The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Speaking of Gingrich,

This is the woman he was having an affair with (later went on to marry) whilst he was in a previous marriage.

I am sure the pope approves of this choice :rolleyes:

You know that this guys have their own sense of moral...
All this in just little more than 100 days of Presidency. I can't wait to see Stacy Keach starring as Donald Trump in the Netflix hit series "How to lose the Presidency in 150 days/memoirs from Pelican Bay"

A Midsummer Night's Tweet
Act I - The Art of the Con
Act II - The Rise of Orange Julius
Act III - Los Primeros 100 Dias de Locos
Act IV - Enigma's Enema
More acts to follow
You know that this guys have their own sense of moral...

As the partner of a cancer survivor (and a general human) that a guy who divorced his dying wife on her deathbed is still considered a respected spokesman for the party of traditional family values, is something that enrages me no end.

I mean seriously, feck a duck America. Sort it out.
As the partner of a cancer survivor (and a general human) that a guy who divorced his dying wife on her deathbed is still considered a respected spokesman for the party of traditional family values, is something that enrages me no end.

I mean seriously, feck a duck America. Sort it out.
He's a grotesque. Trump at least has the excuse of being thick, Gingrich is just shit to the core.
He's a grotesque. Trump at least has the excuse of being thick, Gingrich is just shit to the core.

He's the angry right wing incarnate. Grotesque, idiotic, hateful and hypocritical, yet somehow ever-present and unkillable.

He started it too. The Simpsons were parodying him 20 years ago. Hannity et al are just riffing on the repellant hate-jam he started.
Indeed they were. Him and his perverted friend Bill O'reilly are as thick as thieves and used to slam Bill Clinton the same way Cooper and co are bashing Trump now.

The irony being that most of them made their bones gunning for the impeachment of Clinton, for getting a blowjob.

Oh, the quaint innocence of the mid-90s. It was a different world then.

:lol: Feck, that proper tickled me. :lol:

She went on for so long that he actually replied... they genuinely get better as they go...
"I'm going to bed, I'd wish my guy roger a good night but once he crawls back into his haunted painting he can't really hear you

For real, I'm going to bed, just like how my man is nestling himself into a heap of haunted mansion mannequins for the night

my dude looks like he lives on a steady diet of all your favorite lost toys from childhood

If you people don't let me sleep roger stone is going to clatter over your shingled roofs in his shiny black boots and claw at your windows"
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This whole episode has brought the best out of some journalists. They're using the opportunity to showcase some of their best work and producing god-tier level journalism.

Just one example:
Oh, the quaint innocence of the mid-90s. It was a different world then.

:lol: Well put but I can't remember too well, the late 80's and 90's were like my 60's and as if my memory wasn't bad enough. I don't think a truer word has been spoken on here, it was a completely different world, much better in many ways to be honest.

She went on for so long that he actually replied... they actually get better as they go...

:lol: He's such a tool, she ripped the feck out of him and it clearly got to him as well. Probably the best destruction I have seen on Twitter. Definitely the best sustained attack anyway.

I feel like I missed a week. Where were my bloody tags?

Sorry mate, my bad.

Third Graders on Trump on CNN. Priceless!
Feck me, Trump is seriously getting owned by the Third-Graders :lol:

When shown video of Trump saying he's the most victimised politician in history one kid said it's not true because he attacked Obama all the time and said he was from Africa and that's not true. If asked what his favourite part of being President is one kid said "playing golf" :lol:
"My big foreign trip". That's what all the adults have been telling him to get excited about for weeks.

"Is Mr Trumpywumpy ready for his big foreign trip? Not long to go now, there's a good boy now go and eat your turkey dinosaurs".

He talks like a 12 y.o. about to have his first sleepover.
Feck me, Trump is seriously getting owned by the Third-Graders :lol:

When shown video of Trump saying he's the most victimised politician in history one kid said it's not true because he attacked Obama all the time and said he was from Africa and that's not true. If asked what his favourite part of being President is one kid said "playing golf" :lol:

I still don't know how we're gonna explain this one to our kids.

'We were far away and supposedly clever people promised us it wouldn't happen' isn't gonna be a terribly convincing line, when they're watching films about this clusterfeck.
So many new developments coming out just today alone

Trump calling Comey a nutjob and saying that the firing eased the pressure
1 WH official being looked into (Kushner)
WH lawyers researching impeachment
Comey agreeing to testify
WH looking to weaken special counsel investigation
FBI warning congressman Rohrabacher in 2012 that the Russians were trying to recruit him.
Russia probe now includes looking into possible cover up

I repeat again. This is just today's news and are all seperate stories.

Dan Rather summarizes quite nicely how many people feel I guess.

There's different stories about everything. That's trumps MO.
Apart from Trump's and his surrogates' and cronies' blatant lies I don't think that this is always the case.

Both stories above refer to 'people familiar with the matter'. That suggests one source is lying and I hope we'll one day know who it was and why he or she did it.

I obviously don't know who the person in the WH is that's now under investigations. As the WaPo writes, it doesn't mean that anything comes out of it. I have to admit though that when I read the headline, I instantly thought of Kushner, mostly because of the 2nd version of the story above, him *forgetting* to fully disclose information for his security clearance and business ties.
Apart from Trump's and his surrogates' and cronies' blatant lies I don't think that this is always the case.

Both stories above refer to 'people familiar with the matter'. That suggests one source is lying and I hope we'll one day know who it was and why he or she did it.

I obviously don't know who the person in the WH is that's now under investigations. As the WaPo writes, it doesn't mean that anything comes out of it. I have to admit though that when I read the headline, I instantly thought of Kushner, mostly because of the 2nd version of the story above, him *forgetting* to fully disclose information for his security clearance and business ties.

I meant the Trump regime is constantly lying. In fact the only one that tells the truth is Donald. And that's only by mistake.
Wonder if he can avoid going off script in his Islam speech, maybe something like this if he does.

"I think nobody knows more about Islam than I do, maybe in the history of the world. Nobody knows more about Islam, believe me, believe me. I have friends that are muslim, Mohammed, a friend of mine, great friend of mine."
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