The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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For those who have just jumped on Donnie's wild ride - I wonder if someone has been keeping tabs on all the shiz that has come out since he got presidency
Must see TV right there. The possibilities of how this will go are endless
"Arabian Nights...great book...tremendous author - not many people know that I made him a knight. The Chinese - great bunch of lads..."
Mail said:
Draft of Trump's Saudi speech calls terror fight 'a battle between good and evil' – but omits the magic phrase 'radical Islamic terrorism' and says 'we are not here to lecture' Arabs
  • Two early copies of drafts of Donald Trump's planned Saudi Arabia speech were leaked to the Associated Press
  • The drafts don't mention 'radical Islamic terrorism,' a phrase Trump chastised Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for avoiding
  • It casts the global fight against ISIS and other terror groups as 'a battle between good and evil'
  • Also sidesteps human rights issues in the Arab kingdom, saying the U.S. 'is not here to lecture'
I thought jews were not allowed in SA?

If you're a high ranking member of the US government, you could arrive in Riyadh wearing a kippah and reciting the torah and they'd still be fine with it. The US has sold them over $110 billion in high tech weapons just since Obama took office, provides them with international legitimacy no matter what they do, and you can be damn sure would go to war to protect the relationship. Donald Trump is very rarely right about anything, but he likely was when he said that the Saudi regime wouldn't even exist without the US.
He will advocate Wahabism just so he can get a round of applause. The guy is a fecking coward when out in the real world.

He's literally in a no win situation. Satisfy his followers and offend the Saudis, satisfy the Saudis and upset his followers.

It's great, he made this bed for himself.
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Good to see Anderson lose it with Lord last night. CNN really ought to look at replacing him with a less delusional Conservative. Sadly, Lord has developed a bit of a reputation as an affable idiot who gets along great with the staff when he's not talking politics, so I don't expect anything to change.

Santorum is another pointless idiot whose demagogic contributions seem stuck in 90s.
100+ billion dollar arms deals being signed. The military industrial complex is booming as ever before.

Sickening when you consider the huge poverty issues in Saudi.
100+ billion dollar arms deals being signed. The military industrial complex is booming as ever before.

Sickening when you consider the huge poverty issues in Saudi.

I am binging Handmaid's tail TV show today and just when I was think the dystopian future of US society shown is too unrealistic, this thread reminded me that it is already prevalent in SA in a more shallow form.
Aye, I'm from England but got a link to see CNN. They've just mentioned he is put together a speech to 50 muslim leaders tomorrow morning
He's literally in a no win situation. Satisfy his followers and offend the Saudis, satisfy the Saudis and upset his followers.

It's great, he made this bed for himself.

People forget the Saudis are just as, if not more spineless and devoid of integrity than Drumpf is. They'll happily applaud him if he went on a 1 hour tirade against Islam, so long as he sells them weapons and throws in a few strong words on Iran. The royals are just about as Islamic as Steve Bannon is.
Is the speech about Islam the religion or a message to Muslims? Sounds like the former to me, and that's always tricky.
Is the speech about Islam the religion or a message to Muslims? Sounds like the former to me, and that's always tricky.

It's just ridiculous if it's the former. He's just about the least qualified person ever to deliver a speech like that.

I so want a gif of Mikey from The Goonies where he's about to go down the hole in the floor beneath the fireplace and he stops and thinks aloud saying "It all starts here"
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