And again we will see the hypocrisy from many of his supporters. This is the type of thing many of them have been fearing for decades, the US Government setting the Armed Forces loose on the streets of American towns and cities.
Breitbart went at Jake Tapper....
His response....
It is getting toxic...Tapper isn't a hack, but here he is openly warring...
Finally! A Republican comes out and takes Trump head on! BOOM! The gauntlet is thrown.
And for the full interview...
Such an amazing headline!
Sanford’s opposition to Trump, then, was somewhat inevitable. When a chorus of House conservatives took turns fawning over the GOP nominee after a meeting with him last June, Sanford made a point of mocking Trump’s constitutional knowledge. (“Somebody asked about Article I powers and what he would do to protect them,” Sanford told reporters. “I think his response was, ‘I want to protect Article I, Article II, Article XII,’ going down the list. Of course, there is no Article XII.”)
“As Christians and all people of good will, it is for us to live and act at this moment. It is a grave responsibility, since certain present realities, unless effectively dealt with, are capable of setting off processes of dehumanisation which would then be hard to reverse,” the pontiff wrote in a letter that was read to organisers this week.
“The direction taken beyond this historic turning point – the ways in which this worsening crisis gets resolved – will depend on people’s involvement and participation and, largely, on yourselves, the popular movements,” Francis wrote.
In the letter, Francis condemned the growth of populist and xenophobic movements around the world, saying they posed a “grave danger for humanity”. He also criticised leaders who rely on “fear, insecurity, quarrels, and even people’s justified indignation, in order to shift the responsibility for all these ills on to a ‘non-neighbour’”.
“Sooner or later, the moral blindness of this indifference comes to light, like when a mirage dissipates,” he wrote. “The wounds are there, they are a reality. The unemployment is real, the violence is real, the corruption is real, the identity crisis is real, the gutting of democracies is real.”
He offered praise to the activists who are organising in opposition to those threats. “I know that you have committed yourselves to fight for social justice, to defend our Sister Mother Earth and to stand alongside migrants. I want to reaffirm your choice,” he wrote.
Sounds legit and as predicted by some in this thread.
So back to the conference, where Trump admits to just reading out a fact he was given (but hadn't checked)... I think this is super problematic but nobody seems too bothered by it...
He got called out on it, what happens now as far as he is concerned?
It's mind-boggling how history is repeating itself, isn't it?Disclaimer: post contains Hitler comparison
That's exactly the mindset late Weimar Republic conservatives like von Papen, Schleicher, and Hindenburg had regarding Hitler. All they thought about was using him to their own advantage, completely underestimating how dangerous he was.
Sorry if this has been posted already.
My post-speech thoughts: Dull speech that didn't offer anything new. Sparse, polite applause. Seems that Pence didn't allow to take questions from the audience.Pence speaking at Munich Security Conference right now. Delivers greetings of 45 and his message that the US continue to support NATO. Promise to tackle the future together.
He's going to have to add Fox News to his Fake news list now.
It's a dangerous path - I'm not saying you or anyone in particular but some people seem to be implying, or straight out saying, that he shouldn't be President even though he was elected as such.
Guess very few people want to work with Trump.According to CNN, Petraeus is no longer in the race as Flynn successor.
Facepalm might be a better reaction!Is it ok for those who voted for him to "whinge"?
The latter posted in the meantime a tweet referring to a NYT article I can't access (paywall),
@Crossie have you tried going incognito with the paywall?
I'm not sure I exactly understand what you mean by going incognito with the paywall. :blush: Sometimes I can access their site, sometimes I can't and get a log-in screen. I tried different browsers and accepted cookies but sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Any help to get a better success ratio is highly appreciated.@Crossie have you tried going incognito with the paywall?
I'm not sure I exactly understand what you mean by going incognito with the paywall. :blush: Sometimes I can access their site, sometimes I can't and get a log-in screen. I tried different browsers and accepted cookies but sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Any help to get a better success ratio is highly appreciated.![]()
Damn, I actually had that idea last week about reenacting the WW2 on twitter.