so complicated nowadays.... all that wine & dine malarkey.
Simpler times.
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From the Trump mailing list


You were there when our movement began. You were there when they said we were destined to lose. You were there when the Washington swamp tried to destroy our presidency.

Friend, now I hope you will be there for my RE-ELECTION campaign in 2020 as we KEEP FIGHTING TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

Our big announcement comes on the day of a CRITICAL reporting deadline. Will you step up with a contribution of ANY amount to show you’re ready to fight for another BIG win in 2020?

You’ve seen how BRUTAL the fake news has been. You’ve seen how rabid the Democrats have become. We couldn’t wait until 2019 to start fighting for re-election. We had to start NOW!

I don’t care how many more witch hunts they launch...

I don’t care how many more lies they spread about me and my family...

I don’t care how many more cowards write fake books to try and distract the people...

Because there is NOTHING they can do to stop us from our mission to SAVE America.

So now that it’s official, let’s blow our first goal out of the park. Let’s show the media we’re fighting harder than EVER before to Make America Great Again!
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Is that Kenny Everett? Haven’t thought about him in years. Mental really how his stuff seems to have totally disappeared from the national consciousness, while his peers material is still endlessly replayed. I wonder if it just aged really badly.
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