The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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As expected really, mate. There was never a doubt in my mind that she was telling the truth and obviously Trump and co were lying their arses off.

Sally Yates is exactly the type of woman the USA needs in government and to help repair all the shit and destruction. She's smart, eloquent, articulate, and very, very intelligent. Like Liz Warren she's a very accomplished and respected lady.

You say all that and watch her run... as a Republican.
"I'm not going to dignify that with a response" (but you can just see in her eyes she's out for blood)

You say all that and watch her run... as a Republican.

:lol: She would be better than any of the Republicans at the moment, but she's just admitted to being a Dem (as if it was ever in question)
In the midst of all of this madness, you've to say a good word: there are great people out there who will seek the truth. This gives me hope that we will overcome this.

I also think that this whole episode has shown that the real journalism is coming from the good old newspapers: Washington Post and New York Times (I would add the Wall Street Journal too). TV networks are always second.
While we don't know if these conversations between Trump and Comey are true they do make perfect sense.
Trump first asks for Comey's loyalty at their dinner and then a few weeks later tells him to drop the Flynn investigation. Comey doesn't do what Trump wants and then when he asks for more funds for the investigation Trump's head boils over and he fires him. Taking everything we know and assume to be true about the Russia links and the way Trump functions it all fits like a glove.
Sally Yates is exactly the type of woman the USA needs in government and to help repair all the shit and destruction. She's smart, eloquent, articulate, and very, very intelligent. Like Liz Warren she's a very accomplished and respected lady.
I really like her right now. She's killing this interview.
You say all that and watch her run... as a Republican.
:lol: Good timing. She just called herself a Democrat.
Sally Yates is exactly the type of woman the USA needs in government and to help repair all the shit and destruction. She's smart, eloquent, articulate, and very, very intelligent. Like Liz Warren she's a very accomplished and respected lady.
I like her more than Liz Warren.
I really like her right now. She's killing this interview.

:lol: Good timing. She just called herself a Democrat.

"I'm not going to dignify that with a response" (but you can just see in her eyes she's out for blood)

:lol: She would be better than any of the Republicans at the moment, but she's just admitted to being a Dem (as if it was ever in question)

Ok, not spoiling this one!

Is Yates in some hearing right now or is it the interview on CNN with A.Cooper that everyone's watching?...

Edit: nevermind.
Fun Fact. Sally Yates only has one pair of earrings. She's wearing the same pair in every single video clip and picture they have of her, unsurprisingly the same ones she's wearing in the interview now. Just wondering if there's any special significance for them?
Fun Fact. Sally Yates only has one pair of earrings. She's wearing the same pair in every single video clip and picture they have of her, unsurprisingly the same ones she's wearing in the interview now. Just wondering if there's any special significance for them?
They give +2 defence to ranged attacks.
Fun Fact. Sally Yates only has one pair of earrings. She's wearing the same pair in every single video clip and picture they have of her, unsurprisingly the same ones she's wearing in the interview now. Just wondering if there's any special significance for them?
She only wears them when she's telling the truth.
I always wonder why the R's arent more willing to push out trump when the man who replaces him is Super Conservative Pense. Who is actually a Politician and can actually get thier agenda through

I have always thought it was a matter of time before Trump is sabotaged and he is kicked out with Pence taking over. Easy enough for the R to do it. But so far nothing really of that sort. Are they playing a slightly longer game on this and waiting for Trump to dig himself deeper before pulling the rug under him?
I have always thought it was a matter of time before Trump is sabotaged and he is kicked out with Pence taking over. Easy enough for the R to do it. But so far nothing really of that sort. Are they playing a slightly longer game on this and waiting for Trump to dig himself deeper before pulling the rug under him?
maybe they are waiting for year 2 so pence can run for 2 terms
So... this Sanders & Kasich townhall. Will it have questions about events of yesterday/today?

I should think so. Kasich was on Bill Maher the other week and he certainly didn't hold back when going after Trump. I think he's one of the few Republicans that actually have a soul and conscience at the moment.
I should think so. Kasich was on Bill Maher the other week and he certainly didn't hold back when going after Trump. I think he's one of the few Republicans that actually have a soul and conscience at the moment.

I don't know what triggered it but Kasich went into full dgaf mode a while ago.
I always wonder why the R's arent more willing to push out trump when the man who replaces him is Super Conservative Pense. Who is actually a Politician and can actually get thier agenda through

Its all about timing. If they see that there is a point of no return with trump -- they definitely stuck a deal with Trump in order to get a few key legislations through -- and if Trump is a deal duck, these legislations wont be passed, they will jump ship as subtle as politicians can.

Pence maybe stained by then and the damaged caused by Trump may have flipped one if not both houses in the Mid-term.
I repeatedly told my GOP colleagues that he's who they should of supported instead.

I don't know what triggered it but Kasich went into full dgaf mode a while ago.

Although I don't agree with him on a lot of issues, I think he would have been the best Republican choice by far. And yeah, he clearly did go in to proper not giving a feck mode. I think it was just having enough of all the lies and the hypocrisy and bullshit. He's not stupid and can see the bigger picture that yeah, they get laws passed but that's no good if the Dems can get straight back in and take control of the House and Senate and tear them up again. Kasich can see the long game and I think he can see what is happening to his party and how they are being destroyed and consumed by hate.
Awaits secret tape release in a few months that shows Trump in boxers on a cocaine induced Twitter rage while a naked Conway lays next to him.

Trump is then horrified when he's on a comedown and discovers it's her and not Ivanka.
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